Roxas was cleaning the floors with a couple of mops and brushes. But he attached the brushes to his feet so he went skating through the store mopping the floors and leaving a lot of wet floor signs out. He was having too much fun so decided to be a ice skater and did some jumps and spins.
Riku appeared and shot a Dark Aura blast at Sora. "What the hell do you think your doing!" RIku shouted. On the other hand Lukas was sitting in a tree watching this take palce. He enjoyed idoits fighting.
Lukas was falling asleep all class. Viximon was back and was in his bag. He had no idea. Augmon was running around outside causing a commotion, but Lukas was getting yelled at for sleeping in class. He rollled his eyes and Viximon giggled. The teacher narrowed her eyes, "Waht was that..." Lukas was shocked. "Ummm, I really have no clue..." She grabbed his bag and grabbed Viximon. "A stuffed animal? Pathetic." She dropped it in the garbage. "NO! That's my sisters!" Lukas said. The teacher frowned and placed it on her desk. "You can have it after class." Lukas frowned but smiled. Viximon couldn't move all class.
OOC: Someone wanna fill me in? I really don't want to read 15 pages...also did anyone use my cahr?
Lukas just sat there watching. He no intention of fighting but those Datrk Seekers were getting annoying. "Here, let me rid of these pests..." Lukas said standing up his Yang symbol on his shoulder began glowing brightly. He held up his hand and shot a energy blast at him.
OOC: Is it time to start the end? but i'm leavin in like an hour so if i go I give Twlight or ICSP(???) to control Roxas.
Lukas stood up. "Who here was friends' with Zephyr..." He needed someone to teach him to control his powers.
"Hey, open the claws a bit! I'll take him out!" Lukas shouted. "Greymon, Renamon go for it!" They both charged their attacks.
"Greymon help them too!" Greymon opened his mouth wide, "Nova Blast!" "Renamon, assist!" Lukas shouted. Renamon dashed forward and flipped into the air. "Diamond Storm!" A huge Fireball and mini Diamond rocks were pelting Boromon as well.
"Renamon protect Greymon!" Renamon dashed quickly and was in the air. "Diamond Storm!" Renamon jumped into the air and released a barrage of stones blocking the water blast.
"Renamon, stop! It's not working! Augmon, your turn! Digivolve!" Lukas shouted, his Digivice began glowing brightly. "Augmon, Digivolve to..." Augmon's body was getting bigger and head created a shell ontop. "Greymon!" "NOw, Greymon, go!" "NOVA BLAST!" greymon opened its mouth and blasted a huge fireball at Boromon.
OOC: OK i looked for Boromon and I cant find it. Link? SO i know something on it?
"Renamon! There!" Lukas shouted seeing Boromon. "Power Paw!" Renamon's paws and feet began glowing then enraged in blue flames. She ran at Boromon and tried to swipe and kick at him.
Name: Lukas Gender: Male Age: 17 Powers (if any): Elemental Personality: Fun loving. Loves to have fun and joke. Appearence: more fun face through Bio: Lukas is not a normal kid. He has the powerto manipulate any element. He can change the wind speed or direction, create fire, move water, and create craters. He also can create a thunderstorm.
Lukas grabbed his digivice and jumped out the window with Augmon and Viximon in pursuit. "Viximon, let's go! Digivolve!" Lukas shouted. Viximon jumped into the air and began glowing. "Viximon, Digivolve to..." New features began to appear and overrun the little Digimon. "Renamon!" Renamon stood ready for battle.
Lukas's digivice began beeping and glowing. "digimon!" Lukas shouted. Viximon was up and purring. It was not happy and saw it. "Viximon let's go!" Viximon stood up. "Killing Stone!" Vixmon transformed into a mini stone and began dashing at the odd digimon and struck it right through the glass.
Lukas carried Viximon on his shoulder and walked towards his house. Augmon spoke, "Hey boss can you carry me back?" Lukas looked at Augmon. "Once you become Koromon again I will." Lukas smiled. Augmon grunted and crossed his arms. Lukas laughed as he walked up his stairs and placed Viximon on his bed. He slid his Digivice off his arm and placed it on the desk. He sat down on the computer and turned on some music. He didn't have it too loud.
Lukas didn't know where to go, he had no where to go. He was a Nobody again. He would end like Zephyr if he was left alone. Zephyr's power was now his. He had no control over it still. He was lost. Falling quickly to his doom.
well i know i want both bbs and 358/2
Roxas glared at Axel evily. He stood up and left to collect the carts that were outside already. Roxas tied back his apron tightly as he walked out to the parking lot. There were already quite a few carts. Luckily they had been reienforced to withstand all the different weapons, except Axel's cause his fire would melt it. Roxas smiled as he summoned Oathkeeper and uppercutted a row of carts and they flew up and lined up in a row in the streets. Then he droped the keyblade and pushed them through the cart entrance right into the entrance so customers could get carts easily.