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  1. DesX
    OOC: Ahh you people posted 2 pages while I was at work >_< Where are you two anyway?
    Post by: DesX, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. DesX
    OOC: Everyone who posted a template is accepted but I do want to see a bit of detail when it comes to posts. (the darkness grows within's post is lacking in that area not to be singling him out or anything) But I at least want to see a paragraph or two at the least.
    Post by: DesX, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. DesX
    OOC:Well I found my old character template: No images though. But it should serve as a guide because I'll be posting the opening post along with it

    My Character
    Name: Desrin Higaki
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Desrin is of medium build and about 5'11. His muscle defined, but not overly large in size. His face is slender and his skin slightly paled. His eyes are very slim, as they resemble that of a reptiles. They're color is a deep sapphire blue with specks of gold littered throughout the iris. The hair atop his head falls loosely in long, black strands that come a little ways past the base of his neck.
    He downs a garb consisting of a crimson red Chinese style vest with intricate designs that are similar to that of a dragon winding around the entire vest. His pants, not following his vest, are baggey, black, cargo jeans with a thin chain extending from the primary left pocket around to the back of the pants to the other pocket. The shoes he wears are also modernized as they are red tennis shoes with a blacked spiked pattern going across the bottom part of the shoe and up the heel.

    Appearance2: The first change that can be noticed about Desrin is his hair.It turns from being loose and flowing into spiky and collected. His hair is pulled upwards at an angle and becomes very spiky. His eyes go from being their usual blue color to a crimson red slightly dark than his shirt. His ears also elongate and become elfin like. Two bright red triangular markings also emerge on either side of his cheeks and he grows prominent fangs that slightly protrude out from under his upper lip.
    His natural body composition doesn't change much, though his muscle mass does increase slightly. On his arms forearms also form markings similar to those on his cheeks, only more elongated to cover the length of the arm. The nails on his fingers also grow in length and sharpness.
    Another peculiar change is the growth of a reptilian like tail that is slightly thinner than the width of Desrin's body and black scaled wings the extend downward towards the backs of his knees. The wing span of these said wings are about two or three feet longer than Derin's height. These black scales also cover a majority of his back and small areas on the sides and back of his neck, arms, and legs and cheeks.

    Personality: Desrin could be said as being outgoing, but can also be very shy sometimes. Mostly kept to himself in large groups of people, Desrin only shows his true colors when his is alone or with very few people. He can be cruel and insensitive at other times, but it's just how he is.He would like to change his ways but is finding it to be a little difficult. Though his one redeeming trait would be his need to protect all of those who he thinks needs to be saved or helped even though he has a cold exterior.

    Bio: Since Desrin has always had a strong sense of justice, hes felt the need to fight for what is right in a sense. Directly after he obtained Ryuuda, his demon, he immediately began feverishly training to hone his new skills and abilites. Though not to long afterwards was his village attacked by a mysterious group of rouge demons. The attack left his village in ruins and his family lie dead in what used to be their home. Ever since then, his personality slowly changed into what it is now.
    Today, Desrin lives in a bustling city alone where he is now contemplating getting revenge on the destroyers of his village. His leads point to a group calling themselves "The Followers of the Black Demon." Strangely, it seems that they have only been recently wreaking havoc after the tremors at the site of Yami's disappearance.

    Abilities/Powers: Heightened Speed, Heightened Senses, Increased Strength, Flight. Desrin also has the ability to create a black fire inferno and manipulate the fire with his will.

    Demon's Name: Ryuuga
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Ryuuga is a dragon demon about the size of Desrin, his container. His head is long, and very reptilian like with two grand horns coming out of the top of his head. Between these two horns is a mass spiky red hair that runs down his back between and over his two large wings.His eyes are the same blood red color of Desrin's when he draws on his energy and on each eye is a bright red marking that extends a little over the eye, downwards to the sides of his jaw. Every inch of his body is also covered with onyx, black scales. His tail is also longer than that of is human counter part as well as his markings which are more prominent. Ryuuga's hands consist of three thick scaly fingers that have powerful, sharp talons at their tips. This legs are very muscular at the thighs and also at the calves. His feet are also similar to his hands, which is them having very large and sharp talons. A hard, smooth armor plating covers the length of the front of Ryuuga's torso.
    Personality: Ryuuga is pretty much a more confident, self-centered, and obnoxious version of Desrin. Not too mention cocky. He's always talking Desrin down when he fails at something and believes he should have a say in who controls the body. When hes not talking about Desrin, he's quietly contemplating ways to irritate him.

