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  1. DesX
    OOC: So uhhh I noticed that people stopped posting here after CtR made that new rule for this section <_<
    Post by: DesX, Feb 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. DesX
    That's plausible... considering what we thought was a Blizzard-esque spell could be something on a totally different caliber. I mean, since when have we ever seen a blizzard spell like that? Almost all the times it is used, it manifests itself as ice crystals but never like a flash freeze type move.
    Post by: DesX, Feb 7, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. DesX
    Form as in how? Kairi couldn't be a Nobody or a Heartless because she , 1. Has a heart, and 2. produced a Nobody of her own.
    Post by: DesX, Feb 7, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. DesX
    Well I haven't fought him on any mode except for Critical/Limit so I wouldn't know
    Post by: DesX, Feb 7, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. DesX
    I knew he fired it, I just was never close enough to see how. And if I remember correctly, it's an instant kill on Critical/Limit mode.
    Post by: DesX, Feb 6, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. DesX

    ehhh....because Square never/rarely mentions a characters parents or when they do, they have an insignificant role (Sora's mom in KH1 and Cloud's mom in FF7 with the exception of Sephy's parents). Not saying that's the reason why but....looking at Ven's age, he seems to only be in his mid teens and if he was around let's say 15 or 16...and Sora was already 4 or 5 at the time of this event apparently, sooo...I find it quite difficult to believe and 11 or 12 year old could get a woman pregnant.
    Post by: DesX, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. DesX
    Hey this is more evidence for me theory about keyblades that are not bound to a keychain can become any tool the user wishes ^^ I never noticed it turned into a cannon and whip though <_<
    Post by: DesX, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  8. DesX
    Well consididering I only just arrived here a few days ago, I haven't heard your views on the matter yet ^^ and now I have.
    Post by: DesX, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. DesX
    No it does not. The one he has in FM+ has no chain.
    Post by: DesX, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. DesX
    But are you certain? There's no evidence that supports this. My theory is that the keyblades lacking a keychain are not set to a definite shape and therefore can change into what the user desires. Ever wonder why the keyblade takes a different form upon receiving another keychain? Maybe because all keyblades have the ability to shapeshift in a sense and when it is not bound to a keychain, it's ability to shapeshift is in it's most basic stage thus allowing it to become the said things I mentioned above.
    Post by: DesX, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. DesX
    No not necessarily because the force of his fall was absorbed after being caught. Take an egg being dropped from let's say.... the top of a counter. Regularly, if it hit the floor, it would bust open and spill it's contents but say someone caught it before it hit the ground (a hand being on the floor catching the egg). The hand essentially acts a cushion and the egg does not break.

    And his armor was breaking as he fell. You could see chips of it coming off as he hit the many rocks on his descent down to Aqua.

    Well if Terra's keyblade had the properties of a regular sword, then why in KH2 FM+ was it able to morph into about 3 shapes. 1 being a sword, two being something like a brass knuckle, and 3 a hoverboard like object?
    Post by: DesX, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. DesX
    Who here considers themselves to be a seasoned(experienced) rper?!

    In the rp I created, I see 1 liners, grammatical errors a plenty, spelling errors, and other things I can't seem to remember at this moment. It irks me....I'm not used to seeing that because at KHI, where I learned how to rp about 2 or so years ago, doesn't have much of that.
    Thread by: DesX, Feb 3, 2008, 24 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. DesX
    Sorry, I forget to check the date on this. I usually do though.

    But anyway, wasn't the keyblade Sora received at Destiny Islands intended for Riku? So wouldn't that mean that Sora did in fact get Ven's keyblade?
    Post by: DesX, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. DesX
    OOC: It's Yami, not Yumi XD

    IC: "That monster Yami is still alive has to be. Nothing else could make this." Des thought to himself. Turning around, Des noticed that the two people he had been attempting to protect where at his side now. The boy had consumed a large mass of darkness, an element they both shared and the girl, from what he could tell, had his other primary element, fire. This worked out perferctly. If they were going to take this thing down, they would have to do it together.

    "All right, seeing that we're all here..."Des said still looking at the two people before him,"I think it's time to take this thing down." Des drew upon Ryuuga's power once more, now gaining his signature red triangles on his cheeks and forearms. He then imbued both of his weapons with the element of fire, making them almost like torches.
    Post by: DesX, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. DesX
    Yes you're in.
    Post by: DesX, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. DesX
    Well from a theory, and a quite detailed one at that, Roxas may actually be Ven resurrected/reincarnated. Apparently, the keyblades themselves may inbody the souls of their wielders and vice-versa. If Sora's keyblade belonged to Ven before him, then Sora may have recieved a fragment of Ven's soul and when he became a heartless, what was left of Ven manifested itself as Roxas because it's basically the same person or something to that effect. I read it a few months ago on KHI. If I can find it, I'll post that section here if anyone would like me too because I'm going purely off of memory. It may not be accurate.
    Post by: DesX, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. DesX
    In a fluid like motion, Des ended the pathetic lives of the opponents before him, but something was still unsettling to him. His now, apparent ally had just taken out a majority of what was left as well as their leader. The straggelers that were left retreated back into the forest from whence they came. Then there was only silence. The wind swept across the now blood soaked battlefield and made the fire barrier sway. "What was the point of all this...." The suddenly a small black object pierced the air and was jammed into the ground. On closer inspection, it was a small black petaled rose, something not even supposed to exist in this world.

    For a few moments, the rose did nothing but it blossomed erratically and began to absorb some sort of energy from the corpses around it. They were small blue orbs, about the size of a fist and they were removed from the bodies with ease as they floated over to the rose and disappeared within it. The speed in which the absorption was done was so swift that it was over in under a minute. The rose closed itself and remained still after the process was completed. Whatever the thing was put there for, it had surely completed it's task, or so Des thought.

    The rose began to grow to epic proportions without any hint of it doing so before actually growing. It expanded and lengthened until it was the size of a small building. It unfurled it's petals to reveal a most dreadful thing. One of the various spawn of Yami, a Behemoth. The creature stood on four legs and was covered in a mass of velvet fur. It's head was like that of a canine only longer and more feral. Four hourns sprouted on either side of it's head and it's slanted eyes glowed menacingly bright red. It had been sent here for Des.

    "Hahahahahaha! Look what you've gotten yourself into now twerp!!!" Ryuuga laughed maniacally.

    "To h*ll with you Ryuuga..."
    Post by: DesX, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. DesX
    OOC: I think someone needs to edit their post a little....seeing that Des surrounded Akari in another protective barrier after her's diminished. I also think we could have spanned this battle here out a little more because I have something interesting planned.
    Post by: DesX, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. DesX
    Des charged forward and hacked his way through demon upon demon and fell each of them within two slices. This seemed all too easy to him though. Something wasn't quite right. He ran another demon through the torso and ripped it out it's side to cleave another in two. "Where the heck is the leader....." The Des felt a significant drop in the energy of one of his potential allies in the coming reappearance of Yami, which was imminent. He turned around to see a weakened girl, near his age possibly. Her arm was injured siginificantly from what he could tell. Her demon hadn't even manifested itself to come to her aid, or it might have not been able to do so...her demon's energy was probably spent as well.

    As he turned around to go help the girl, the other person, that he now saw was a male had charged at him and attempted to srtike him. He faltered but the forced being his attack didn't stop his blade and it nicked his shoulder. A mere(sp?) flesh wound. He ignored the attack and went to the side of the girl. Considering the multitude of foes before him, he decided to put a barrier in place around the girl. He again summoned the power of Ryuuga and created a ring of fire that encircled himself and the girl. The flames grew until they were as high as trees. He looked down at the girl, now unconcious. "How sad..." He said to himself. He then stepped through the flames and out the other side, being met with five more blood thirty, but highly idiotic foes.
    Post by: DesX, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. DesX
    OOC: Ok Got it....village near the outskirts of Zarakolis.

    "There's trouble afoot Des..."

    "Your point being?"

    "Just thought you would be at least a little concerned considering you may lose two potential allies."

    "Phehh...fine. Which way to them, and do they have demon's themselves?" Des summoned a portion of Ryuuga's power and condensed to form his black scaled wings. He flexed them a bit and then stretched them to their full length.

    "Possibly. There's too many other life forces to actually say. But they don't seem too far from here. Most likely near that old village we passed on our way up here."

    "Why are you telling this to me again?" Des readied his legs for take off. He had the wierdest feeling that Ryuuga was letting on more than he was willing to actually say."You do also realize that we're hunting information about "The Followers" correct?"

    "Yeah yeah, whatever. Look don't question me. I have my reasons and I by no means plan on letting you in on them."

    "Lizard *******...." Des then took off from the very spot he was standing in. Since he was in a clearing , it left room for him to easily get a bird's eye view of the area. While he was in the deepest part of the forest, he would have risked shredding the membrane of them on branches with his ascent. A quite painful experience indeed.

    He didn't need to fly very far when he witnessed quite a commotion happening below him. There were in fact 27 creatures below him, two were together and the others where practically a mob. They were rogues. Possibly seeking to strengthen themselves off the blood of the remaining humans left in the area. The other two were like Des, each harboring a demon. Though one seemed to be injured judging by it's lack of movement. The other was protecting it and staving off other demons. He had disposed of six before Des made his descent into the mass of demons.

    When he landed on the ground, the gust of wind knocked over the frontline quite easily. He looked around at the loosely formed band of demons and sighed. "Lesser demon's banding together? That's new..."

    "Get rid of them already then. Oh yeah, by the way. There's one stronger than these among them. I believe he is leading this group."

    "That's good to know Ryuuga..." Des then proceeded to take out his twin katanas. One's blade was pitch black while the other was a fiery redish-orange. "I believe I'll have to hack my way through them to get to their leader...He's probably watching from the sidelines somewhere, Des said as he decapitated an oncoming boarish demon.
    Post by: DesX, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home