wow! amazing! good work!
I agree with the Kairi and Riku thing but not so much with Riku part. Think about it. RIku is bound to remember Sora before Kairi. If we are right, Kairi was the last to remember him. I think Oathkeeper represents the connection between her heart and Sora's. And Oblivion is represented by still not sure yet...I might as well go with the Riku part still...
I loved Tarzan! But I would love to have like the other keyblade masters for real. Not when hacked.
Lukas had one of those huge anime sweatdrops on his head. "Uh, ya. Sorry bout that. She likes to get out." Lukas took back Viximon. "So if you didn't have plans for the concert, maybe you'd like to go with me? I mean like go hang out, not like a date or anything." Lukas said smiling.
Lukas sat on a rock a bit off and looked and watched them back there. "Zephyr, why did you give me this power. What do I do now..." Lukas said into the air.
OOC: Most people are in the middle of a RP session. So have them end what they wre doing then we can do a time skip. Cause I know that I want Lukas to talk with Skyler
I might be Axel, Saix, Xigabar, or Roxas
Roxas summoned his keyblade and bashed Axel on the back of the head with his hilt. Then he walked down the aisles sweeping.
Lukas looked at them. He was a no one again. He was going end off on his own again. He turned around.
Roxas walked by and threw the dirt at them. "Go to the Staff Lounge!" Roxas shouted. HE drew attention to them as the customers looked at them.
Lukas smiled as Viximon jumped out his bag and slipped through a crack in the window. Lukas' face lost all color as he swung up onto the roof avoiding getting caught. Viximon jumped onto everyone's desk and landed on the teachers head.
Lukas sighed. He didn't feel like going to Geometry. So he jumped out the window and swung up onto the rooftops to find Augmon sitting there. Lukas was shocked and almost fell off. "AUGMON!" He shouted. Augmon smiled. Lukas made his way over to the Trig room. He spotted Skyler and smiled. He jumped from the roof to the painters lift. He sat on it and looked.
"Ya. Your a Digimon Tamer, aren't you? What class are you off to?" Lukas asked showing his Digivice on his hand.
Lukas grinned. "Well I might as well do something with Zephyr's power..." Lukas said lowering his hand. OOC: I agree
Roxas smiled as he threw a empty box at Axel's head. 'Idoit...' He thought. THen he began sweeping the front entrance.
Lukas got up as the bell rang and grabbed vixmon and shoved her into his bag. He went to his locker and entered his combo, "01-27-03." lukas muttered to himself. He opened it and found a ticket for him. Lukas shrugged as he shut his locker. He walked down the halls seeing Skyler getting the same one. He walked up to her. "Hi. What's up?"
Roxas had finished putting away his cleaning supplies. HE walked to Axel's counter. "So. When is this great plan?" Roxas asked not having much to do.
Lukas moved his hand lightly as the water from the beach moved upwards and followed his movement. Lukas kicked another Rock Pillar at him followed by a array of ice shards he froze, then he sped them up with a gust of wind.
Riku flew into the air but Lukas flew out and caught him and set him on the ground. "Hehe. Your suppose to be good from what I've heard." Lukas slid his foot forward quickly sending a pillar of eath to strike him.
Riku summoned Way to Dawn and slashed at Sora trying to knock him back.