OOC: MAy I join? OOC: I'd like to join. Name: Ryne Age: 15 Gender: Male Appearance: http://tn3-2.deviantart.com/fs10/300W/i/2006/076/e/c/Hayate_by_BakaRach.jpg Weapon(s): His sword on his back, and many different kunais Element(s): Wind, Fire Chosen's Companion or Hronox minions: Chosen's Compainon Bio: Ryne grew up in the ways of ninja. He was trained with a giant sword and many different knives. He grew up far away but was told about this place and traveled here in hope of helping anyone that needed it. Name: Lukas Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: http://qwark-tastic.deviantart.com/art/Stranger-Comes-to-Town-58786218 His right eye is cursed. You never knwo what will happen with it. Weapon(s): Longblade, Mind Element(s): Darkness, Psychic Chosen's Companion or Hronox minions: Hronox minions Bio: Lukas has always been wrong growing up in his village. He was exiled from his home town when he killed a kid with his mind. He drove the kid insane so bad that he was killed from torture. Now he serves under Hronox.
Bond of Flames circled above him and created a fire wall above his head. Lukas grinned. Then he glided backwards. He gathered energy into Yin and Yang as sliced five times sending waves of dark and pure energy. Unfortunately he was having his energy drained quickly.
Lukas, being a nobody, sucked. He had no emotions or actual feelings. "Focus." Lukas began dodging a swipe from above. "On," he said ducking, "strengths." Lukas closed his eyes as his body filled with rage with his hatred of Organization XIII. His eyes started to become bloodshoot as he was lifted into the air. He was being changed quickly. His eyes became red and his hair grew upwards. Bond of Flames and Oathkeeper began circling him. "Heh. Can't get it all at once yet..." Lukas dashed forward with his increased speed and X-sliced him with Yin Yang.
Lukas was confused. But he would be careful. "Well if you need me," Lukas wrote down his number on a piece of scratch paper, "call it." Lukas jumped off the building and Viximon and Augmon followed him. He landed on the street and didn't hurt himself. He ran into the park that was across the street. OOC: does the owner of this RP control time and day?
Lukas was huffing from the blood loss. "Oi, Zephyr, Mixt. Anyone wanna tell me how to transform!" He kept dodging strikes Karin threw at him. OOC: Its a lil GMy on my part but its true, Karin would be trying to beat my ass...
Lukas looked down to see this Matt guy. He didn't know who he was but he didn't look to friendly...
OOC: bit GMy? IC: Lukas blocked the jab with his keyblade but his was jabbed in the chest. His chest was bleeding. "Oi! Someone wanna tell me how to transform?" He summoned Yin and Sonic Raided Karin's ass.
Lukas grinned. "Not if I have a say in this." Lukas dashed forward with his dual-wielding Keyblades out. He went to transform but didn't know it before he was infront of Karin. "S***..." Lukas muttered. He was never taught how to...
Lukas pushed off and flipped back and slid away. He stood up and Yang popped in a puff of smoke. He waited to see what will happen.
Lukas slid infront of Mixt and had Yang out. He held it up in a defensive way. He wouldn't fail at this. He would beat this guy.
Lukas smiled. "Well, bring it on." Lukas glided backwards quickly and awaited for the transformation. "By the way, what does this crystal do?" Lukas asked looking at Mixt.
Lukas stood there listening. "Someone want to explain?" Lukas stood there with his arms crossed confused.
Lukas looked at Zephyr. "OK. What now?" Lukas asked turning to him. His tattoo fully visible was starting to fade. The light was going out. That means his body was cooling down.
Lukas landed as his dark form enveleoped himself and when he touched the ground, his regular body appeared. Yin and Yang slowly landed on the ground as Yin vanished in a blast of light and Yang disappeared in a burst of dark smoke. "So this is true power..." Lukas looked as his hands.
"Hi. Nice to meet you! So wanna tell me what's going on here?" Lukas was the curious type but he also enjoyed life so he would staop anyone that dared to interrupt the peace.
Roxas shrugged as he followed Marluxia. He was excited to see what was in Xemnas's office anyway. He neared the door and walked in. He looked around seeing little Nobodies in the corner. They acted as cameras.
OOC: Idk. Mixt made me have red eyes lol. Lukas grinned. "Yin, Yang. Opposite Bang!" As Yin and Yang gathered energy into the keyblades and shot a powerful blast. Each with opposing energy they exploded and would usrely blast this person away.
March 5th I think he said it was due.
Lukas smiled. He held his hand up and pulsated it forward a bit. Bond of Flames and Way to Dawn flew at him quickly and began beating him wildly.
Lukas looked with his red-blood eyes. He was loving this power. OOC: Um he'll have his Yin, Yang, Oathkeeper, Oblivion, Bond of Flames, Way to Dawn. I was lazy to make up 4 new ones lol. The six blades were twirling rapidly. He grasped Yin and Yang as he felt the surge. "Wow..." Lukas muttered feeling the power.