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  1. LunaCat
    Alright. I don't really care if they'd be on every single day, I would just want them to be dedicated.
    Post by: LunaCat, Nov 3, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. LunaCat
    Say, might you know some other RPers?
    Post by: LunaCat, Nov 3, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. LunaCat
    Whoo...I hate schoolwork...

    Ohmahgawsh! Is that Ryuk from DeathNote? Anyways, your sheet is accepted.
    Post by: LunaCat, Nov 1, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. LunaCat
    Er...Bringing this up so it doesn't get completely ignored...
    Post by: LunaCat, Oct 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. LunaCat
    Same. I'm slowly typing up my first sheet as we type. We'll probably just need at least one or two more people in...
    Post by: LunaCat, Oct 20, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. LunaCat
    Well, it's mostly supposed to be a mystery and a bit of a sandbox, so that way people won't unintentionally figure things out too quickly in the IC, but here's a smaller synopsis...

    Basically...for the Organization, they find out through various means about the stories going along about the magical savior and evil destroyer stuff, and basically try to find out different things. This is where the sandboxy part comes in. From that point onwards, everyone in the RP basically decides for themselves where to go from there. I like to keep things open.

    And the creepy little child in the OP is important, but he's classified for now~. >;D
    Post by: LunaCat, Oct 20, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. LunaCat
    'Kay~ you have any questions or things you'd like to be cleared up?
    Post by: LunaCat, Oct 20, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. LunaCat
    It will be accepted as soon as you fill you the Broken appearance. For that, it basically explains what your character will look like once they complete the transformation into one of the Broken.

    I'm glad someone is interested~!
    Post by: LunaCat, Oct 20, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. LunaCat
    Hello~! I am new to this forum, though I have spent some time around and observed things. I hope this doesn't get completely ignored~

    Darkness. Nothing but the eternal ocean of darkness. He had lost all sense of time and awareness. All he knew now was that he was drifting along in this primordial realm of non-existence. He would not return to his world anytime soon. For now, he would just remain here and rest. Perhaps he could sleep, but was he not sleeping right now? That word had lost its meaning long ago. Or was it really only a few moments that had passed? Who knew. However, now a Voice broke through the heavy silence. It's tone was almost like a child's, with some sadistic intent.

    "You really thought you'd stay like this forever, didn't you? Don't worry, I just want to play."

    Play? What was this madness that was disturbing his peace? Yet the Voice carried on, almost as if lost in its own imaginings.

    "I have the perfect place for you. There are others there, and you can play with all of them. And I'll make sure you have lots and lots of fun!"

    Well, this didn't sound all that bad. Suddenly, a jolt went through him, almost as if bringing back his awareness of what was going on. His eyes felt closed and his body felt chained, as if a malevolent force was holding him down. With a bit of effort, he opened his eyes, and then...

    The pain only lasted for a second, and the man's head had disappeared from his body. The sound of a child's laughter echoed through the dense forest, though the source of it was nowhere to be seen.

    Welcome to AfterDeath're probably wondering what the heck that was, right? Well, first let's get some things down. In this RP, there is a special little place reserved for certain people once they die. Those people include pretty much all Nobodies, and Keyblade wielders that decided to use their powers for evil, not good. Once those people die, they are dragged from whatever fate they end up in, and are transferred to that special little place. Of course, some wait longer to be taken than others, which means that timelines are often screwed up. Ask someone how long ago they lived, and it might be long before you were born...

    Now onto the land and some history. This place is a nightmare. Only a few small shelters are scattered across the area, and the rest is just deadly. Dark forests with floors of fog, bitterly cold tundras, barren wastes, and more make up the realm. The only native inhabitants here are the Broken, and for a while they weren't aggressive at all. The people only had to contend with nature, which they soon found a way to somewhat conquer. However, after a while the Broken got angry for some reason. They started to attack people out of rage, and whoever they attacked usually became one of them. Worst of all, there were rumors going around of the arrival of mysterious beings, who would change their life as they know it. The people were divided over the meaning of these rumors. Some thought these beings would destroy them, while others thought that they were to be their saviors. Little did they know that the beings they were waiting for were the worst sinners of them all, and were Marked by the Broken themselves.

