I'm sorry guys. and no I'm not a n00b >:(
If this is the wrong place to post please remove it. Poop A site to talk about gaming and random stuff. If you want to join horray, if you don't you don't. Thanks! -Matthew.K
Well I used to be here a while ago with another account that I can't and don't want to access. I started the same topic in early 07, so I decided to bring it back. It had some were around 130 posts. Basically you just make up of a boss ( in any of the games ;) ) give it a location, details, etc. . . . So lets see how this thread goes of two years later :) Name: Xalen (Zalen) (Its Alan with an X, and yes I picked a random name) Game: KH2 Location: Twilight Town Description: Has light brown hair, carrys two daggers, has the power of the stars. Organization Member! Party: Only you Rewards: Cosmic Star Keychain HP: 2500 Moves: Cosmic Ray - Calls down two beams of star energy that chase you around the battlegrounds. Lunar Daze - Rapidly charges around the field, confusing you and leaving you open for attack. Comet Dash - He will dash at you rapidly and start to hit you with his daggers. (Similar to Larxenes Teleport Rush) Solar Rise - He will throw you up in the air and kick you down to the ground. Meteor Crush - Similar to Sephoraths meteor attack, but less deadly. Down Dark - He makes his daggers turn black and throws them at you causing dark energy to be blasted out randomly. So lets see what you guys have to add EDIT:ignore tags, someone edited them
IDK about you guys but I picked the Staff and took out the Shield. I just did it so I can use the magic better. -Matthew.K
1. Alantica - Its underwater, and swimming is a pain, but you get to see Goofy as a Turtle XD 2.Wonderland/Monstro - Too confusing to figure out, but the bosses and enemy's were easy. 3.Hollow Bastion - Same reason as #2, but harder enemy's and the part were you don't get to use your key blade is a pain. 4.Worlds End - It was hard, not to be a n00b, but it was. 5.Neverland - idk why, it just annoyed me to play through it.
I would want to be the the gargoyles(name?) idk why, but they seem cool IMO. I hated fighting them though, they were always a pain when I tryed attacking them and I fell over the edge(Hollow Bastion) -Matthew.K
Skateboarding and jumping around areas were there is a lot of need for jumping XD.
Vexen, no doubt about it.
Well heres my story: I got the first game around 04. I was around 8 or 9 at the time, so anyways. I got the game and started playing it. I wasn't too good at games, and I could only get to wonderland. Then around 05, I started playing again. I got pretty far into the game, didn't get the story that much, but still. Then in 07 I got II on the day before presidents day, and spent the whole day playing the game. So then I joined the sites and stuff, but then I got really lost when KH II FM came out. Then I stooped with it until 2/14/09 when I got KH:RCoM. So it brought back some memories, so I came back here. Sadly though I have lost KH1, and KH2 plus I haven't been up to date with the media, so I have some catching up to do. I'm hoping to get KH1 first, because thats the best one IMO.
A: ?/10 don't know what it is S: 7/10 still don't know what it is, but it looks cool and dark :)
Hello there its me Matthew(a.k.a Twidragon1000) I've always been on and off with the KH serries, so I normally miss out on some stuff. I did use to own an account here (TwilghtRoxas) yes I know its a Typo, my mistake. The only reason for the new account is the Typo in the SN and I forgot the passwords of my old E-Mail account. So yeah, I'm back! What made me come back is when I was able to get my hands on KH:RCoM. So I played it, and I like it a lot more than the game boy one. So yeah, I'm back and I'm here ^-^ -Matthew.K (P.S: This was my first forum site)