Sorry. that was just a theroy of mine. It makes it more interesting. But I still think that Kairi getting a keyblade was an insult. It made not one shred of sense. She just got one just because. Sorry, but I will never see her doing anything Riku and Sora do. Strong will and bravery count for nothing if you are weak.
aw, damn. I thought I was actually known
What are your opinions about me based around my posts on this board? :sleep:
Hahaha!! That's funny. Seriously, though. She should have never been given a keyblade. For a keyblade to be used, the user has to have some darkness in their heart as well as a strong heart. Kairi is...ugh...completely pure hearted. And not like Son Goku pure hearted, more like Mary Sue annoying as hell pure hearted.
You haven't seen BT2? They are giving the characters moves that they have used. I like it.
No they didn't. His Blast 2: Assault was cool.
Where all the Goten FANS!!!! Goten's the man!!! DBZ Goten! Not GT. I refuse to watch GT! Chibi Trunks fans are welcome!!
Sorry about the stereotype. But the majority of fangirls I have encountered have actec like I have said. I just do not see how Demyx became a Org member. You see those other guys. Some may seem psychotic(Xemnas), but the look like they can kick your ***. Demyx does not look like it and act like it. Sora should have stabbed Goofy to make sure he was dead.
I ****ING HATE THIS SONG!!! She can't sing
Yea. They both looked pathetic. I was not impressed by Sora's keyblade fighting style in the video.
The hell you talking about? Water. Pathetic? Do you know how POWERFUL WATER IS?!?! And the reason I call him pathetic is because he has a pathetic and cowardly attitude. I bet if he was as "ugly" as Xigbar or Xaldin or Lexaeus, you would not luffles him. The only reason as far as I am concerned that Demyx haas gotten as much love as he has is because he's "smexy"
All this hype about stars is stupid. Paris Hilton is an example of how the mainstream media can take literally nothing and make it into news.
CORRECTION! Axel is the first.
Anyway, I came expecting a worthy boss, and was VERY dissapointed.
Sorry. The use of the word "n**ga" common around where I live and I am black. As for the person who said the cheap way, What ever road leads to victory, I will take. PUH-LEESE, I fought him one on one. HE'S A PATHETIC WEAKLING AND COWARD!!! Though his element is cool.
I'm tired of people saying how hard Demyx is in KH2. I started the fight with him, expecting a fight that I would get pretty banged up in. THE MAN IS EASY TO BEAT!!!! Just abuse Goofy's Knocksmash limit when you can and be quick and don't **** around when he uses his Mizu Bunshins(Water Clones). The time limit is the only thing that got me in the first go at him. The second time, he was easy simple. Xaldin was ****ing hard. My bro was playing on hard mode against him and took about eight to nine tries to kill him. Xigbar was tough. The ***** wouldn't stay frickin still so I could slash him. Hell, BARBOSSA was harder than Demyx. But these cool bosses get no love and Demyx does because he's a bishounen. I hate fangirls. I really, really do.
I have alot of thoughts and issues with alot of things in life. I just thought I'd let some of my thoughts out on here. You can think on them or comment if you wish. Romance and Marriage based on love and feelings: The reason I hate this is because there is no commitment. Alot of People believe that if you don't feel that you love someone, then you should not be with them. That is why there is so much contempt for arranged marriage in fics. Ok, sure. So, lets say that you "love" and marry a guy or girl based on the fact that your feelings tell you that you love him or her. Ok, first years of marriage, it's all lovey-dovey. But what about when all the lovey dovey crap goes away, and the lady is just kicking you in the nuts because you ain't ****. Then you two say "I don't love her anymore." "The feeling of romance I had for her at first is gone and now she's always kicking me in the nuts(not literally)." "So, lets get a divorce" "We don't love each other anymore, so what is the point of staying together anymore?" There is a point to staying with her. You promised to love her and to take care of her. You stood in front of God and the State of Wherever, swearing to love and care for her. For better or worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer. TILL DEATH DO YOU PART! It seems those words don't mean anything to anyone anymore. Because of romances based on feelings. That is why I am not really against arranged marriage. Because in those marriages, usually it is stressed that commitment and taking care of your wife and future children comes first before your "feelings of love". I'm not saying that arranged marriage is always right, I know that it can go both ways. There are arranged marriages that are just total hell, and there are marriages who started out with infactuation and got stronger over time. But, arranged or not, you cannot be in a marriage and think that love is what is gonna keep it afloat. PERIOD. A marriage should be ALWAYS based on commitment to your spouse no matter what feelings you two may have for each other and a commitment to do what's right. No matter what. Even if the wrong way seems easier. That is a real pet peeve for me. People who can't seperate how they "feel" from what is right
Glad you liked it.
Here is a KH fanfic I have written. I think it sucks, But check it out.
I kinda think that war will always be with us. Because there will always be some dude out there trying to cause trouble and trying to do ****. And while war is not fun, happy, or sweet, sometimes it is nessecary to preserve peace should need be. War is a large part of how alot of the liberties we enjoy as a country now exist.