He stayed still as the guards began dragging them away. Idiots still don't give a big enough dose to put me down. He thought to himself. When they were left in the room, he moved over to Larz and Elevir, shaking them gently in an attempt to wake them. "Wakey, Wakey."
Rek saw the director's movements and moved in front of Larz, a fireball in hand. "Make any move to shoot and i'll burn you alive." He said, his eyes trained on those of the director. This man wasn't going to hurt any of his friends without dealing with him first.
He moved closer to Kaylee and the others, a fireball in hand. He kept his eyes trained on the director, his potential target. "We could be in some trouble here..." He said to the others in a low voice. "Hm..."
OOC:It's an orb that fits in my pocket .-. It's quite small and my hand is closed around it, maybe say you're aiming for the hand that's holding it instead? Rek quickly tucked the hand holding his orb behind his back, the knives grazing his forearm and shoulder instead. "Damn, that hurt!" He said as he launched another volley of five fireballs at Ren.
"I'll get you sooner or later!" He growled as he quickly threw five more, followed by another volley of six.
Rek quickly launched four more fireballs at Ren as he was in mid-flip, dashing forward as he threw them.
Stuff kersplodin rules!
But doctors dun blow stuff up!
Hurrah! -hugs you tight- You believe in me!
-sniffles- I-i'm not? D8
Aauuu T.T What can I do then? I'm worthless!
Seeing that his punches may not land, he quickly swept his leg out, meaning to take Ren's legs from under him.
Howabout a gangster?! =D
Rek quickly launched two flaming punches, aimed for Ren's side and face.
B-b-b-b-but I wanna gooooo T.T
Flames burst from Rek's destructive shell to intercept the knives. Rek pumped his legs all the harder as he barrleled towards Ren, flames bursting up and to the sides of him.
B-b-b-but I getta blow stuff up! D=
Rek rushed at Ren, fire covering him from head to toe. Rek became a flaming juggernaut as he ran at Ren.
Quickly thinking up a plan, the threw two more fireballs, blowing the hinges off the door, then created a small explosion inside the cell with all the force aimed into pushing the door away from the cell. Now, Reiji could get out. He threw more fireballs at Ren, hoping to drive him back.
T.T It's too late, I became an army man already