Lukas was shocked. "Let's go! Renamon, Augmon! Digivolve!" Renamon flipped backwards and was engulfed in data. "Renamon digivolve to Kyubimon!" The fox-demon digimon appeared on all fours ready for action. "Augmon digivolve to Greymon!" Augmon grew larger and gained a shell helmet ready to attack. They both dashed towards the digimon with Lukas jumping onto Kyubimon.
"Diamond Storm!" Rena shouted launching herself into the air. "Augmon, go!" Lukas shouted. He held his arm up and began to gather data on the Digimon. "ITs a data type, but I can't get anything else on it..." Lukas muttered. "Pepper Breath!" Augmon shot a fireball at Digimon.
Lukas grinned. He drifted into the darkness. He went to his Somebody's real home. Transverse Town. He landed above the cafe. He sat up there watching the people walk by not noticing him.
Lukas smiled. "Well since we're here, wanna go find out then? You'd get to be the outcast going against the rules." Lukas said grinning. He opened a portal.
OOC: Enter where ever you wish
"Well only one way. We need to find out more. Who was that he took?" Lukas asked again. He shot a blast at two soliders and finished it off.
"Explaination. I recognize that guy that left, what's he doing?" Lukas asked flicking Yin at and stabbing a solider in a stomach. "By the way, I'm Lukas." Lukas said kicking a solider.
Lukas saw Nny and walked up to him. "Hey." Lukas said tapping his shoulder. Lukas spun Yin around deflecting the shot.
Lukas walked through the town and towards the forest. He walked through the dark forest and was listening to the owls. He walked towards the Old Mansion. He hear people and he dashed to the area where everyone was.
OOC: Dam database error...I'll keep Luaks, 'll reupdate him when I can dig him up. But he is the same with a bit of a softer side after Zephyr. BIC: Lukas was still in TWTNW. He was sitting on the rooftops staring into the starry sky. "Its time." Lukas muttered. He had lived there for the past couple of years. He vanished with his portal and left to somehwere cheery. Lukas arrived in Twlight Town. He was the Sandlot walking around. He had his cloak off. He really never wore much anymore. He didn't know much of what happened to who he saw, doubt many knew him still.
OOC: someone wanna tell me what just happened???
Lukas skidded to a stop near everyone. Lukas looked around and tried to figure out was going on. "Someone wanna tell me?" Lukas asked,.
Lukas noticed the noise and stood up. He dashed off towards the commotion.
Lukas flipped onto stage and opened his pouch. Koromon and Viximon jumped out. "Let's go! Digivolve!" Koromon and Viximon digivolved. "Augmon, Renamon! Go!" They both dashed through the crowds. "Skyler, go get Kudamon! I'll hold things off here." Lukas slung his digivice on his wirst and rolled up his sleeve.
Lukas was still sitting there looking at Zephyr's successor since he never mentioned him after he talked.
Roxas was whereever his was. He couldn't remember a thing of what just happened in the last 15ish pages.
Lukas' eyes widened. He now believed him. "Fine. What do you want." Lukas's hair began to shrink inwards as its turned its spikey blonde. Lukas stood up as Oathkeeper and Oblivion vanished.
Lukas looked up. He was half transformed. "Zephyer....successor...." Lukas wouldn't believe it. "Prove it. If you are Zephyr's successor show me." Lukas said flatly.
Lukas' eyes were bloodshot. "Why. What does it matter to you..." There was a eerie echo to his voice. "I'm a nobody in your world. I am hunted. Zephyer was the only one who recongized me. But now he is gone!" A shockwave of energy was sent out destroying the first line of Shadows and Nobodies.
Lukas blushed a bit. "Hehehe." Lukas was lost for words now. But dam did she smell good! Lukas thought. "SO what do you think of the concert so far? Did you like their opening song?" Lukas asked trying to get her mind off it.