    The Broken and Marked

    Once creepy creatures that roamed about the lands, they have now become horrifying monsters. The Broken, in essence, are your worst nightmares. They are the embodiments of what we fear most, the dark things in the closet, etc. They vary greatly in shape, size, and color, and no two Broken are alike (unless they were formed that way for a reason). The only thing they have in common is a source of venom, which can come from any part of the body (Fangs, claws, stingers, quills...). Now, this isn't the snakebite kind of venom you'd expect. Instead, it is a sickly, unnatural kind, the type that just makes one shiver upon even thinking about it. They use this venom to mark their victims. And what happens when they are Marked...?

    Well, the Marked are a whole different story. They were once Wielders or Nobodies that were unlucky enough to be attacked by a Broken and "infected" by them, and suffered the excruciatingly painful process of becoming one. It all starts with the venom injection. The area around the wound grows infected, usually causing feverish symptoms in the host, which lasts for about a couple of days on average. By the time the fever stops, the wound will have then healed into a jagged "X", which is either jet black or stark white. The reason for this will be explained soon. This is the Mark, and is what outcasts them from their former society.

    After that the real changes start. Sure, there are physical changes, which vary greatly, but the most prominent effect are the mental changes. In essence, the negative aspects of that person are often truly brought to light. Short-tempered? Well, of course they're going to go into a rage for no apparent reason! Narcisstic (I think that's how it's spelled XP)? Soon they'll cut ties with everyone they befriended, and only care for themselves. You get the idea. Soon more savage instincts will emerge, including bloodlust.

    Now...for the physical changes. Once again, they can be greatly varied. This is where the color of the Marks come in. Marked Nobodies actually gain their emotions back. Mercy? Maybe not.

    White: Those with white Marks usually develop their physical alterations more quickly than mental alterations. In a sense, the mental changes might actually not be as bad as what goes on with the physical. Those with white Marks are symbolically "punished" for their sins and evils, in ways that are quite creative and can be painful.

    Black: Those with black Marks have their mental and physical changes develop at a somewhat equal pace, though it varies on the person. Their physical changes, instead of punishing their negative aspects, bring them out to their appearance instead, symbolically representing their sins. Mental changes also seem to coincide more directly with physical changes.

    Just a note off here before we get to the good stuff...To play as an Organization member, you will need them to be Marked. However, I do not want you making your characters only having cute little kitty ears and a tail and calling it a complete change. That just doesn't fit the nature of this RP at all. And no, I am not asking you to turn your beloved bishies into hideous monsters. Just at least make the changes believable and fitting to the character you claim.

    Yet another note! Every person/character is different. Length of changes and severity over time vary, as said before. Don't want mental changes until the very end? Sure. Each and every one of our characters are special little snowflakes that deserve to be unique in their process of becoming a mindless, rampaging beast. X3

    Playable "Races"

    Wielders: These are Keyblade Wielders that used their power for evil instead of good. They come from all types of worlds, and all spectrums of the time period. They can range from threatening gangleader, to even a threat to the stability of the world; they're bad either way. However, their crimes cost them their lives, most often before old age. Most of them banded together to build shelters in the realm, but some, too rotten to be changed, became rogues that are just another threat to add up.

    Higher Nobodies: Nobodies that took on a human form. There are only a few of them due to the fact that Heartless only became a real threat after Radiant Garden was destroyed. Some decided to turn to a life of evil. However, many, unable to stand their rejection by both Realms and its people, took their own lives. By some twisted turn of fate, they ended up here, even though they did not commit any true crimes.

