Woah that's a lot :O.. Or atleast in my book it is XD.. I'd love to get money for doing well in school DX Exactly ^^.. I feel like I have a big...
I say Linkin Park is one of the greatest XD.. It was one of the first bands I ever listened too ^^.. Numb and My December were just pure genius O:.. Some other bands I like Include: "The Devil Wears Prada", "Styx", "ABBA", "Real Life", "Escape the Fate" and "Bon Jovi" x3.. I listen to a wide variety of music from new to old and from metal to country XD.. You can find some Alan Jackson and Garth Brooks on my Ipod =P.. I also seem to listen to enough Backstreet Boys too >.>
How much do you receive? :3 Us perfectionist will rule the world some day x3.. We're cool ^^
Heartless: If I were to become any heartless I'd choose Shadow! x3.. It's the original one and is so adorable, and plus they have the cutest run XD.. They aren't terrible fighters either, and can become a shadow on the ground which is quite convenient when you're in a battle against strong opponents >.> Nobody: Well the nodody creatures that attack Sora sort of freak me out so it's hard to choose one o.o.. They move like they're jell-o or something.. But I think I'd go with Dusk because they seem cool and they re-appear everywhere you go XD.. I'd love to be able to pop up in any world and try to kick butt x3... But they're zipper mouths are sort of creepy =\
You get money for getting good grades? O:.. You're so lucky ^^.. And I'm kind of a perfectionist too >.>.. I love doing well x3
Now that was a smexy video x3.. I loved it 8D... And bye for now :3.. Talk to you next time you're online!!!!
I don't know really XD.. Homework always amused me because it gives me something to do when I'm bored XD.. And I like school that much x3.. But...
Oh XD.. Well that makes sense ;].. Even Shiro Amano knew they were meant to be O:
Hmm, they kind of seem a little too buddy buddy ;]..I love that picture x3
I have never saw that picture before XD.. I love how Donald is on a hammock x3
So you like Itachi X Kisame too x3.. Okay I thought I was a little insane since I'm the only one amongst my friends who does XD.. Sasuke was also...
My favourite Yaoi Akatsuki pair is weirdly enough Itachi X Kisame XD.. The fish man just gets me everytime =P.. But any pair with Deidara in it is...
I have cried before watching a movie v.v.. "Titanic" got me badly, the ending was devastating for me =[... I couldn't watch it, I had to shield my eyes from the screen and just listen to what was happening D:.. I cried at the ending of "Knowing" too v_v.. I didn't look away though but it was hard for me to watch the last 20 minutes of it :[
I don't feel like going to school tomorrow >.>.. It's the whole waking up early thing that's hard XD.. I'd rather sleep in =[.. But school isn't...
Oh my goodness O: .. You like Naruto!!!!.. I'm such a huge Akatsuki fan x3.. They're like a Yaoi group XD.. Aww that video is so beautiful (The...
I'm glad that the weather is nice now for you, hopefully it clears up for me too x3... And Sunday always seems to be a boring day for me =\.....
My favourite form was Valor Form since it was the only one I ever used ^^.. I've never actually got Final Form before O:.. Next time I play through though I'd love to finally get it, but I may need some tips on how to >.> I loved the characters in KHII... All the nobodys made it brilliant x3.. I find Roxas and the Organization made it amusing to play ^^.. Also I loved Mulans world and how you could actually adventure around in Olympus x3.. Auron added value in it ;].. It was cool too to get to visit Port Royal since I'm a huge "Pirate of the Caribbean" fan 8D
I'm pretty good XD.. I'm just a little bored at the moment and it's raining so much DX How are you? :3
No way 3 years x3.. I think I've been a fan for two years now ;].. It all started with Kingdom Hearts actually XD YAY!! I can't wait to see it :]
I joined it x3.. I feel like an official yaoi fan now :3