    Elemental Energy:Fire, Shadow, and Utter Darkness


    Okay You can start wherever it doesn't matter. You can even make a place up. Just be sure to eventually end up in Zarakolis. You may similarly follow the way I started by starting in your village or outlying town or start in Zarakolis itself, A megalopolis full of both humans and demon...not all being necessarily good.

    Btw, you can make up names. I don't really mind.

    Within a vast forest lay the remnants of a village all but forgotten by a few people. About the ground were large chunks of wood and pieces of brick, all were either charcoaled or on the verge of breaking down completely. Desrin, whom once lived in the village, walked through its ruins. He slowly walked to a spot where his house had once been. The only thing left of it was a pile of rubble. Desrin often came back to this place to see if he could find anything of importance that wasn't destroyed at the time of the villages destruction. He crouched down and rummaged through the mass that was his former home and found a lone picture. It was his family portrait. In the center was his mother and father, in front of them were his three sisters , and to the right of his father was himself. All of them looked so happy, but they were all gone now. Only he remained.

    Desrin sighed deeply. "Who would have thought something like this could have happened to a village such as this...."

    "I could have thought it. Though I can think about a lot of things."
    Ryuuga replied curtly.

    "No one asked you Ryuuga. Your comment was completely uncalled for."

    "I thought you did ask me! Otherwise why would you say something just off into the air knowing that I'm always here?"

    "Shut it. I don't want to hear anything from you right now. I peace ad quiet. You know sometimes, I wish I could close off my mind to you...." Desrin replied calmly.

    "Well even if you could do that, I could always do this..." A reddish wave like cloud appeared before Desrin after Ryuuga uttered his last words. It slowly condensed into a physical form of Ryuuga, who appeared to be grinning very widely, almost maniacally. His long red hair fell lifelessly down his back and his horns glistened in the dim sunlight. He looked at Desrin, then turned his head away in an act to symbolize disgust.

    "God you're annoying, why'd you choose me out of all of those other kids?"

    "Hmmm...maybe because you seemed the easiest to annoy? Or maybe because I sensed you have a specific purpose that only you and I can fulfill?"This last sentence sounded more serious than his previous ones.

    "What was that?" Desrin asked questioningly.

    "Oh it was nothing. Nothing of any importance whatsoever."Ryuuga had gone back to his playful tone.

    "Well anyway, I've spent enough time reminiscing about the past. Its time for us to go."

    "Fine fine, let us take our leave then brat." With that, Ryuuga wafted away like a cloud of smoke and took his place back within Desrin. After making sure Ryuuga was where he was supposed to be, he turned to leave the ruins of his first home and head back into the city.

    Getting through the thickets in the forest was more difficult coming back through them from the village than going to the village. Desrin still found it quite difficult to do so now. It took at least an hour before the forest began to finally lighten again and the city of Zarakolis came into view. This city was the largest and most important of all the new cities because it lies over the site of the former capital of the country of Hugetsu. This, was Desrin's new home.
    Post by: DesX, Jan 31, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. DesX
    Sorry you guys. You can go ahead and start I'll post my character later. As soon as I got home I had to go to work and now that I'm at home I've got homework that'll take a while to complete.
    Post by: DesX, Jan 31, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. DesX
    Oh wow didn't think this many people would join. Umm I'll post my character tomorrow(later today. 1 AM here) and we could start that day as well.
    Post by: DesX, Jan 31, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. DesX


    Wugguth happened?
    Post by: DesX, Jan 30, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. DesX


    Alright cya later then. I've gotta be off in the morning....blehh
    Post by: DesX, Jan 30, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  8. DesX


    Hyper....crazy....all the same to me. Crazyness leads to hyperness and hyperness leads to crazyness!
    Post by: DesX, Jan 30, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. DesX


    Lol I've been writing poetry since elementary school ^^ Even won a class contest once. Though my skills are a bit...or very rusty right now.
    Post by: DesX, Jan 30, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  10. DesX


    That's happened to me quite often...especially after my surgery <_<
    Post by: DesX, Jan 30, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. DesX


    I never said it twas a bad thing XD I myself r teh crazeh
    Post by: DesX, Jan 29, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. DesX


    Yeah that's the exact reason why I can remember because it's a Cuatrain...Quatrain...w/e you call the 4 line one.
    Post by: DesX, Jan 29, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  13. DesX


    Lol it seems we're both bored though. I'm bored all the time however. It's like a chronic illness or something.

    I wonder if they have pills for it....(goes off on a tangent)

    Anywho...I suggest you acquaint yourself with the spam zone here. It's quite interesting to say the least.
    Post by: DesX, Jan 29, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  14. DesX


    Oh wow....That my friend in HI-larious lol
    Post by: DesX, Jan 29, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. DesX


    I've written several poems and can't find a single one -_-

    Though I can remember one from heart I did in the 8th grade.
    Post by: DesX, Jan 29, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  16. DesX
    Wut is dis 'irony' j00 shpeack of?! XD
    Post by: DesX, Jan 29, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. DesX


    I just joined here as well but that doesn't mean I can't welcome new people XD

    It's pretty great here from what I can tell.
    Post by: DesX, Jan 29, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  18. DesX


    I'll try ^^

    Well I started posting some old works of mine from other forums that involve RPs or KH in general. Ones a fanfic and the other...3?...are RPs
    Post by: DesX, Jan 29, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  19. DesX
    Hello all. This will be my very first fanfic submission here so uhh yeah. This story was first created as something to pass the time in a chat room. Actually, it started off with the second or third paragraph and I just added a beginning afterwards. This was when I was in 7th grade.

    Anyways...I do not own Sora, Riku, or any other copyrighted character of Square-Enix/Disney.

    Riku: If you did, our games would probably go to hell

    Des: Hey, I think I would do a pretty good job with Kingdom Hearts.

    Riku: Right...

    Des: I may just want to kill you off next time I write here.

    Riku: silence

    Des: Yeah, I thought so.

    It was a still night in the world of Traverse Town. All was quiet except for the occasional clanking from the Gizmo Shop. Sora at the time was in the inn in the second district taking a much needed break and Riku to. Both were exhausted from fighting a new appearance of heartless throughout the worlds. Sora was not resting though; he could sense a dark presence stirring in the area. Heartless were afoot somewhere in the world. Knowing this, Sora became restless and left the inn and went outside into the still night. He hopped over the side of the railing swiftly and onto the bench below. Sora stepped off of the bench and into the middle of the small circular area in front of the Gizmo Shop. Then a strong gust of wind blew across the small world and whistled all throughout it.

    Sora listened intently for any sound of the heartless but heard nothing. Sora turned around and thought his mind was trying to play tricks on him. As he started to walk back to the inn, a Neo Shadow appeared out of the depths of the darkness and grabbed onto Sora. He struggled hard and tried to stab it with his keyblade but to no avail. Four more Neo Shadows appeared and also grabbed onto Sora. A pool of darkness appeared beneath Sora’s feet and he began to sink. Sora struggled harder but still could not overpower the heartless. He sank even further and was up to his head in the dark pool. He accepted what was going to happen and closed his eyes. His head became submerged into the pool which started to seal. Sora lost consciousness and had been completely consumed

    Sora awoke in the Great Hall of Hollow Bastion. There he was surrounded by a horde of heartless all looking like they were awaiting his command. Their eyes started to glow a bright yellow and Sora stood. He walked through the countless heartless, each one in his way stepping aside to let him through. He walked down a few stairs and saw Riku. Riku readied his blade and Sora drew the Kingdom Key which was now red and black. The two lunged at each other relentlessly and their blades clashed sending a number of sparks flying. Sora leapt into the air and tried to do an aerial attack on Riku. Riku quickly evaded the fierce attack and countered with an upward slash on Sora .In mid-air Sora moved quickly to the side and evaded the attack and hit the floor slightly. The two fighters stared each other down and their two auras began to emit a radiant glow. Riku's was a gold to yellow shine while Sora's was as black as night, almost like dark matter. The heartless steadily backed away and the two lunged at each other again and the force from the attack knocked both of the fighters backwards. Riku and Sora leapt high into the air. Sora used the attack Ragnarok while Riku used Dark Firaga. The two fierce attacks collided and created a blinding light….

    The battle seemed to be over at that moment because Sora had vanished soon after the light had diminished. Riku was left sprawled on the cold stone floor unconscious. Three Shadow heartless wriggled there way up to Riku and carried him off into a dungeon far below the surface of Hollow Bastion. There Riku awoke in a daze feeling drained of all his strength. He stumbled around a bit and found his way to a stone wall behind him. He searched for a small opening and the found nothing. He then slumped to the floor and felt a sinking sensation beneath him. There was a small swirling hole in the floor that looked like a heartless had been there before. Possibly the remnants of a portal a heartless used to put him there. Thinking he nothing to lose, he dove into the hole and found himself back in Traverse Town in an instant. He was in the First District in front of the Accessory Shop once owned by Cid. Behind him came a voice.

    “You know….Mickey said you’d be back here.â€
    Riku turned around to see Leon standing in front if him.
    “Huh?†Riku said somewhat confused and then turned around. â€Who are you?â€

    “My name is Leon and you are Riku right?â€

    “Yeah, but how did Mickey knew I was gonna be here and why did he send you?â€

    “I’m Mickey’s best messenger and strongest. But that’s not the point here. Mickey had said that Sora has now become evil correct?â€

    “Well he did seem strange earlier. It was almost as if his heart was consumed completely like darkness. Did Mickey say how that had happened?â€

    “No, but he did say that Sora is lost forever….â€

    “What?! You’ve got to be kiddin me. There’s no way Sora would lose his heart to darkness so easily.â€

    “Its true, but this is no regular darkness. You see, Mickey told me that before Ansem disappeared after being hit by the light from Kingdom Hearts, Ansem planted a “seed†in Sora’s heart. The seed sprouted when he accepted his fate when he was being sucked into the darkness. Ansem is gone but his seed remains.â€

    “So how do I get rid of this “seed†thing?â€

    “You must regain your ability to use a keyblade.â€


    “You have to be able to use a keyblade again.â€

    “How would I go about doing that?â€

    “Beats me, Mickey never said anything about how to get it back.â€

    “Great….so now what?â€

    “I suggest you think about what you’re going to do to get your keyblade back. And after you do, you won’t be able to fight Sora immediately afterwards.â€

    “Why not?â€

    “Because you will have to first find a way to weaken the seed’s grip on Sora heart. Think hard. This is the only information I have for you.

    “Well thanks….â€

    And with that Leon proceeded towards the world gate and vanished. Riku went back into the Inn in the Second district and sat down on the floor in the hallway going back through all his memories. Riku thought long and hard about how to re-obtain a keyblade. Then he had found it. Riku remembered that when he had gained the dark keyblade Heart Unlocker, it took a great amount of dark energy. So obtaining a keyblade must require a large amount of light energy. Although he had an idea how to find a source of light energy of that great abundance, he only knew of one place that could supply that much light energy. Kingdom Hearts was the only solution but that had been sealed by Sora. So Riku had to find another solution. The moogles had been pretty good at crafting extraordinary items of power, so they could possibly construct an item composed of light in a physical state.

    Riku stood up and walked out of the inn and into the First District. From there he walked into the moogle synthesis shop. He walked over to the main moogle Synthesizer and asked if such an item could be made. The moogle replied simply with the answer, “yes.â€

    “So what types of things do you need to craft this thing with?†Riku said.

    “Well, I need seven items. All of them are different. Fang of Cerberus, Crystal Shiva, Horn of Ixion, Claw of Fenrir, Eye of Leviathan, Hilt of Masamune, and the Scale of Bahamut.

    “Well where can I find all of these?â€

    “The Fang of Cerberus is just as its name states, it is the fang of Cerberus. I will give you the other locations after you bring this item to me.â€

    “Right…so I guess I’m off to Olympus or rather the Underworld. See ya.â€

    Riku left the Synthesis Shop and made his way towards the world exit. Before leaving, he summoned his Gummi Ship and sped of towards Olympus.

    It only took Riku a few moments to reach the world of Olympus. He walked through the large gate of the world which was customary for most worlds. There he saw a lush, green landscape and off to the side in a distant corner lie a large opening to a cave. Riku figured that that was the entrance the Underworld. He walked into the cave and all was bright at first and as he delved deeper he came across more and more darkness. There were no souls here however, only small shadow heartless that Riku disposed of swiftly. After at least five miles of walking, Riku came across another cave. This one seemed to be much smaller. As he came closer, to the cave within the cave, he heard a gruff breathing sound of something large….something monstrous.

    The creature seemed to have awoken now because the breathing had lightened. There was a small tremor as it stood and it walked out of its den looking starved and beastly. Cerberus had awoken and wanted fresh flesh. Riku summoned his faithful blade Souleater from the depths of the unknown and was prepared for battle. Cerberus charged forward firing dark energy blasts with all three heads. Riku dodged each blast and deflected the last one with his sword and rolled underneath the rabid beast. Cerberus’ heads started to excrete a sort of acidic saliva from their mouths and Riku stabbed its underside making it flinch slightly.

    The demonic dog knew that his meal was underneath him and created a shockwave with its massive weight and threw Riku out from under him. Riku retaliated with a leap towards the the head farthest to the left and did a swift slash on its right eye. He then followed that up with a fierce kick to the side of it face. Before he hit the ground, Cerberus smacked Riku into the wall with its massive paw. Riku became immobilized for a moment and came to right before Cerberus was about to stomp him. Riku jumped to the side and lept into the air and slashed the thigh of its front right leg making it collapse on its side. The head nearest to Riku turned to him and barked loudly at him.

    “Hey buddy. Learn to brush you teeth in the morning!â€

    Cerberus regained its strength and stood again and tried to bite at Riku with all three of its head and then immediately upon missing five or six times it blasted Riku and he flew back and hit the wall.

    “Wow! You’re not such a dumb mutt after all! I guess you can teach can old dog new tricks!â€

    Cerberus bellowed a deep and sinister roar and charged towards Riku at its full speed. Riku lept high into the air and Cerberus crashed directly into the wall. Riku propelled himself downwards while holding his blade directly down so that it would pierce the beast’s middle head. Riku dropped going at a very high speed and came down into the beast’s head silencing its middle head. The power and speed of the attack cause an earthquake that sent a large boulder falling from the rock crag ceiling and onto the two remaining heads but Riku avoided the boulder by simply stepping back a little and watched the bolder crush the two heads and silence Cerberus for what seemed to be forever.
    Riku jumped off of the dogs’ neck and onto the rock littered floor and stepped over to one of the heads.

    “Alright….that was a very, very stupid dog. I’ll just borrow one of its many fangs."

    Riku bent over and snatched out the largest fang that Cerberus had and started walking away from the limp body. And with that, Riku started making his way back up through the Underworld.

    “How much dumber could that dog have gotten?â€

    Out of the hellish prison Riku had started to sense a very odd presence nearby. He could not pin-point the location but knew it was very close. Then all movement and sound ceased. The air became still and then, there was complete and utter silence. Riku turned around to look back at the entrance of the Underworld and caught the glimpse of some large figure. As he turned back around there was a large shadow like figure looming off in the distance. Six glowing yellow eyes is the only thing that could be made out. In the blink of an eye, the shadow vanished and everything sprung into life again. Riku stood puzzled for a few minutes before making his way back to his Gummi Ship. Once inside, Riku sped off back to Traverse Town for the next item location.

    Upon entering the Synthesis shop he was immediately greeted by the same moogle from before. “Hello! I see you have the fang yes?â€

    “Yeah…so where’s the next item located?â€

    “Well …umm…I think its on the place called Arctic Hollow…â€

    “What do you mean you think? You have to know its exact location!â€

    “Sorry…It’s been a long time since I remember seeing Shiva… but she must be there!â€

    “If she isn’t there… terrible things might happen to you the next time we meet….â€

    As Riku left the Shop a voice called out to him. Riku looked around and saw no one. “Wha? Who called me?â€

    “Up here.â€

    Riku turned around and looked up to see Cloud sitting on the Synthesis Shop rooftop.
    “You’re about to go fight Shiva right?†Cloud said as he jumped off the roof and landed lightly on the ground.

    “Yeah…how did you know? Is Mickey spying on me or something? How do you guys keep finding me like this?â€

    “Heh…That’s not the point. If you want to fight Shiva you’ll need this face mask.†Cloud handed Riku a furry looking face mask and pocketed it.

    “What’s this for?â€

    “You want to be able to breathe properly will you’re fighting in fridgid air right?â€

    “Yeah…I guess.â€

    “Well that’s all. Good luck…you’ll need it….hehehe.â€

    “What was that Cloud?â€

    “It was nothing. I must go now. Goodbye.†Then Cloud disappeared in a blue light.

    “What was that all about?â€

    Riku hopped inside his Gummi Ship and made his way towards his next destination. From what he could see, the surface off the world was completely frozen over. In the middle was a large castle, which also looked frozen over. That was the most likely place for Shiva to be.

    As Riku landed his Gummi Ship immediately started to freeze. Riku left the cockpit as quickly as he possibly could and ran towards the towering ice palace. As he was run he slipped the mask onto his face and cut through the blinding blizzard. There seemed to be no traces of life on the world at all. Then Riku was stopped by four Heartless. There were not like any Riku had seen before. They wore Light blue chest plates and greaves, and wielded two ice blades on each arm. Their heads were covered by a knight helmet the same color as the rest of their armor. They were also about the same size as Neo Heartless. They bore the heartless symbol on their chest plates. They did not move for many minutes until a swift gust of snow swept before Rku. The heartless where no where to be seen. Riku turned around and then turned back around to find himself surround by the four heartless. Each one had one of its blades pointing at Riku’s throat. At the exact same time, each heartless drew back its blade and thrust forward at Riku’s neck. He ducked and narrowly avoided being struck by all four blades. The in one movement, Riku wielded his faithful blade SoulEater and sliced the heartless to his left in half and then turning into smoke.

