is there a cheat so that you can play as normal sora in the lion king world coz i h8 playing as a lion
i am awesome
i agree i also would love it if they made an org 13 movie .........thts more lke final fantasy
ye i totally agree the blades that look normal in cutscenes are ultima, kingdom key and sleeping lion
are you an emo or summet ..........emos rok and swetties too mum wont let me die mine black
i think rikus hair in kingdom hearts 2 looks totally awesome ..................i think it suits his organisation costume as well i really love axel hair ..........hoos the dude hoo uses the gambling from the organisation.........he just looks plain cool
im very sick minded..........too bad we cant be dirty on this site lke..............i found the controllers for the xbox 360 on top of cupboard
ive started using oblivion and oath keeper together alot and they look, feel and do awesome together dont you think.....theyre like the opposites of each other which makes them that how you spell unuiqe????????????
i didnt no i was getting one,,,,,but i found the games for it and the emails saying weve won the bid for them on ebay
what are you getting for christmas..................were getting an xbox 360
the sleeping lion is probarbly my fave joint with ultima
pretty much but i got bored of waiting coz im confused on which ones to get if i want 2 start with cloud and carry on from there
which final fantasies follow the same stories lke FF7 starts a whole new story which ones follow what
where from... .................................................................................does final fantasy 7 start the latest series then and and thats the one still going now right.....which ones start with cloud and then carry on with selphie and yuffie and leon and all those characters and wots the story with cloud and sephiroth heeloooooooooooooo ...............i really need info on this its vital
oh any of them on ps2 have cloud on them which ones of them follow the story from cloud is it from FF7 and upwards
im alrite not playing as cloud,,,,but do any of the others have cloud in them either like the new ones
yarg the flarg the ping the darg the shing
is final fantasy 7 the only one with cloud and sephiroth in it( ineed them for ps2
do all the final fantasy games follow on from the last story or are they all different because if theyre different i need to know which ones are because i want to get the ones where u play as cloud ...........someone help please
for some reason i just cant seem to get to like the fenrir it just looks so wierd,,,i prefer the blades that look like keys still,,,,,ya'know,,,the original idea.......keyblades like the kingdom key, sleeping lion, oblivion, oathkeeper, gull wing etc...........the gullwing actually kinda sucks