OOC: hi clouds buddy make your self at home heres a cookie i stole from amythest.
OOC OOC: really i didnt notice that that a lot of people are veiwing this thread.
OOC: Thats true about my brother too he only watches naruto.
OOC: tell me about it my brother thinks shows like that are stupid.
OOC: yah i watch bleach why? OOC:*while on the floor kicks her* hehehe
OOC: I got an idea*gets a starving king cobra cobra eats the charred cookie and dies* hahahahahaha
OCC: Or...to burn it *uses dark firaga*
OOC: i guess this time i'll just break it and throw it away*guardian breaks cookie and throws it away*
OOC: What?
OOC:*guardian shatters the cookie into a million pieces and eats them* got any more cookies for my guardian?(says in a sarcastic voice)
OOC:*guardian breaks a bit off of the giant cookie guardian and eats it*
OOcC: oh sorry*gets covered in chocolate* hmmm yummy can you drop a little more?
OOC:*brushes him away*
OOC:*slowly gets up summons guardian destroys all the cookies* hahaha now what.
OCC: What the...*chocolate chips fly everywhere lays unconscious on the floor*
OOC: hmmmm chocolate chip.
OOC: ouch *swalows cookie before it got tooken*
OOC: *takes what he's hiding* huh a cookie
OOC: Hey let me see what you got!
OCC: I smell a cookie.