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  1. LunaCat
  2. LunaCat
  3. LunaCat
  4. LunaCat
    By now Rin had reached a small road. While it wasn't much; just some path travelled along and made by farmers, it obviously led to the city. After all, everything led there, and even farmers needed to go out there once in a while, mostly to trade their goods. It seemed uncertain of its own width, sometimes becoming narrow, and at other times stretching out over the fields. It was made of smooth cobblestone, and contained deep gaps from the wagons that the farmers dragged along it. He felt somewhat safe here, like it was home; probably the fault of a farmer's blood flowing through him. However, there was a dilemna in this peaceful countryside: It would take a day to get to the city if he just moved along by foot, whether walking or running. The castle would be closed to all visitors by then, and he would have to stay at an inn, something he didn't exactly feel comfortable doing.

    Just then, he spied something in the distance. It looked like a wagon or small chariot, and seemed to be going along at a slow pace. Deciding to speed his own pace up to see what this vehicle actually was, Rin hurried at a quick jog to the object. By the time he neared it, he swore that the Dragon had placed this vehicle there for him. It was a small trade wagon, led by horses. Not slow oxen or donkeys, but quick and speedy horses. However, he could really only judge that from how tried they looked; the owner was likely walking them so they wouldn't collapse of exhaustion. As he came closer, the rider, a bony middle-aged man with a slight stubble, turned his head to look at him. "Well, what do we have here?" He spoke with a somewhat suspicious tone to his voice, and he had every right to. After all, it wasn't everyday that an ordinary man saw a messenger of the priests.

    "P-permission to...board your vehicle...sir," Rin spoke between ragged breathes as he continued jogging alongside the wagon, he was obviously running out of steam, "I need...a ride to the city." Honestly, this was his only hope. If he didn't get this ride, he would need to rest...and then he would have to get there tomorrow. What if it would be too late by then? Worse, he still had the letter that Master had told him to deliver in the first place. If he messed up on both of these, it would probably mean the end of his career, and his life as he knew it.

    Just as he was beginning to think of a prayer to recite, the man simply gave a gruff nod. He motioned to the back of the wagon, a spot that appeared to be clear and not cramped with crates. Giving a very, very sincere smile of gratitude, Rin climbed onto the vehicle through the back. Once he inched his way over to the place the man specified, he slumped down and breathed a deep sigh. "I'll repay you...after I get some rest..." The man only grunted again to his words. Whoever said the job of a messenger is boring is definitely wrong...
    Post by: LunaCat, Nov 9, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. LunaCat
  6. LunaCat
  7. LunaCat
    It really didn't take all that long for Rin to exit the forest, even though it felt like an eternity; a rather shadowy eternity surrounded by masses of trees on one side, and the coast on the other. Like the coast, the forest stopped rather abruptly, and now it just appeared to be grassland, with emerald oceans of plants. It was a bit breezy here too, sending the grass along in waves and ripples, which were outlined by a white sheen. In the distance were a few clouds and the gray, blurred triangular outlines of mountains. However, the most prominent thing was the stark, black outline of the main city. In a very loose way, it resembled an upside-down cone; the wide, somewhat sprawling bottom of it was the majority of the city, and the tall, rising peak? That was the castle. That was his destination.

    Rin's silver hair was ruffled up by the breeze, along with his tunic; both of which felt as if they were almost trying to pull him towards the way the wind was going. He rubbed his glasses, a usual habit of his, and then set off again at a slighty faster-than-normal pace. After all, he was a messenger, and this letter he was to deliver might just be his ticket to something greater. What that greater thing might be, he did not know, nor did he care. He always knew he was destined for something great, and this was his chance to prove himself.
    Post by: LunaCat, Nov 8, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. LunaCat
    Profile Post

    Oh hello~.

    Oh hello~.
    Status Update by LunaCat, Nov 6, 2010
  9. LunaCat
    Thanks P, you're a savior. XD

    And yes, I do need to thank you. <.<
    Post by: LunaCat, Nov 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. LunaCat
    Rin, after a little bit of time, had finally reached the edge of the woods. It was very strange, it was almost as if the trees just suddenly ended after a certain point, as if an invisible line was blocking them from growing any farther. His little trip through the woods before actually wasn't that frightening: He had just blown it out of proportion. At least, he kept telling himself that. The grass here was long, withered and rough, battered and blown by the winds of the sea. It was also very rocky here, but the little of the beach there was sandy, not a jagged cliff. The sky looked beautiful beyond the horizon, but he had no time for such sight-seeing. Instead, he just continued to hurry along the edge of the forest, where it, to him, felt safer. He continued on for a while, though he was a little tired. Periodically he glanced to the coast, and then back in front of him. This repeated glancing continued on for quite some time, but one time his eyes caught something odd. He slowed his pace, stumbling a little bit during the transition, and then stared out at the coast even harder. There was a fisherman, and he appeared to be saying something to him...

