Lukas had made it to Between and Bewict(??). He had been through a couple of fights and was ready to fall over. He had Yin out and was running towards the Portal to TWTNW. He went to jump through except he was caught by a Neoshadow. Lukas sliced through it and stumbled through the portal. He had to be in the most dangerous of places for him right now. Upon stumbing through he met the army of Nobody's ready to take him back. By arm I mean a couple dozen. Lukas began to fill with rage. "Stupid life ruined!" Lukas shouted slamming the ground activating his transformation. Yin and Yang were in his hands along with Obilvion and Oathkeeper swirling around him. His energy level rose.
Lukas looked at Skyler. "How you enjoying the concert?" Lukas asked. Skyler looked goregous in the light. Lukas smiled trying to hide the fact.
In the Shadow/Nobody World where they both lived, Lukas was chained to a wall and barred in with electricity wires. Lukas was all bruised and beat. He was tortured from the looks of it. Lukas moaned as he moved his body. Lukas held his palm up and summoned Yin and sliced through the shackles. He had the cuffs on still. He fell to the ground as he fell from the wall. Lukas then was swarmed by three Dancers. Lukas shot three bullets into the air and they rained energy bullets into the Dancers. Lukas ran for it.
OOC: Whats going on? I'm grounded kinda so I give my char to anyone that needs him but I want him back when I come back.
Lukas and Skyler were near the front as the crowd errupted into shouts. Linkin Park started off with their number one song, Shadow of the Day. OOC: It is their number one on iTunes xD BIC: Chester Bennington walked towards the mic and the song began. I close both locks below the window. I close both blinds and turn away. Sometimes solutions aren't so simple. Sometimes goodbye's the only way. And the sun will set for you, The sun will set for you. And the shadow of the day, Will embrace the world in grey, And the sun will set for you. Pink cards and flowers on your window, Your friends all plead for you to stay. Sometimes beginnings aren't so simple. Sometimes goodbye's the only way. And the sun will set for you, The sun will set for you. And the shadow of the day, Will embrace the world in grey, And the sun will set for you. And the shadow of the day, Will embrace the world in grey, And the sun will set for you. [Guitar solo] And the shadow of the day, Will embrace the world in grey, And the sun will set for you. Lukas was watching with awe. This was one of his favorite bands. As the song ended everyone began cheering loudly. His Digivice began to beep and glow but he had a jacket on and couldn't hear it. "Ya!!!" Lukas roared. He looked at Skyler to see how see was.
Viximon blushed and burrowed her head into his bag. Lukas laughed. He looked up a saw Linkin Park walk onto stage and a huge uproar started. Lukas grabbed Skyler's hand. "Let's get closer!" Lukas shouted.
Lukas smiled. "Ya sorry. I had to get Augmon to dedigivolve." Lukas said as he opened his bag showing Koromon and Viximon. "So where is Kudamon?" Lukas asked.
Augmon had Dedigivolved to Koromon. Both Viximon and Koromon were in his hand bag. He walked in and looked around looking for Skyler. He found her and tapped her shoulder.
OOC: Sorry I'ver been gone. Grades bad... Roxas was sweeping the store and was tired. So he headed to the Staff Lounge and grabbed a Monster.
Lukas was at home with Viximon and Augmon on his bed. He turned on his laptop and opened the music folder. He tuned to Linkin Park album. He started playing Shadow fo the Day. He sat and listened.
Lukas, being unconisous was zapped away into the Shadow World. OOC: Sorry, I've been gone. Grades are ******... I'll leave him there until I return. For now. Anyway he is a Nobody in this so no one would notice...
Three Neoshadows launched themselves at Lukas. He dropped his head as he stabbed one in the place whre their heart was suppose to be. Yin was glowing radiently. A huge surge of light destroyed the other two. Lukas was at him limit though. He transformed twice and went beserk. He fell over giving the Nobodies to kidnap him body.
Lukas smiled. "Somewhat. I had Augmon create a distraction so I could sneak in. She bought cause i could describe the who scene. So where you off to know?" Lukas asked standing up.
Lukas went to his locker and flipped it open. He set it calss before. He put his Gemetry book away and grabbed two other books. He didn't feel like bringing the other books. So he went to Skyler's locker and sat on the bench on the opposite side where two people were making out.
Lukas was watching the clock. He wasted ten minutes of class with Augmon's disrupption and explaining he was here the entire time. SO he had to describe what he saw and since he sent Augmon in there he knew EXACTLY what happened. The teacher frowned. Tick tock the mouse ran up the clock! lol. Lukas saw it move but it was going in slo-mo.
Roxas was bored after he swept five times and mopped and everything so he dragged his lifeless body to Xemnas' office. He rapped on the door three times.
Lukas smiled. "Ok! Well, I'll see you tonight then! You better get back to class before they think Viximon killed you!" Lukas said with a smile. He ran down the rooftops with Augmon in pursuit. Viximon popped her head out of the bag. "I like her, and I think you do too..." viximon siad with a grin. Lukas looked down, "well people may think your adorable but that can be rearranged on my part..." Lukas said with a evil smile shoving Viximon back into his bag. Lukas reached an open window and slid down into. "Augmon, disrupt my Geo class!" He whispered loudly. Few seconds later there were shouts and screaming in his Geometry class. He was in, and joined in the screaming as Augmon left the building again. They took their seats as class resumed.
Lukas was watching as three dozen Heartless of all kinds slowly rose up and were behind Lukas. But surely enough a couple of Nobodies were leading them. Lukas sighed. He had no where to go, so why fight them...
Basically this is like everything else in here. You write a story and you guys add your own guys. Well I'm from a couple of RP sites and have somewhat gotten ideas. So here's how mine will happen. This not based off in the KH world. This will be in the REAL world, meaning no world jumps and it'd be a bit easier. So here is what I need from you guys. I will want your guys opinion by telling me what should happen, but I may not pick that idea right away, but might use it later. So I will take a max of ten OC's right now. And I'd like OC's YOU created, not ones from a TV show, video games, or books. I want to see your guy's imagination. Created by: Name: Appearance: Pic or detailed description. I want to be able to see them. Weapons: if any Powers: if any Characteristics: Bio: