The strangest film I ever saw was "Princess Mononoke" XD.. That was just random and I couldn't take it too seriously because right when a serious moment was taking place there would always be a guy walking around with only these underwear thing on x3.. It was funny but definitely strange, mind you I'd watch it again if I ever had the chance to ^_^.. It's like one of those films that sort of creeped you out but yet you can't stop watching it xD.. Anyways, if you haven't watched it you should sometime soon because it was awkward yet hilarious =P
I cry sometimes when I read books ;__;.. It's usually in those parts when something bad happens to one of the main characters or when someone is getting picked on by others v.v.. I can't take it when people are hurting another characters feelings DX.. Here's a list of some books I cried reading >.> Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix- Sad ending Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince- It was Voldemorts past that got me ;__;.. If he wasn't a deadly half snake creature I would have hugged him The Wizard Heir The Dragon Heir- Horrible sad ending, I was shaking while reading it =[ The Looking Glass Wars- Dodges' past got to me ):
I have two main favourite songs from KHII, one of which is "Magical Mystery." (The song you hear when you're at Yen Sids castle thing ^_^).. The song always reminds me of Roxas, who knows why really maybe it's because you receive the huge talk about the nobodys' here O.o?.. But I love this song because it makes we wonder about many things and it has a catchy tune =P I also liked the song "Laughter and Merriment," good ol' Santa ^^.. I always have a grin from ear to ear when I hear this song actually, I love when Santa is telling Sora whether or not he's on the good or naughty list XD...
As I mentioned in my introduction topic I play the Alto Saxophone ^^.. I've been playing for a while now and finally got used to the keys, horrible coordination doesn't help XD.. I think I've mastered it by now, and that's why I joined the school band >.>.. I like playing disney pieces the most, right now we're learning how to play Beauty and the Beast, which is a lovely song ^_^.. After this year though, I may want to try out a different instrument just to widen my variety and I'm debating between the flute and the clarinet x3...
I will don't worry :3.. I love making new friends! (I felt like Barney saying that >_>')
YAY ^^.. I'll be sure to accept it as soon as I log on =P
The best book I ever read would be "The Wizard Heir" by Cinda Chima.. It's the second book to The Warrior Heir series and I simply adored it because Seph was one awesome main character >.>.. He's a wizard (Sci-fi fanatic, got to love those books about wizards x3) and it's about a year that really changed his life.. It was an actioned packed book that even made me cry ='[.. It was terribly good, and I recommend it to anyone who loves the Harry Potter series XD
Oh no O:.. Well I haven't been on MSN recently so I don't know if you added me >.>'..
My favourite disney character would be Timon and Pumba from The Lion King (can't have one without the other in my book ^^).. They're like the best duo ever and do the weirdest things x3.. I can't help but laugh when I watch The Lion King and see them, and it's so nice of them to help raise Simba when he was a cub :3.. I love how you have to call Pumba "Mr. Pig" XD.. Gosh Pumba is so cute yet so full of gas >.>'.. Now I have hakuna matata stuck in my head =P
I've been thinking hard on who I'd truly get a long with >.<.. And personally I think I could befriend Demyx.. We're both a but of scardy cats and neither one of us seriously want to fight others.. He's also very funny and seems like someone that you just want to run up from behind and huggle :3.. Who knows, maybe if he had enough patience he could teach me how to play the guitar since I have horrible coordination >.> I can also see myself being friends with Sora XD.. He's so goofy and very friendly, it kind of reminds me of one of my friends really <.<.. Sora is also brave and has a keyblade and could defend me against crows (freak accident between a crow and myself, don't ask O.O).. So he seems like an all around nice guy that you could hang around with all day without getting mad at x3 And finally I can see myself being friends with Donald, I don't mind people with short tempers and he looks so cute when he's fustrated x3.. Imagine all of the conversations you could have with him, it may be a little hard to understand though because of his voice but I'm sure I could get the most part of whatever he says >.>'... Also in this game he's a magicien, he could make a fire out of thin air to make sure that I stay warm when the building blocks of snow that we get down here come :3
I'm addicting to video games >.>.. I like the basic RPG's since they always seem to entertain me.. I love playing any Legend of Zelda game, my favourite being Majora's Mask :3 Kingdom Hearts is a passion of mine of course XD dot.hack//INFECTION & the rest of that series are all great to play.. (Gives you that feel of being online even though you're not <.<) Dragon Quest VIII..I loved the graphics in it since they were so colour vibrant X3 Any Final Fantasy, my all time favourite is FFX And currently I'm playing JakIII :3.. That's a fun series too
YAY ^^.. Now we're MSN buddies =D Aww was it =[.. Maybe it might taste better next time ^^
Yes I do ^^.. I'll send you my email through private message because I'm weird like that XD.. But I'll be logging off tonight because of band, so...
Oh yeah x3.. The emo slide has been born :3 Go ahead and eat it all you want XD.. Tell me what it taste like x]
Favourite Disney Princess: I have two main favourites actually >.> Mulan- Mulan was just a great inspiration to all people 8D.. She was so brave entering the Imperial Army and was such a sweet girl too :3.. She'd always do the right thing even if it meant getting into a bit of trouble, and she definitely was one great fighter ;].. I think that fact that she's Chinese also influenced why I find she's one of the greats <.<.. Chinese culture always fascinated me =D Ariel- The Little Mermaid was a great tale, and what would it be without Ariel?.. She was so hard headed but very determined and liked to do her own thing XD.. She was an inspiration and I thought Ariel was quite funny too ;].. Also what a lovely singing voice she had 8D..
The emo slide was created for those emo kids in the lower grades who hide behine the slide XD.. I don't know if there actaully is an emo slide >.>...
Aww I like Cassandra with a C more then a K too XD... No way you pulled me out of the emo corner v.v.. *Hides behind the emo slide* <.< So true,...
The worst class assignment book I ever read was "Freak the Mighty" by Rodman Philbrick x_x.. We spent two months of English class in grade 9 reading it and doing huge essays about it.. That book was so boring, we had to watch the movie about it after we were done reading and I didn't even like it that much =P.. Maybe I didn't like this novel though because I'm a sci-fi freak and this was more of a story that could actually happen in real life >.>.. Anyways it was hard to read because I wanted to sleep; I had to read it though since I wanted a good mark on the assignment XD
I get nothing for doing well v.v.. Not even a "good job Kassandra" DX *Runs away and hides in an emo corner* >.> I'm deflating my head right now...
I don't watch a huge amount of anime, but the ones that I do watch I get obsessed with O.O (This list is not in order x3) Naruto x3 Onepiece InuYasha Death Note Bleack FullMetal Alchemist.. Go Edward :3 dot.hack//SIGN And I'd love to watch Neon Genesis soon since a lot of my friends say it's a great anime ^_^