Uh ._. Wow
How many to we have?
XD Alrighty then. I love you, babycakes =D
Is this color better? =D
But red is the color of my heart =D So of course i'd use it when talking to my love >>
Yesh you is
You're still such a cutie =P
Well Shawn doesn't do much since he graduated and jody is always with his girlfriend..
Kinda bored really
Really? wasn't it tedious?
Don't worry ^^
Everything is fine
I'm glad you're all okay..
Jasped walked over to Aly and Tyler. "You okay, Aly? He asked her. He then turned to face the boy with her. "I'm Jasped, her roommate."
Well that sucks
"I should go get Aly. She must be hungry. I'll be right back." He said walking out of the mess hall and over to the cabin he shared with Aly and Rhone. Going inside, he saw Aly thrashing around in her bed, tangled in the blankets. He ran over to her, gently grabbing her arm and shaking her. "Aly! Wake up, it's just a nightmare." He said, patting her cheek lightly.
You're welcome Jayney BD
Jasped walked around a corner and stopped having come upon a very full buffet with everything from pizza and cheeseburgers to caviar and escargo. " Hey, Rhone. I found some food. Well, more like alot."
He looked around the mess hall then walked over and peeked into the kitchen. "Hm.... Nope, no one." He said facing Rhone. "Though I bet the camp is run by computers or something. You know, like robotic arms and automated ovens. But someone would have to run those too..."
"Yeah, that's it." He replied to Rhone. "Aly needed to do some girl stuff or something so I decided i'd go with you." He walked into the mess hall and looked around. "Hm....Have you noticed that no one is ever working in the camp?"