    Once the man began to shout at him, he halted and listened. Something about...It was hard to hear the fisherman with perfect clarity, but he had gotten enough information. Something about the Oracle needing a letter to be delivered to the king? Of upmost importance? There would be a reward? He at first paused and gazed down to the ground, obviously somewhat confused, but when he looked up, all he saw was the back of the man as he entered the boat he had come in. Rin started to run after him, shouting out to him. "Wait! Tell me more!" However, it was too late, for by the time he reached the shore the fisherman had rowed out quite far into the waters. He sighed in what could only be described as utter exasperation. He swung around and began walking back, kicking a rather large rock that was in front of him. The rock went rolling forward, and under it was...The letter? Yes, it was the letter! He picked it up, but was soon rather puzzled when he looked at the "message". "Strange...I can hardly read it. But on the bottom...That must be the Oracle's mark! This must be important." Rin folded it back up gently, and then placed it in his bag. Master's letter could wait--He had something for the king!
    Post by: LunaCat, Nov 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. LunaCat
    He is rather adorable, isn't he? :3

    Alright~ Honestly, I was planning on that at first, but I just thought that it wouldn't be allowed...

    And just to let you know, I'll probably be gone for most of the rest of the day. Family's over. :P
    Post by: LunaCat, Nov 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. LunaCat
    Yeah...that's happened to me before. XP

    Hrm. I have no idea where I'm going with my posts, yet I also know what I'm doing. Do side charries ever meet up with the main group?
    Post by: LunaCat, Nov 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. LunaCat
    The trees were placed close together, huddling in on each other like a group of secretive planners. However, this meant that less light was coming through the leaves, since they would be covered by those of taller trees, and those covered by the leaves of trees even taller. Rin had entered a deeper part of the forest now, a none too friendly one at that. Oddly enough, it only took about a minute for this transition of environments. The ground beneath him was not covered with nice grass, but rather with twisted weeds and rotting leaf litter. Tangled bushes, with bright red berries, were clumped up around each other in various areas. While those berries did look nice, they were probably poisonous, to say the least. Mosses climbed up the trunks and exposed roots of the trees, and white mushrooms took shelter between the root cavities. Stepping over a rotting log, Rin accidentally caught his foot on it, and moved it quite a bit as he staggered free, sending a small spray of insects scurrying to safer ground. He stepped backwards a little, trying to regain balance, with a nervous and slightly disturbed look on his face, but only managed to trip over a large, arch-shaped root right behind him. He fell down on his back, his head cushioned by decomposing leaves.

    He lay there for a few moments, trying to process exactly what had happened. He really should have been more careful with that call. It was always the same...he would go out on what seemed like a nice route, and then the moment it got unpleasant (Approximately one minute this time) he would make a fool of himself. "Well, I guess there was a reason why Master didn't think I would make a good fighter." He chuckled to himself a little, but soon got up again, and brushed the dirt off of his tunic. This was no time to be fooling about, he had a message to deliver, after all! Still, the path he was going seemed as if it would only get darker...But he could handle it! Or can I...?
    Post by: LunaCat, Nov 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. LunaCat
    The fangs. Those terrible, terrible fangs. They were long and sharp, dripping with steaming saliva. The beast's eyes looked at him, reptilian eyes of pure hate. Oily, black scales rippled along the whole of the dragon's body as it took a step forward. Red-hot, glowing claws dug into the ground, as if the beast was trying to hold itself back. But he couldn't move at all. He was just frozen there, imprisoned by those yellow, slit-pupil eyes. Those pupils finally widened in frenzy, and the dragon dove at him, claws and fangs outstretched--

    Rin woke up rather suddenly, and glanced around him frantically. His glasses were almost falling off of him, and beads of sweat had formed on his forehead. He could hear his heartbeat, thumping along like a rabbit during a hunting game. However, this was not the dark cave of his dreams, nor was that dark dragon waiting for him. This was a forest, and it was already quite well into the day. The dew of the grass had gone, and yellow rays of light were shining through openings in the canopy. He was sitting up against an old, large tree, its trunk riddled with marks of age. He straightened himself out and fixed his glasses, and then leaned back in a much more relaxed position. "Another nightmare...Why did I have to read that one book before I left?" That one book was actually an account of how the dragon would grow deaf and blind to the songs of the Diva, and destroy the world. It wasn't really an official Draconic tale, but it frightened him just the same.

    He reached down into his sack, conveniently strapped around his waist and right in front of him, and pulled out a small envelope. He wasn't to open it, of course, that was the main rule to follow when delivering messages, but he was curious as to who it would be given to. His orders were just to bring it to a certain inn, and give to a certain man. They said he would know who the person would be, but still...Well, it wasn't his job to be curious. Rin got up and began to continue his little journey at the slightly hurried pace of a normal messenger. He knew this forest well, having been taught quite a few landmarks and such to help him find his way out, so he continued on without a worry.
    Post by: LunaCat, Nov 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. LunaCat
    Don't worry, I would never commit the insulting crime of making it like that. XD

    Name: Rin

    Age: 21

    Role: None so far~

    Bio: Rin is a peasant. Well, not exactly the type that makes a living shovelling dung, because that would just be a bit too pitiful, but the farming type. He lived with his father and mother in a small little cottage out in the more rural areas. His life, while rather quaint, was good. However, one day he heard people talking of a dragon in town, and this time he stopped to listen. What he heard frightened the living daylights out of him. The dragon would come and kill them all if it had the chance? The only way to keep it locked up was to have a girl sing to it constantly? However, instead of fearing for that poor girl, his more selfish concerns made him feel glad that the Divas were keeping the dragon away. He began to show interest in such subjects, much to his parents' dislike, for they wanted him to stay on the farm, and not go into the more urban areas. This did not help him at all, of course. He started to dream of the dragon, and those dreams soon turned into horrific nightmares. One night, tired of his parents' discipline and compelled by his desire to learn more of the dragon, he ran away from home. He was 12 then, not even close to being a young man.

    Of course, it wasn't like the town was some utopia of goodness and light. He lived in the streets for some time, living off the few scraps he could get and the sights he saw. This place was much more fabulous in its trinkets, its magic, its items than the countryside; but the only downsides were the inhabitants. Rude, loud, and just plain undesirable people, Rin stayed away from them as much as he could. However, he couldn't hide forever. Taking up the job of a waiter at a local inn, he soon found out that he wasn't exactly suited for the job. Clumsy and unable to carry multiple trays, and just a bit too timid to ask beefy visitors out of the way, he was soon confined to only bringing food to guests staying in their rooms. This was an hidden turn of fate for the boy, because one night he was asked to bring rather lavish meals to a certain guest. This guest turned out to be one of the Draconic priests. Rin did not know this, of course, and in what is probably one of the worst moments in his life, he dropped the priest's glass of wine. Oddly enough, the man did not scold him. Instead, he quite literally offered to buy him from the innkeeper, and take him on as his apprentice.

    And thus at age 17, a third chapter of his life began. Rin was taken into the temple for his training, which began the very next day he arrived. At first, his new master did not put him through rigorous sessions to become a guard or monk, nor did he force him to study book after book to become a scholar. All he did was answer the boy's questions. What does the beast look like? Why does it need to be appeased? All questions were answered with the calm, wise patience of one who has done this many times before. Of course, it wasn't like they mentioned too much about the Diva. It would be too much for the apprentice. After about a month of clearing Rin up on the layout of the temple, what the priests did, what Dragonism really was, his master then knew it was time to test the roles the boy could be useful for. However, he failed pretty much everything. He could hardly hold up a sword, and he was too easily distracted for the role of a scholar. And so, he was assigned the job of a delivery boy. Through this he basically acted as a messenger between the priests throughout various towns, due to the fact that it wasn't safe for them anymore. Oh, speaking of that...At age 20, once he learned of the rebels, he swore that he would stop them one day, no matter what the cost, and has begun training so he would be ready for that day...

    Personality: In all honesty, Rin isn't exactly the courageous postman that travels through hail, sleet or snow just to deliver his special messages. He naturally timid and is prone to getting frightened easily and jumping at things. If a big, scary monster tried to attack him, he would freeze up like a deer in headlights, to say the least. He still has nightmares about the dragon, and is slightly paranoid that one day the beast itself will swoop down from the sky to kill him. He is quite clumsy and forgetful, to say the least, and is constantly breaking or losing one thing or another. He is also very naive, and this had made him quite an easy recruit for the Draconic priesthood. Blinded by lies and the promise of safety, he will do anything to protect what he values, which is himself and the religion. Of course, this not only brings up the fact that he is surprisingly selfish, but also that under all that cowardice lies a stubborn determination. The real question is, will that determination get him killed or not...?

    Appearance: Here~

    Other: The product of video game music, and quite a bit of procrastination--I mean thinking! XD

    Dedication Level: 3.5. I'm usually only on during weekdays, though I will be able to come on at some times during the weekends.

    RP Skill: Standard to all really depends.

    Faction: Leaning towards bad.

    Whoo~! Now I feel braindead. 8D
    Post by: LunaCat, Nov 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. LunaCat
    Working on it right now~!

    You don't mind if I kind of BS my way through Personality, right? 'Cause everyone knows that character development usually changes quite a few things. XP
    Post by: LunaCat, Nov 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. LunaCat
    Alright, I'm okay with side characters. In fact, they're actually some of my favorites...
    Post by: LunaCat, Nov 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. LunaCat
    Say, all of the main positions or roles are taken, am I right? Because I'm rather compelled to join this.

    Mainly because of this awesome title and the colors...Just kidding! X3
    Post by: LunaCat, Nov 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. LunaCat
  20. LunaCat
    KMS! I missed you!

    Yeah...Just take all the time you need. Quality, not quantity is one of my many mottos~
    Post by: LunaCat, Nov 3, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home