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  1. PurpleDiamond
  2. PurpleDiamond
  3. PurpleDiamond
  4. PurpleDiamond
    The last book I read was "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" by J.K Rolling x3.. I'm a Harry Potter freak >.>'.. I read it a couple of weeks back, since it was my all time goal to finish reading the series before Thanksgiving XD.. I thought they were all excellent books though ^_^
    Post by: PurpleDiamond, Oct 4, 2009 in forum: The Playground
  5. PurpleDiamond
  6. PurpleDiamond
  7. PurpleDiamond
    My most disliked world would have to be Pride Lands and Atlantica..
    Pride Lands because I kept getting lost in that world >.>.. Sure Sora was one cute little lion and you just wanted to hug him, but it was horrible trying to navigate myself through the world x3.. Scar also made it seem a little more freaky O.O
    Atlantica: To be honest, I liked Atlantica more in KH then KHII, I loved swimming around and fighting off the heartless.. The sing a long was sort of a fun change, but I tend to fail at pressing the buttons on time which is where I experienced some difficulty x3..
    Post by: PurpleDiamond, Oct 4, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. PurpleDiamond
  9. PurpleDiamond

    Hello =3

    Hey, thanks for the welcome everyone :3.. It makes me feels real welcomed here ^^
    @bobo.the.nut- I play the Alto Saxophone currently =].. I've been playing it for a few years now XD.. But I'd like to play the flute because I'd like to invision myself playing as well as Tayuya on Naruto >.>.. I don't see that happening though x3.. Do you play any instruments? :]
    @Spaze- Thank you ^_^.. I like your avatar a lot too =3
    Post by: PurpleDiamond, Oct 4, 2009 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  10. PurpleDiamond
  11. PurpleDiamond
  12. PurpleDiamond
    Kingdom Hearts: My worst experience/moment in Kingdom Hearts was finding all of the Dalmation puppies >.>.. It took ages to find them and especially in Halloween Town v.v.. I couldn't beat the game until I got the little pups because they're so cute I couldn't resist ^^.. Also, Deep Jungle was a huge struggle O.O.. I was always afraid of Tarzans story even when I was younger x3
    Kingdom Hearts II: My worst experience/moment would be attempting to figure out Pride Lands XD.. I kept getting lost for unknown reasons and it took me a day to complete.. I remember I thought I was going to right way and then on the buttom of the screen it would tell me where I was supposed to go, and I couldn't seem to find the area.. It was quite horrible really but I did find my way in the end =P..
    Post by: PurpleDiamond, Oct 4, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. PurpleDiamond
  14. PurpleDiamond

    Hello =3

    Well hello everyone, I'm new here as you probably guessed ^^... This is the first huge forum that I have ever been apart of so I can't wait to see what it's like x3
    Anyways, my name's Kassandra and I'm currently in high school, so I may not be able to get on the forum every day, but I will try too :3.. School kind of takes over my life since I have this obsession of doing well >.>.. I like readin and writing of and video games x3.. Kingdom Hearts in general but I also play Final Fantasy and dot.hack.. I also love listening to many different genres of music and am quite talkative =]
    Tonight I have band practise so I won't be on for the whole day but for the most part I will be ^^.. So yeah, I think I covered all of the basics about me with this :]
    Thread by: PurpleDiamond, Oct 4, 2009, 9 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures