Me and you are the only people.I hope I don't suck that much Oh I wish i wasn't so stupid
Thank a lot! I really needed that.
Name:Xelliniss Abilitys:Can teloport at will,summon a guardian that has five huge swords leviatating around it,can use dark firaga, and moves incredibly fast Weapon:dual blades hovering by him ones black and the other white Looks:has white spiky hair and an x scar on his face Characteristics:not very talkitive and not motivated but will fight when he has to i hope this is better
Ohhhh ok i'll try that
i dont know how to I hope more people learn about this thread
Name:Xelliniss Abilitys:Can teloport at will,summon a guardian that has five huge swords leviatating around it,can use dark firaga, and moves incredibly fast Weapon:dual blades hovering by him ones black and the other white Looks:has white spiky hair and an x scar on his face Characteristics:not very talkitive and not motivated but will fight when he has to thanks i'll try that age:21 occ:leader of the twilight angels
ok the twilight angels have just recently appeared they are neither good nor evil they have come to find out who they are and will do almost anything to find out
im so sorry i dont really know how to do this can somebody help me!!!!
This is my first rp so im really sorry if it sucks Name: Abilitys: Weapon: Looks: Personality: