I think people liked it because it was something NEW compared to usual films. It told us that there is such a thing as GOOD and EVIL. That it's not all splotches of gray. It told us that if you want to live and remain free, you have to be willing to fight and die to preserve your liberty. It was a film everyone could ultimately enjoy. Finally, a film with real heroes. Finally, a film that spoke to the best in us and that which most Americans hold dear: Liberty, country and family. Finally, a film that made us feel good about ourselves. And It personally made me feel good about being an American and made me appreciate our men and women overseas. Not a conservative film. Just a stridently illiberal one. For once in a while, this movie was not how Hollywood sees the world. White Man = Evil. All Others = Victims Now, don’t get me wrong, this isn’t a conservative or pro-Bush film. If it were it would be just another Hollywood polemic. It’s no message film, either. It is first and foremost a highly sylized, very violent battle film. But it appealled to conservatives for the same reason it had close-minded liberals — spoiled by thirty years of getting their way in darkened theatres — grinding their teeth: The film is not liberal. What it is is illiberal, and it’s illiberalism is everywhere. Sparta is a peaceful country ruled by King Leonidas (Gerard Butler) who respects his Queen and holds her opinion in esteem. In comes a Persian messenger who insults women and advises the king that should he agree to pay a tribute to Persia’s king Xerxes they will not invade Sparta and enslave its people. Leonidas’ diplomatic answer is to kick the Persian down a well and go to war. Now, this is not supposed to happen in movies. The black guy isn’t supposed to be the sexist, fascist, imperialist — at least not when there are white guys around to do it for him. And the hero’s not supposed to shun appeaseme– er, diplomacy in favor of war. What makes this all work and not pedantic is that the film wisely eschews politics or any modern day references. Like Spartacus and Ben-Hur, 300 is about bravery, freedom, honor, and country. These are universal themes. But universal themes that will offend liberals because they’re not defended in a PC fashion. Liberals today(not yesterday)believe bravery is being brave enough to kiss despot hiney in the corrupt UN. Liberals today believe freedom is porn in school libraries. Liberals believe honor is leaking national security secrets to the New York Times. Liberals today believe ”country” is about everybodys country but ours, so it’s okay to give mass murderers autographed basketballs and ask them to dance. The men in 300 believe they are good, their families are good, their country is good, and worth dying and fighting for. Now, that is not a conservative value. But it is an illiberal one. It’s impossible not to compare the enemy in 300 to the current Islamofascists. The Persians are ruled by a theocracy; a king, Xerxes, who looks like a Culture Club refugee, fancies himself a god, and demands to be worshipped. The Persian ambition is to conquer those willing to convert, and butcher those who refuse. To convert some, Xerxes promises them paradise — especially a lot of hot women(They looked diseased to me). Maybe not seventy-two. Certainly not virgins. But it’s all pretty familar. Again, this is not conservative. Using reality as a metaphor is not political. Not using reality as a metaphor because it doesn’t conform to PC standards is political. I’ve no doubt critics have calling 300 old-fashioned, and worse. But they’re wrong. After forty years of liberal rule in Hollywood, it is nihilism that’s old-fashioned. It is moral relativism that is tired. It is political correctness, the always-noble people of color, the always-evil white guy, and the metrosexual that is cliched. A film with a clear divide between good and evil is something new. A film that celebrates patriotism, heroism, sacrifice, freedom, and honor is something revolutionary. In 1955, 300 would be old-fashioned. In 2007 it makes a counter-culture statement as strong as Easy Rider in its day. That is why I believe 300 did extremely well at the box office. This is just my opinion. This is also my one hundredth post. YIPPIE!!!
Batman, hands DOWN!! Sora, Riku, and the entire lot of them(Except Cloud) are a bunch of crybaby, metrosexual, *****es. I like the game though, Don't get me wrong.
No, I can't say I have. I'm talking of a book by C.S. Lewis. It's called "The Four Loves."
Love is when you are willing to commit yourself to a person that you are with and are willing to sacrifice your wants for their needs. Love is being able to look beyond a person's faults and see their needs. That is what TRUE love is. A love that goes WAY beyond romance. For me, there are different types of love. Greek words for love have about four different meanings. These are the ones I know. Eros: This is sexual and "romantic love". What we misguidedly define as true love and the foundation of a marriage. This love is why I'm not particularly against arranged marriages. some arranged marriages tend to put this on hold for a while. As romance is not a basis for true love. If it is, then that is just your **** or hormones talking. IMO Philia: Means friendship love. Between family and friends. Your homie. Storge: Basically fondness through familiarity. Arranged marriages usually tend to have this type of love. Like a best bud who you like or love but you know about their faults and things about them that irritate you. Same with him/her. But you have known each other for a while and are generally good friends or spouses. Agape: The BEST love out of the four. This is the love that marriage should be ALWAYS based on. This love is self-sacrificial love. The willingness to love someone unconditionally. The willingness to sacrifice your wants for someone else's needs. The ability to look beyond one's faults and see their needs. This is the love that Christianity and the love of Christ is. Caring regardless of circumstance. But be careful not to flaunt and warp this love. I want my relationship with my future wife to be a 1/4's mixture of all of these loves.
Kairi, Sora, Donald, Goofy, Aeris, and Everyone from the Lion King sans Pumbaa. Kairi: Don't know, everything about her is annoying Sora: Haley Joel Osment, when it came time for Sora to be a pussy *****, then he was annoying as hell, when he was supposed to sound cool, It was corny as hell. Donald: everytime he opens his beak, I die allitle. Goofy: This guy needs to be in a home, though he is a helluva lot smarter than Sora Aeris: She sounded like she was hittin the weed. Lion King: That was one of my favorite movies and they ruined it.
Don't really care. I don't believe in Santa. And if he was real, I'd shoot his *** for breaking and entering.
Yo! Check out this cat. He is a seriously talented musician and music producer. Unlike so many today, he's actually talented. Check out his song "Ringtone", "It's a Boy", and "Hair" http://www.kh-vids.net/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=42 :satisfied:
Why the hell do you HAVE to sound all super-intellecutuall to be considered smart? I know plenty of people that are smart as a WHIP, but are just not all that articulate. That don't mean Bush is a ******ed idiot, it just means that he ain't a master speaker or very articulate person. President George W. Bush is evidently the first mentally ******ed person to get a Harvard M.B.A., graduate from the U.S. Air Force Flight School, be elected governer of Texas, and then be elected president of the United States TWICE! I believe that ONLY brainless idiots waste time calling Bush stupid and a hick. Cause if he's ******ed, then WHAT does that say about Gore and Kerry? They couldn't even beat a ******ed person. One of the things I like about Mr. Bush is that he was and still is soo sorely underestimated. He is supposdly SOO stupid. Gore would kill him in the 2000. He didn't, Ok, Kerry will definatly destroy him. He didn't. When will you guys learn? That so-called "bumbling moron" is WAY more intelligent than he looks. Hell, they said the same thing about Lincoln. You see Bush and how he talks and interacts and you be thinkin "Damn! I don't see why I can't be president" He talks and acts like the next door neighbour. I prefer that LIGHTYEARS over some intellectual, we-must-think-for-you-cause-you-are-too-stupid-and-are-not-educated-enough-like-us-democrats, snob like Kerry or Gore.
My friend, Final Fantasy is not DARK!? Am I hearing you correctly? FF not Dark? One word...FF7. That was some scary ****! And Trogdar, I agree, KH is a good game, but RPG wise, It ain't no KOTOR. Hero wise: In KOTOR, I CARED about what happened to my party members and crew. They had very engaging back stories. And the ability to affect the very plot with your choices was the DEFINITION of RPG!! Villains: Malak was a truly evil guy! Unlike that hack bad guy Xemnas, Malak had real malice and malevolence about him. You got really pissed when he blew up Taris and Dantooine. And he was a HARD final boss. I was getting my *** handed to me, and I had to rely on my Force Powers HEAVILY!! That is a final boss. As for Sephiroth, If they bring him back, him and Cloud better have a meaning to the story.
Yeah, you are right. I was in Spam, just decided to post something stupid.
I just cannot! The source of my frustration is Sora and Kairi's romance. I have read alot of fanfics about these two, and my insides cringe and I get the twitches whenever I do. These people are the sappiest people ever created! They are always hugging and talking sweet. Sora always is like the sensitive guy inBewitched(A funny movie). Always showing his feelings, hugging and saying sweet lines to Kairi that would make Cassanova embarrased. Here's an example. “I don’t mind seeing you cry Kai. Because…I like being there to comfort you.†Sora: “Can I…hold you a bit longer?†Kairi:“Why?†Sora: “Because if I’m not, I’ll be the one crying.†AHHH!!!!!!! I'm all for being there for your woman, and protecting her, and lovin her. But, GODDAMN!
