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  1. Whelpsystem
    Goku cannot beat Superman.
    Post by: Whelpsystem, Jan 5, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Whelpsystem
    Now you know one special thing about the internet and life.

    Freedom of speech means nothing in the internet unless you got the moolah to back it up.
    Post by: Whelpsystem, Dec 5, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  3. Whelpsystem
    To be honest. If you're looking for work at 14...DON'T! Unless you want the excerise (and small money)

    you get little amount of money but doing long hours. Despite the law permits somewhere around 7-10 hours a week but it goes un-noticed because children does not know their right.
    Post by: Whelpsystem, Nov 29, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Whelpsystem
    No, Stay German, Speaking in English would just degrade your brain.

    EDIT: Aww.... you respond in english.
    Post by: Whelpsystem, Nov 29, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Whelpsystem
    I died once and I saw the river styx.

    She wasn't happy when I used the river as a toilet.

    Realised that this was posted yesterday and three pages back makes me realize how bored I am right now.
    Post by: Whelpsystem, Nov 29, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Whelpsystem
    I ventured far off into the site, only to discover that there a crack parings Thread.


    WhelpsystemxThe Stig plz.

    oh wait, this isn't Top gear. ._.
    Post by: Whelpsystem, Nov 29, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Whelpsystem
    God this is more pathetic than saying which language is superior: Japanese or English.

    Yes, I admit, Sephiroth did capture the hearts of thousands or possibly a million of fans, and is one of the best (not to me he isn't) antagonists that Square ever thought up, but what Did he ever do in the game

    - Killed the second most important character who happens to be more useless than Cait sith. (and believe me, Cait sith does have some uses)

    - Burned down some ****ty place that no one but ShinRa knows.

    - Took a head of a specimen that he claimed that it's mother.

    - Tried to destroy the world so he can gain all the lifestream that's required to become a god.

    - Took the final form form the true Antagonist from FF6 (Obvious reason why Square are rubbish at creating final bosses.)

    But let think of this way. If Sephiroth made an appearance in the old poem as just a normal warrior. (of course there are no such thing as Mako in the old poem and I'm sure as hell there are no such thing as Jenova as well.

    The answer is Beowulf would cleave his head before he even got the chance to draw his sword. Yes that huge sword which is virtually impossible to wield unless he wearing a Exoskeleton, which, of course impossible because they're in the dark ages.

    Now, if the world is reversed and Beowulf is in FF7 then it'll be sephiroth who'll win.

    The discussion is over.
    Post by: Whelpsystem, Oct 25, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  8. Whelpsystem
    I wanna join but no one said something!

    Oh wait, I gotta pm. Meh, I'm too lazy. I'll put it on my to do pile.
    Post by: Whelpsystem, Oct 23, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  9. Whelpsystem
    I would like to join the family but I must be known as


    Thank you.
    Post by: Whelpsystem, Oct 17, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  10. Whelpsystem
    Bird flu is not the end all humanity. I mean Bird flu is pathetic compared to Ebola.
    Post by: Whelpsystem, Oct 13, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  11. Whelpsystem
    Bird flu been around a lot longer than that. Majority of death via bird flu only happens in asia and in asia and Nigeria.

    The bird flu did not hit America at all but it is possible that America may be safe from the pandemic (unless someone decided to send contaminated poultry via plane)

    And there is NO vaccine for the highest strain (H5N1) which is the most dangerous strain out of the lot. The reason of that is because the strain may exist in the world but it not yet mutated to the point where it can pass on to human to human. Therefore the Strain must mutate into a form of a common cold. Once that happens they can create a vaccine which that takes six to eight months to create.

    Fuzzy Sweater: Now that being silly, not only blood spreads and contaminate a small area but it a waste of resources and time.
    Post by: Whelpsystem, Oct 12, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  12. Whelpsystem
    I came because I want to. . . .

    Sounds terrible I know.
    Post by: Whelpsystem, Oct 6, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  13. Whelpsystem
    Thank you all for welcoming me. I'm sure you're all paid quite handsomly.

    P.S: Hai Cocopops! Took your time to notice my awesome presence.
    Post by: Whelpsystem, Oct 4, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  14. Whelpsystem
    He went deeper into Lushu mines. I believe you need to get a gate 11 key from the Antlion mark.

    But I must warn you. He will be instantly all over you from the start of the second fight so beat the doggy first with Oil+Fire/Ardour but fire 3 would do. (Refuse to call it by its proper name)
    Post by: Whelpsystem, Oct 3, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  15. Whelpsystem
    I never looked at rules. Rules are only there to feed corruption! *sageful nod*

    Only common sense will pierce through the shining corrupted rules!

    Or something like that.
    Post by: Whelpsystem, Oct 2, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  16. Whelpsystem
    There are a few things that I like about the game but...


    And a few issues with the VA changes. No billy Zane as Xemnas in KH2 and David whathislastname (AKA Angel from....Angel. >.>) made me frown a bit.

    Although it does have a great final boss in two though. Very Dramatic.
    Post by: Whelpsystem, Oct 1, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  17. Whelpsystem
    Although the idea does seem good. But it needs a giant mech and more DESTRUCTION!

    Oh, hello.

    And no, I am not a moogle Assistant. Stupid Sub title.
    Thread by: Whelpsystem, Oct 1, 2007, 29 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures