OOC: He's a chao from sonic adventure two battle.
Can someone feed him a fruit.
OOC: Awwwwwwww isn't he so cute.
"Okay i guess Aumaro's the new baker do you even know how to bake" i asked desperately.
"I hadn't thought about that" i said in a down voice.
"It's not that bad we'll just find a new baker and then we'll have more cookies in no time." i said
"Welcome Yuai we don't have any cookies because the last person that came slaughtered our baker and ate most of the cookies."i said
"Hello Aumaro who is this stranger" i asked still holding the handle of my swords.
OOC: Shall we start or shall we wait for amythest.
OOC: Hi i don't know if i go to school today. I only know if the bus doesn't go by but i bet i won't because nothing outside has changed in the past few days.
This is the best I could come up with Vidaxd.
OOC: Haha i didn't have to go to school because the roads are icy and frozen trees are falling everywere. lol
OOC: sorry got to go.
I opened the door holding my swords "don't try anything funny" i said sternly.
"ok" i said as he left "ok whatever your name is i'll let you out if you promise not to be bad and if you will join us".
"Ahhhhhh" I said as i threw in a cookie.
"well we only got a few more cookies left because he killed the baker and the oven doesn't work because he made and ate too many cookies" i said
"don't worry Aumaro we'll throw in cookies everyday" i said excited "he'll be like our very own pet".
We finnaly got back and i threw him in the dungeon "there you won't be going anywere"
i quickly caught up with him and traped him in a net "ok time to go back" i said as i draged him in the net "oh i almost forgot" i took away all his smoke bombs and anything else he might use to get away