KH does not revolve around Disney stories. As far as I'm concerned, Disney was just a hook to get people to take a look. I am a KH fan, I'm just not a big fan of the Disney aspect. It feels really...out of place. And that's bad how?
A keyblade would NOT suit her in the slightest. She just got because Square/Disney got lazy with her again like every other time.
But what weapon would suit her?
Please!! No more Disney elements!! I can barely stand them in the other games.
Or do alot of japanese anime and manga characters not look japanese? My Dad has been saying this about anime for a while and now that I look closely, I think he's right. Except for the language and names, they all look...caucassian. :blink:
Here's hoping, my friend. Here's hoping.
Isn't it weird that we get all mad if someone makes fun of gays or criticizes the gay lifestyle, but yet, we use the world "gay" to express our disgust with something. Very hypocritical and gay if you ask me.
I'm a christian. But I do not believe that saying "Jesus Christ" or "Oh my God" or "Oh God" is taking his name in vain. I believe that if you do something evil or against what God commands and then say you are doing it in God's name, then THAT is taking God's name in vain. What would you rather say if you were about to be hit by a speeding bus at the last second? "Oh ****" or "Oh my God"? You NEVER wanna say a cuss word when you are about to die. And Mirai, Even though we are christians, we are still fallen human beings who can backslide and sin. As for only using certain passages, alot of fallen humans only use scripture that does not condemn the sins that they commits. There were times where I would not read my bible because I knew that a scripture was gonna tell me to stop doing what I was doing that was sinful and fun.
Her attitude suggest that she is a weakling that always needs saving. First impressions are hard to break. And she had a BAD first impression and a BAD second impression. When she becomes less disney like and more Square like, then maybe I'll reconsider her.
Tell me about it. Am I the only one that dislikes Kairi's second outfit.
Sorry. Can anyone move this?
Ok. First off, this is for FANS of the manga/anime series. In simpler terms...IF YOU HATE DBZ OR ARE NOT A FAN OF IT, GET THE **** OUT OF THIS THREAD AND DON'T INSULT THE FANS OR THE SERIES!!! There. Anyway, DBZ fans unite!!
Cloud. He has more skills and he does fight by himself. Sora always needs the help of his two ****** friends. The Duck and the dog. I hope in the first half hour of KH3, all the disney worlds and disney characters are obliterated and replaced with anime worlds and ff worlds.
I'm thinking about joining the millitary. Most likely the Air Force. They see the least combat of all millitary types. You should be ashamed. Hating the army. It's because of them that you can sit around and insult them. I am eternally grateful to the millitary and the sacrifices they have made and still make. And if teens want to join the military, then more power to them.
I thought the jokes and quips were WAY better than the game. But They failed by overdoing the anime quriks like sweatdrops and funny faces. The fights were really gay. I was expecting fights on par with Naruto or Bleach, but they were dissapointing. They were too busy with the anime face faults. I was expecting some blood too. And you are right. Sora did act more kiddy than he did in any of the games. I was hoping they would divert some from the game storyline. All in all, It was very dissapointing. Though the artwork was stunning.
Look. The only reason I insult Demyx is because I got tired of people telling me how hard he was. Any player worth his salt can beat him, no problem. As for the call people losers that don't exist, If I cannot hate a character in a video game, then that takes the fun out of it. My Dad hates Roger Rabbit.
Ok. So DBZ is not as deep or sophisticated or mature as alot of animes today. But it is what got me into anime in the first place. And it has set the path for bigger and better anime/mangas that have followed. I remember being ten or eleven and watching the "new" episodes of DBZ on Toonami back when it was still good(Toonami). The point is, even if you dislike DBZ, don't insult fans of the series(Me) and act like DBZ was not a classic pioneer in action anime. Thank You.
I'm just tired of talking serious about **** all the time. That's why I like posting in the spam section. I can just cut loose and act like an idiot and no can stop me!!!! MWHAHAHAHA!!!!! The first to die will be you!!!
Screw you! This is the spam section! And Goten RAWKS!!!!!
I ain't? GREAT!!! I dislike the new secular moral relativism culture. :satisfied: