"Hey Jessie is your dad okay" I said as I caught up to her.
" Um okay I think your dad over did it" i said
OOC- I'm back "Hey Hayden Sup Jessie I forgot what time classes start i'm a little slow" asked
OOC: Have to get off
"Lets just get to class already and get it over with" I said " And i definatly don't wanna go to school"
" no just don't want Xemnas to be all over us" I said "Hey Jaydon it's about time"
" ow okay fine" I rubbed the back of my head "and hurry up Jaydon we don't want to be late" I said "or else Xemnas will have our heads"
"school sucks all the homework they give us" I said "espaciually gardening I don't see how that will help us" i high fived Jessie
OOC- Yay Man school again I thought in my head. This sucks that summers over I said in my head. I wonder if anyone else is here yet then I looked up and noticed Haydon and Jaydon so I caught up to them it looked like Jaydon was trying to annoy Haydon "um..hey guys"
can I join? name: David age: 15 gender: Male apperence: Short straight black hair group: skater/rebel personality: shy and not very talkative also has a hard time turning in homework but is actually smart place in group: last in command
I walked into the kitchen and suddenly didn't feel hungry anymore probably because the flashback effected me too much so I just sat at the table and laid my head down. The next thing I knew I was asleep.
I walked out of my room and felt kind of hungry so I head for the kitchen.
Yays cookie *jumps in the air and catches cookie in mouth*
*quickly takes cookie from Ole Miss Rebel and swallows it whole* yummy
Yayyyyy! I'm part of the family now *takes a bite out of cookie*
Hi welcome to kh-vids post a lot and follow the rules oh and heres a cookie *hands a cookie to StormAndLightning13* one more thing make lots of friends.
hey can I join *takes bite out of a cookie*
heres my character Name:Vidaxd Age: 18 Weapon: two swords one black and the other white Weapon Description: One blade holds the power of darkness while the other holds the power of light Appereance: spiky black hair and sort of tall Bio: ready to fight and likes to joke around
"Maybe if I didn't kill so many people she wouldn't be dead" i said in my head "I'm so stupid" I muttered to myself. I was also thinking if i'll make any friends. "Maybe people will pity me and decide to talk to me" I said in my head.
While I was walking around the castle I was thinking about the dream I had I knew I probably wouldn't be seeing anybody soon but than again who would want me everybody probably thinks i'm the most emo guy here. I sighed again.