OOC: Good now he won't steal my cookies
This is my second rp It all started when the dusk and dawn angels where created,while the dawn angels are created when a nice person dies dusk angels are created when a cruel person dies. I woke up at night i didn't know where i was and i even didn't know who i was. For what purpose was i here.All i know is i had to find out your character profiles have to look like this Name: Appearance: Weapon: Characteristics: Heres mine Name:Xargon Appearance:Black spiky hair with blue tips Weapon:three lances one black,the other red and the last one dark blue Characteristics:very ready to go into battle and prepared for anything
OOC:*beats Xendane with a metal pole*Take that for trying to take my cookies.
OOC:*drops bucket of acid on Xendane's head*Did that help.
OOC: What does BIC stand for.
OOC: Hellooooooooooooo?
OOC:Where do we start? Whats the story so far?
OOC:*gives him a rotten cookie*here you go.
OOC:*Breaks a bottle over Xendane's head and kicks him while on the ground*Get your own cookie stealer!I was just asking not giving.
OOC:*swallows rest of cookie*Anybody want some cookies
OOC: ok *takes a bite out of cookie*
Hey can i join Name:Xelliniss Age:14 History:abanded by his parents because they thought he was a freak and now trusts almost no one. Side:light Skills:can leviatate and manipulate wind Appearance:Spiky hair(white)and little taller than average Weapon Name: Dawn and Dusk Weapon Strength:80 Weapon Appearance:dual blades one is a black claymore with a red tip and the other is a white longsword with a blue tip Weapon Add Ons:Just one it fuses with his longsword and transforms it into a claymore. Or is it too late
Here you just fight about whatever you want.
OOC sorry have to get off my dumb cry baby sister is getting on.
OOC: *Lands on planet full of cookies* well time to summon my guardian to destroy some cookies.
OOC: hahaha it so powerful it can destroy the earth... oops.
OOC: Ohhh yah theres a tiny bomb in it*smiles*
OOC: heres a cookie i made it my self *gives amythest cookie*
OOC: Sorry i couldn't be on last night had to go to sleep EVIL PARENTS. OOC: helloooooo?
OOC:*guardian wakes up* its lunch time.