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  1. Whelpsystem
    Feh, bluck plooey.

    My mind is made out of jelly and I just started playing FFX...again.

    And you all thought I'm gone, well think again.
    Post by: Whelpsystem, Apr 13, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  2. Whelpsystem
    She does!

    Post by: Whelpsystem, Feb 9, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  3. Whelpsystem
    5+3 = 8

    STFU and eat your damn green. ^_^
    Post by: Whelpsystem, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Whelpsystem
    I demand them to remake the POWER GLOVE!
    Post by: Whelpsystem, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  5. Whelpsystem
    I am one with the family...and most likely the oldest so therefore.


    on lighter note. I'm still trying to stop buying/playing games and start drawing.
    Post by: Whelpsystem, Jan 14, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  6. Whelpsystem
    I'm sorry, that look terribly biased. I mean there are many Video game themes that are so much better than Real emotion. (or rather most of the Square enix, but I probably do agree that Hikari should be somewhere at the top, but not number two)

    P.S How on earth Kiss me goodbye number five? That has to be one of the most unremeberable FF songs ever and I've completed 12 twice now.
    Post by: Whelpsystem, Jan 12, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. Whelpsystem
    What happens if you add FFXII and Star wars together?

    Post by: Whelpsystem, Jan 11, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  8. Whelpsystem
    My brain is a complete jelly and requires whipped cream for dessert.

    In another word. I got a headache and I didn't have my dessert yet. Speaking of which, wai no one put me in the family? I mean, I draw good!
    Post by: Whelpsystem, Jan 11, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  9. Whelpsystem
    or cry and rant about how the public is picking on Britney spears.

    Oh wait, that already been done...hmm...

    Amy Winehouse?
    Post by: Whelpsystem, Jan 10, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Whelpsystem
    Madonna would. (if she was Swedish)
    Post by: Whelpsystem, Jan 10, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Whelpsystem

    to be honest, my theory is closer to truth than Jesus walking on water. And apologies from the previous comment. I didn't see the hacksaw part. Still, I bet the severed hand is beyond repair.
    Post by: Whelpsystem, Jan 10, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  12. Whelpsystem
    For all you guys probably know, there is no proof who created the bible at all, so I decided to stick with my theory: It was written by bunch of people who were on high on cannabis.

    but I do have one little question on the mental(?) guy,...

    How on earth did he managed to bypass the safety doors and get all that gamma goodness on his hand.
    Post by: Whelpsystem, Jan 10, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  13. Whelpsystem

    This is me


    You are now 10 % more dumber than those who did go to school! Give yourself a nice big pat on your back.
    Post by: Whelpsystem, Jan 9, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Whelpsystem
    I think Dragonball Z exist, why?

    Because I keep seeing stupidly enormous buffed men holding a Stone ball that weights more than I do and carrying it around while screaming for 5 minutes.


    KH is a game, and always remain a game. What happened outside of your window or on telly was slightly proven by one thing.

    Global warming.

    P.S Are you a member of a Mickey Mouse club?
    Post by: Whelpsystem, Jan 9, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Whelpsystem
    Ten wise Men > All of your crappy Overrated Naruto villians.

    *sageful nod* I agree with myself!
    Post by: Whelpsystem, Jan 9, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  16. Whelpsystem
    I know what she's capable of.

    After all, SHE is the one who brought me here. (or was it me gatecrashing here?)
    Post by: Whelpsystem, Jan 7, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  17. Whelpsystem
    . . . is this place full of Political correctness?


    Fine, woman. *pout*
    Post by: Whelpsystem, Jan 7, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  18. Whelpsystem
    I did post myobvilion. ;_;

    and I'm already making my conquest in taking over KHV by starting with the gaming topic.
    Post by: Whelpsystem, Jan 7, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  19. Whelpsystem

    Best Game.

    whoever said KHII on its own need to put down their controller and leave home...immediatly.

    I mean how on earth would worship this crap. The storyline isn't that great at all, the character design is just same old dung. (typical of Nomura) Yes there are some good things, like the redone Gummi bears mini game and the final boss which was bloody intense, but other than that, it's just bleh.

    In my opinion there are no best game but there are game that reached the high expectations to majority of people. Here is my list and the reason why I find it is one of the better game:

    Space Invaders

    This is the big deal, the epic of all epic. This is pure struggle between a lone humankind against the endless army of aliens. Although created over 30-40 odd years and yet still played all over the world. I love this game for one pure reason.

    The complete longetivity and difficulty: This game cannot be finished at all. In fact it is impossible to complete the game (unlike modern game) the only way you can achivive bragging rights is to score high marks and add those three letter initials that will keep popping up on the top of the screen while you're playing.

    Truly a great game and must be respected.

    Battle arena Toshinden

    The first ever fighting game ever to hit the playstation and it was absolutely brilliant. Fast and basic. Yes, I know the two main characters are Ryu and Ken with swords but does it really matter? It just I kick your buttock to another generations. It is sad that this game went almost unnoticed as Tekken and later Soul edge appeared. Battle Arena Toshinden slowly become weak with their new sequels. Such a shame I must say because this was the reason why I love Guilty Gear X (not the Overture...yet)

    Breath of Fire 5: Dragon Quarter

    How on earth people don't like this game? That because you're all most likely whining about how short this game is. In fact, I bet this game is so much better than your mainstream kiddy Kingdom hearts series.

    Yes, the game is short, but haven't you noticed one little thing? It is four times harder than the highest difficulty in Kingdom hearts and it got better soundtrack than kingdom hearts. (listen to Electric power building and you'll see why) Yes, the area is bland but it is full of difficult monster which require actual skills rather than hacking and slashing your way to the top. And the best thing about this game is that the most powerful ability that ryu have is the Dragon ability. It is limited and if you use too much of it, then you're pretty much S.O.L.

    Metal Gear solid: Snake Eater

    Because you get to play Big boss. Nuff said.
    Post by: Whelpsystem, Jan 7, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  20. Whelpsystem
    I'm still not in the family?


    Or I just bug the creator until the world collaspe.
    Post by: Whelpsystem, Jan 7, 2008 in forum: Forum Families