I like the way you think! And when they talk about Sora's anger, WHAT ANGER?! His anger is akin to a harmless ladybug. When they talk about anger from Sora, I expect something akin to Kyuubi Naruto and SSJ2 Gohan.
That should have been at 15 and 16. I hope KH3 gets it right.
Yes, but do they realize how many teens played that game?
Lol. That's funny. I'd like that too. I SOOO wanted Cloud as a real partner. And MORE SECRET BOSS BATTLES!!
I like the game. Aside from being too easy, it's fun. But I'm kinda put off by the massive amounts of Disney "kid friendliness".
Hello, my fellow Americans and everyone else. I am here to give my TRUE review of KH2. And ways that it could have been better. To start things off, I liked KH2. It most definately was not a bad game. But it was dissapointing in many ways. The story. This is what irked me. Not necesarily the story, but how much they strayed from it in order to make you expirence Disney's side of he game. In most of the worlds, the disney ones were the only ones that I kept asking myself "Why am I here? How is this important to the overall plot?" What's killing Shan-Yu or Oogie Boogie got to do with the Organization? Why is Maleficent back? What is the point of bringing her back? They spend little time on the actual plot and the majority of time is on the fillers that are the Disney Worlds. I get it! It's Disney/FF mixed. Focus more on the plot. Also, the Disney aspect in this game felt more suffocating and annoying than a fusion of two great things. The fusion rating went allitte like this. 85/15(The scale in Disney's favor). It just felt like a Disney commercial with FF characters thrown in so some guy could say "Ohh, look! There's Cloud." Unlike KH, where the Disney aspect actually contributed to the plot in many impressive ways. I was hoping for a more darker storyline, with the darkness of FF to go hand-in-hand with the light of Disney to remind people that things were gonna be alright in the end somehow. But the light here just felt blinding instead of being tempered by darkness. But the worlds were pretty much the movie with Sora, Don, and Goof thrown in. And then we had to RETURN to complete a pointless errand and the world again. It seems that Disney in this game was useful for nothing more than the nostalgia factor and a time filler. It seems they went out of their way to make the game "kid friendly", forgeting that there are teens who do NOT wanna dance with that rebellious and stupid mermaid, or play with a bear of very little brains and his equally brainless friends. Here are some ways it could have been better. 1. If Disney is involved in this game, give it a part in the actual plotline than just an image. Cause it seems that if you take away the Disney fillers, You are left with very little. 2. Give the Disney factor a rest. We get it. Focus on what is relavent. Make the fusion equal. 50% Disney and 50% Final Fantasy. Make it so either side does not feel suffocating. 3. It's not so much the voice actors fault, but more of what they had to work with. Haley Joel Osmont and others can act, but the script is so lame. Some of the best actors on there get stuck with extremely cheesy, cliche, and gay lines. Who devoted soo much time to "friendship is the BEST this EVA!!" WAY too many friendship lines. Give the actors way less cheese and and I'll be able to play the game without muting my TV many times. Seriously "I guess you think you can psyche me out by saying really random stuff" Who writes this crap? This is me finally venting what I thought was wrong with the game. I know it's E-10. But then again, so was Star Wars.
I thought Optimus always had an Axe? Anyway, this show looks like it sucks. They look like HUMANS!!!
The Nobodies may have been tragic and unfeeling , but they were willing to kill, manipulate, and decive to obtain what they wished. Case and point, THEY WERE BAD GUYS!! They needed to be eliminated. I don't even WANT to know what Xemnas's version of the world would be like.
I think Christian Bale was the best Batman. Why? Michael Keaton was dark, sure. But he played Bruce Wayne all wrong. Bruce is supposed to be a rich, playboy, celebrity. Keaton's Wayne was all reclusive and to himself. Second, Batman swore to NEVER take a life. But Keaton was killing all the henchmen BRUTALLY! That is out of character. So, for me, Bale played the best Batman. Batman Begins was all around a good movie. Not just a good Batman movie.