    Lesser Nobodies: Nobodies that did not take on a human form, and served the Organization. Contrary to popular belief, they do have human level intelligence even in canon (Well, maybe with the exception of Creepers.), and for serving a whole group of heartless monsters they ended up here. There are much more of them present in this realm than Higher Nobodies.

    Organization XIII: Yup. So-called Messiahs or Antichrists in this world, they're in for one heck of a ride. All of them are Marked, which only makes their situation even more distressing. Due to canonical reasons, Roxas and Xemnas will not be playable, nor will Xion.

    Sheets and Claims

    About time! Before you go running off to make one, though, I do have a few standards that cannot technically be stated in rules or the sheets themselves. Please, please, please try to be as realistic as possible in emotions, conversations, and such. There will be quite a few tensions running high, and stress abound, which is no place for someone to be perfectly nice and happy. And...I am very picky about the allowance of special abilities or talents. Now you may begin. :P


    Name: (Obvious! Nothing that outlandish, but it doesn't have to be everyday.)
    Gender: (I think you know this...Hopefully. XD)
    Age: (Pretty much any age...but we wouldn't want infants and old men running around.)
    Appearance: (Pictures are acceptable, as long as they show enough of what the character normally looks like. Written descriptions must be detailed.)
    Personality: (I would like to remind you that they are not innocent little bystanders or forces of light.)
    Bio: (Details, details, details...describe their life up until the moment they died.)
    Keyblade: (Pictures are allowed, and this time I would actually prefer pics over writing.)
    Other: (Any random details that don't fit into the other categories.)
    Writing Sample: (Something pertaining to the character, so I can see a bit of how they'll act in the IC.)

    Higher Nobodies

    Name: (Does not need an 'X' in it.)
    Age: (At least state what age they appear to be.)
    Appearance: (Same as Wielders.)
    Personality: (At least what they make their personality like.)
    Bio: (Whether victims of their heartless-ness or not, as much detail as you can should go into this.)
    Weapon?: (If so, describe. If not, leave blank.)
    Writing Sample: (You get the idea.)

    Lesser Nobodies

    Name: (Requires an 'X'.)
    Gender: (At least the speculated gender.)
    Age: (Same as Higher N's~)
    Class: (Dusk, Assassin, Beserker, etc. If you are inventing a new class, then describe it in appearance.)
    Appearance: (I highly doubt there are lots of fanart of Dusks out there, but if you find a pic, good for you. If not, write for your puny little life! >:D)
    Personality: (Due to the fact that they are not complete evil masterminds like the OXIII, they sometimes tend to have more "emotion".)
    Writing Sample:


    Name: (Or at least nickname/title.)
    "Race": (Wielder, Higher N, Lesser N...?)
    Mark: (White or Black)
    Normal Appearance: (At least, how they look before the RP starts.)
    Broken Appearance:
    Personality: (Their normal/former personality before being Marked.)
    Bio: (Remember to include how they got Marked, and what they have been doing up until the time of the RP.)
    Writing Sample:

    Organization XIII

    Yes, you do have to write a sheet for them. While it is considerable smaller, this is just a measure of how well you know the character and how accurate they are to canon.

    Color: (Usual Marked stuff. Yes, all of the OXIII here are Marked. Magic plot reasons~)
    Broken Appearance: (If you're a wonderful artist, wonderful. If not...write like you've never written before! Also, while their changes might not be complete by the time the RP finishes, it's always good to just give an idea of where they're going. )
    Personality: (Accurate and detailed.)
    Writing Sample: (This should be the scene where they are first Marked, but tell me personally if you have anything against that.)


    0. Prepare yourself.
    1. No flaming or trolling other people. Disrespectful conduct is a one-way ticket out of here.
    2. Good grammar, spelling, and punctuation is a must.
    3. No godmodding, powerplaying, or metagaming. I will gladly provide you more details if you need them.
    4. When you post in a fighting scene, You act, the other determines the consequence of the action. Giving no chance for an attack to be dodged is horrid.
    5. Posts must have at least three lines per character.
    6. This RP has a rating of about PG-13. Don't take romance or gore too far.
    7. If you must curse, don't do it in excess and please censor it with an *
    8. Please try to be as realistic as possible when conveying your character's emotions and reactions.
    9. You make a Mary Sue, you die. Painfully.
    10. My word is Truth, and same with anyone I might appoint to be a mod.
    11. You may have up to at least three characters.


    Got a claim on an OXIII member? I'll list them here. Remember, due to events in canon Roxas, Xion, and Xemnas are not avalible. Also, this doesn't work as being final. If more than one person wants the character, they'll have to prove themselves with the best sheet.

    Zexion- My claim.

    Accepted Sheets

    Name: Nero the Shadow
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    "Race": Higher Nobody
    Mark: Black
    Normal Appearance:
    Broken Appearance: (it's the purple creature behind the normal guy.)
    Personality: Nero was a normally quiet guy, he barely spoke to his superiors or his underlings. He made a move and they followed his order without a word from him. Without emotion this was easily explained. Nero's temper normally was hard to provoke.
    Bio: Nero had roamed the dark forests of the afterlife for a while, running from the Broken that followed him. The Broken eventually wore him down and ripped apart his right side, the Mark extending to below his right eye. Nero had been searching for the Broken who ripped into him since he was Marked for revenge and awaiting in the afterlife for the one who killed him in the first place.
    Other: He has one black wing which symbolizes his betrayal of his fellow Nobodies, which is useless in flight.
    Writing Sample: Nero ran from the slowly moving thing behind him. It was always chasing him. His feet pounded on the ground he couldn't even see because of the thick fog surrounding up to his ankles. The toe of his boot caught on something and he fell heavily to the ground, landing with a panicked cry, "N-no! C'mon, c'mon!" He struggled with his foot and the thing following him came steadily closer. It's bone-chilling scream filling his ears as it saw he couldn't run anymore. He bit his tongue to keep from screaming in fright and ripped his foot from whatever was holding him down and continued running. The thing must have been tired of chasing him as it ran super fast and now stood in front of him, it's mutated form twitching involuntarily. Nero barely had time to realize it was standing in front of him as it swung back it's long clawed arm and slashed through his right side. The long claws ripping through flesh in his side, arm and even below his eye, leaving a burning pain behind. Nero screamed bloody murder and fell to the fogged ground. The thing left him and a violent tremor ran through him, "Son of a B****!" His skin felt as if it were on fire and he rolled to his back, staring up at the dark unchanging sky. Finally Nero closed his eyes and the rest of his pain became a foggy memory.
    Thread by: LunaCat, Oct 19, 2010, 17 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  10. LunaCat
    KMS! Guess what!
    Post by: LunaCat, Oct 19, 2010 in forum: Social Groups
  11. LunaCat
    I might as well catch up with stuff as well...
    Post by: LunaCat, Oct 19, 2010 in forum: Social Groups
  12. LunaCat
  13. LunaCat
  14. LunaCat
  15. LunaCat
    Indeed. My almost done!
    Status Update by LunaCat, Oct 14, 2010
  16. LunaCat
  17. LunaCat
    Profile Post

    Marly: Hrm? Me: Hai!

    Marly: Hrm? Me: Hai!
    Status Update by LunaCat, Oct 14, 2010
  18. LunaCat
    Marly: I hardly appreciate your rude comments. And no, I did not. All I did was utterly kill Luna.
    Me: NOT utterly! You cheated!
    Marly: Using the Double Sleight ability isn't cheating...
    Post by: LunaCat, Oct 13, 2010 in forum: Social Groups
  19. LunaCat
    Marly: I still don't understand why you returned...we could have just vanished and gone off somewhere! Wouldn't that be wonderful?
    Me: No. We're back whether you like it or not. Besides, I'm still angry at you for Re:CoM. <.<
    Marly: Ugh, fine.
    Post by: LunaCat, Oct 13, 2010 in forum: Social Groups