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  1. Gritz
    Why couldn't Kairi be like Bastila from KOTOR? She had a personality. But that's all Kairi is. A plot device who's barely comes of as fanservice.
    Post by: Gritz, Jun 15, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Gritz
    Kairai need SERIOUS personality. She's Riku and Sora's friend? I never noticed. She seemed like more of a tag-along.
    Post by: Gritz, Jun 14, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Gritz
    True. There isn't really a character in her for you to hate. And that is why I heavily dislike her.
    Post by: Gritz, Jun 5, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Gritz
    Dang straight. They are all boring, contrieved, stereotypes. Except for Riku and Axel
    Post by: Gritz, May 24, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. Gritz
    Bad fanservice. You know it's bad when I have to INVENT a personality for her. You know how hard that is? And knowing me, the personalities I have come up with for Sora and Kairi would NEVER make it in to KH. It is marketed towards kids, after all.
    Post by: Gritz, May 24, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. Gritz
    Yeah true. But I'm more into Naruto so I'm not really an expert here.

    Cloud is screwed up. He was a damn experiment.

    Anyway, back to Kairi. Anybody notice that Kairi seems to run like a stick?
    Post by: Gritz, May 23, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. Gritz
    SoraxKairi has confuzzled me. What is so great about this pairing. It's bland, uninteresting, and bone dry.
    Both are way too Sue-ish to be a great paring.

    I like parings with spark or cuteness. Not overbearing cuteness. But that simple stuff where you say "Awww". Like NaruHina from Naruto.
    Post by: Gritz, May 23, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. Gritz
    Don't diss Cloud though. I hate that KH made him more emo than usual.
    Post by: Gritz, May 23, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. Gritz

    Nice post. Though it is saddening that SquareEinx crapped up with Kairi when they have other cool females under their belt? What went wrong?
    Post by: Gritz, May 23, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. Gritz

    Ok, so what does Sora have to do with Kairi being a plot device? He searched for her while she was being the Damsel in Distress. Nothing new there. She is still a plot device. Kidnapped so Sora could start his adventure and search every world for her

    I don't get how this proves she isn't an annoying, useless plot device. She served her purpose as a damsel in distress and brought him back with her Sue Powers. She became useless as soon as her part was done.


    Yes, because sending a bottle in the middle of the ocean is surely going to get your friends back. They came back because... it's Disney. But that's not the smartest thing to do. You know what she could have done? Search. Like Sora did for her.

    But let's give her some credit, is not the only thing she did. She managed to get kidnapped. Again.

    And we know that charging into a portal of nothingness is super smart. I don't get how this is making her look smart or useful.

    Kidnapped again! This girl deserves her own world record!

    Well, this may be the only part where she gets to do something. But the fact that they gave her a keyblade as a way to make her useful is a cheap cop out. As the main female character, however, its sad that her Nobody is much more interesting, intelligent and helpful than her.
    Post by: Gritz, May 22, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. Gritz
    She doesn't even seem to have holy powers.
    Post by: Gritz, May 22, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Gritz
    Like I said, the producers and Noruma didn't give a damn about her. She was only there to be a female victim so Sora and Riku could be heroes. And as a plot device to move the plot along. Anytime the plot needed a push, there was Kairi. Kairi is important to the story. she’s just there to fill in holes in the plot, and is seen as more of a symbol than anything. Kairi, on her own, is not a very compelling character in the least, so I refuse to recognize her as one. All we know is that she had a grandmother, and she lived in Radiant Garden.

    She exists as THE ideal love interest. Some one that Sora feels is most important for no other reason than to be in love. You can see why I have grown to hate SoraxKairi.

    And that whole "having a nobody thing"? That was another thing that ticked me off. First off, Riku and Sora have been through hell and back, so they’ve earned/deserve the many layers of plot and characterization that surround them. Replica Riku and Roxas make sense. They’re interesting(Well, at least Riku is).

    Kairi, however, sat on her ass for a whole game; she didn’t physically do anything, and yet she got a Nobody. Because, you know, Kairi is “specialâ€, and she should get someone like Namine, who ALSO has magical powers AND for whatever reason, can FEEL (ie. guilt, shame, loneliness...), which then makes Kairi even more Sue-ish. It’s like... creating an original fanfiction character, and out of not wanting to leave her behind in the plot, the creator gives her something (i.e. a Nobody) that everyone else has AND she gets magical powers to make HER Nobody cooler than everyone else’s. What defines her even more as Sue-ish is that Namine wasn’t even recruited as a full Organization member, even though her Somebody had a REALLY strong heart from everyone else (because of it’s purity). Having her Nobody go to the dark side, would probably like, taint Kairi’s heart, and we can’t have that, now can we?

    Did I mention that her Nobody is also fabricated in the most bizarre way, with an unnecessarily complicated explanation? Seems like Kairi was kind of forced into the storyline, just so she wouldn’t be excluded. That’s kinda annoying. I feel that Namine was originally meant to be a stand-alone character – she doesn’t share any traits with Kairi, except for her looks (kind of) – like I mean, since when can Kairi draw? And Naminé has feelings... which is really weird. Ah, but it IS Kairi after all, heh. –rolls eyes–

    The plot alone drives Kairi. She did not willingly choose to go to the islands, nor did she willingly get “kidnappedâ€, nor did she willingly leave the islands in KH2. She didn’t have a choice in anything she did, because, you know, that’s not what she was put into the game for. It was because of Riku’s and Sora’s CHARACTERS that drove the plot (i.e. Riku’s weak heart lost him the Keyblade; Sora’s strong heart gained it; Sora’s heart enabled him to travel and meet many friends; his impulsiveness that made him enter battles, etc etc). It was because of WHO they were why the plot moved. For Kairi, it was because of WHAT she was, as a symbol which contributed to the theme of KH.

    She was all talk. To get her to TWTNW, she was practically shoved along.
    Post by: Gritz, May 22, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. Gritz
    ...That better be a joke.
    Post by: Gritz, May 22, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Gritz
    Hoo boy. This is gonna be a while.

    Sora's clothes look like a gay clown
    Kairi's plot device existance
    Clown shoes
    Puffy pants
    Summons suck

    Sora is still a simpleton over-optimistic fool
    Kairi is still a boring, mary sue, plot device
    Kairi got a keyblade(WTF!!?!)
    Namine is Kairi's nobody(I'm sorry Namine)
    Maleficent was brought back.(WHY!?)
    Too little FF
    Too MUCH Disney
    Donald and Goofy dumb idiocies
    No Wind Element Magic for me!!
    Org XIII is a boring Organization(They need to take serious notes from a pro. I'll call Akatsuki and set up an appointment)

    I have more, but that is about it.
    Post by: Gritz, May 22, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  15. Gritz
    I doubt it. Keyblade powers are so inconsistant. First I'm cuttin buildings in half, next I can't even turn that fatass Pete into bloody slabs of meat.
    Post by: Gritz, May 21, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. Gritz
    That don't mean nothin. Avatar: The Last Airbender was E+10.

    Anyway, I am just not up to giving Kairi another chance. She had THREE games to come through, and the producers and Noruma didn't give two shits about her. They just threw her a dry bone(keyblade) so they could say that she was "useful". I'm not holding my breath for KH3 only to be let down again.

    I'm not against optimism, but Aang was optimistic. There was no struggle for Sora. Everything just seemed to fall. He never had any sort of problems that couldn't be solved by Donald and Goofy telling a dumb and unfunny joke.

    I don't want Sora to be an emo. But I do want him to go through some real character growth.
    Post by: Gritz, May 20, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  17. Gritz
    Really funny when your Nobody has more depth than you.
    Post by: Gritz, May 19, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. Gritz
    I don't really like Sora. I feel he's very contrieved and corny.
    Post by: Gritz, May 19, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. Gritz
    I don't hate her. There has to be a character for me to hate. Kairi has no personality, characterization, or nothing. She was a pure plot device. Her "love" for Sora was boring and contrived. No spark at all. Just an obligatory Mainguy/Maingirl paring.

    She's a main character but does nothing to earn it. She supports Sora and Riku? Great. So does everyone else.

    She's nothing special. She's a mary sue.

    1) pretty

    2) befriends everyone (ie. Twilight Town gang)

    3) exists purely for a romantic interest of the characters

    4) better than most people, but too humble to admit it (ie. can we say RANDOM Princess of Heart? Like, is she Ansem the Wise's daughter or something? What gave her THAT right?)

    5) get random fighting abilities, in which they can kick ** (ie. the random Keyblade in an attempt to include her by producers o.O)

    6) naive and innocent (ie. was she even aware of the competition between Sora and Riku for her - that is assuming Riku did like her... I like to think he mostly used her for his own ego)

    -oh, AND she gets a Nobody!! Woot! Let's give her everything! o_O

    Seriously, turning Namine into her nobody was a HUGE insult to Namine.

    I don't like her at all. She is the same level as Tenten(Naruto). No...I don't want to insult Tenten.

    I am not a Yaoi fan. I just dislike her and Sora(For reasons I'll explain some other time).
    Post by: Gritz, May 18, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. Gritz
    If free speech against the government(More specfically, this Administration)was really being threatened in the USA, then wouldn't the first move to destroying the internet. The Internet is the highway of info. To keep people in the dark, they would have to shut down these mediums. Considering that you can post something like this with no fear of being arrested, I'd say that we are pretty long way from a fascist state.

    Also, If free speech was being controlled, would Hollywood and soo many movies be so vocal in their hatred of this administration and its policies. As for a Christian Theocracy, I'm unconvinced that a group that can't even get public schools to keep public prayer is any real threat to our Democracy.
    Post by: Gritz, Dec 6, 2007 in forum: Discussion