    The three remaining heartless leapt back and charged at Riku. Each one attacked him at the same time forcing Riku to block and evade six swords. The one that seemed to be the leader squared off against Riku as the other two were disposed of. It slashed at him from both sides with the blades but Riku caught the blades with his sword and retaliated by deflected the swords and blasting it with Dark Firaga. The heartless had no other choice but to block the attack with an X- block thus causing the swords to shatter on impact. While the creature was vulnerable, Riku charged and impaled the creature in its mid-section and destroyed it. He then continued on to the palace of ice.

    The entrance to the palace was two gigantic doors of solid ice. A very large hole was blown into one of them by Dark Firaga and Riku walked through it. What was to be seen was two staircases at either side of the castle that lead to the very top of it. In between were various corridors and chambers. Riku dashed up the stairs losing his balance from time to time because the floor was also solid ice and was very slick.
    He had reached the topmost chamber in a matter of minutes and opened the chamber door with a quickness. In front of him lye a large balcony with a throne at the tip. There sat the ice queen Shiva who stood from her throne. Her skin tinged blue, her hair a deeper, darker blue and piercing eyes of the same color. She wore a half dress and a top slightly darker than her skin. She began to speak seconds after she rose.

    “So you have arrived young one? You come seeking my crystal correct?â€

    “Yeah. Could you hand it over or do I have to take it by force?â€

    “Isure, taking this from me will not be an easy task. Are you prepared?â€

    “Quit talking and start fighting!â€

    “As you wish…â€
    Authors note: I'm assuming all of you reading this have played KH1 or 2, so I'm not going to bother describing characters already revealed in them. Btw, the story takes place prior to KH2 so everyone is younger and has their original look as well as Cloud and Yuffie...and everyone else.Review!
    Thread by: DesX, Jan 29, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  20. DesX
    Hurricane Academy, an extraordinary school of excellence. Here, students may learn the many ways of the warrior, ninja, magician, and many other things. Most of the students that leave this school leave as masters in the arts that they have chosen. Though the path that they choose upon leaving, rather it be good or evil, is left entirely up to them.
    Outside of the schools walls, but still on campus, lies a vast forest to the east. To the west is the open sea with a long and beautiful beach. There are islands off in the distance that have their own climate and unique ecosystems. To the south is a series of canyons and valleys void of much of any life except for a few birds and lizards that roost and nest their. The north contains a vast expanse of mountain ranges with some peaks reaching up into the heavens themselves. The school sits at the center of all of this.

    Short description ehh? What more could I say?

    Ok heres what you do, since this RP is mostly a romance/action adventure, there is fighting, love and all of that stuff. But if you wish to be a loner and just want to fight, fine by me. Be whatever you feel because like a highschool, everyone has their own preferences. This RP starts on the first day of the first semester.

    -No God Modding
    -No PKing (player-killing)
    -Romance is highly Encouraged(but no overly intimate things)
    -Use "OOC:" when you need to say something not about the rp
    -Don't Overdo the Violence. Keep it somewhat moderate.
    -Be literate!
    -Do Have Fun!
    -Post "Hurricane Academy is teh best!" at the top of your template if you've read all of the rules.

    Age: (keep it within 14-19 since this is a highscool)
    Appearance: (be as descriptive as possible)
    Dorm Number: (pick between 100-200,300-400,500-600 and you will have a roommate or two! It can't be male and female)
    Major: (pick two- ex. alchemy, swordsmanship, ninjutsu)
    Schedule: (six classes-must correspond with your major. include your lunch period as well)

    And thats it! I need as many members as possible so join join join!
    We Are Still Accepting Members!!!
    My Character

    Name: Yamiryu Higenki (nick: Ryu)
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Ryu is somewhat kept to himself but can be outgoing. Ryu is a little shy when talking to someone of the opposite gender as well. Ryu is also a dedicated worker when it comes to his studies and is self-disciplined.
    Dorm Number: 120
    Major: Ninjustu and Weapon Usage

    Tool Crafting
    P.E. (yep we still have P.E.)
    Human Anatomy
    History of Sword Arts and Techniques
    Thread by: DesX, Jan 29, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Retirement Home