He stood behind Kaylee, examining the door. "Hm......I wonder how we could open this....." He glanced up at Kaylee. "I'm sorry, Kaylee, but if we can't blow this door off or animate a key, then I think we may not be able to get him out at the moment. However, if those two methods, or any other ones we think of, don't work...I heard of this kid who can manipulate aura into anything, which means he may be able to unlock it. I only say these things as an alternative to taking a guard's keys. Even if Scott could stop time so we can pluck them off his belt, he can't keep it up forever and the guard would probably notice."
OOC: I brought Elevir too >>
He chuckled as he watched the two stare then looked up and saw Kaylee and Scott walking away. "Oops! C'mon you two!" He said as he pulled them along, catching up to the other two.
He grinned and patted her on the shoulder. "No need to be sad. Never be ashamed of your gift!"
"I'm Rek, an elemental gift. Though I guess you already knew that seeing as you almost said my name." He glanced over at her as he said this.
Rek stood and followed Kaylee and Scott, making sure that Larz was following."Hm..."
"Hurts? Maybe if you ate from a tube. But this doesn't hurt." Rek finally spotted Kaylee when she waved to them. "C'mon, I see Kaylee." He said as he pulled Larz over to the table she was at and sat beside her.
"This is where we get fed. The food sucks, but it's all we have..." He kept looking around. "Now where the heck is Kaylee?"
His eyes scanned the cafeteria. searching for Kaylee. "Hey, Larz, do you dee Kaylee anywhere?" He asked OOC: Neo, elemental gifts do have a channeling object, but it does say "No dangerous weapons." The guards would take that sword away.
He laughed at Larz's answer. "Yes, you are. Let's go get some food...I think Kaylee wanted our help with something." He waited for Larz to follow him to the cafeteria, where Rek thought Kaylee may be given the time.
Rek moved away from Larz as the woman walked up to talk to Elevir. He grinned as he watched her walk off. "So many pretty women here, it wouldn't be such a bad place if they weren't so mean..." He looked back at Larz. "So, you okay now?"
"That's it, Larz. Just take deep breaths and stay calm." He said, keeping the same voice. "Eva, you okay?"
He moved beside Larz, resting his hand on the man's shoulders. He forced his voice to be devoid of any pain or fear, making it sound a bit cheery even. "Just calm down Larz. Calm down and everything will be okay, my friend."
"Larz, Larz! It's okay, calm down buddy. Nothing is happening, control your power." He calmly moved forward, picking Eva up from Larz's hand and slowly stepping back before setting her on the floor. "Larz, control it before anyone gets hurt..."
Rek noticed Larz's anxiety and let his voice become calm. "Just calm down, Larz. It's okay, nothing bad is happening. Eva, you may want to move away though." He held his hands palm up in front of him so Larz would feel less threatened.
"Twenty-one?" Rek became alert,that must be his age! "But if you're twenty-one......What made them let you live beyond twenty?"
"I am sixteen years old, turning seventeen fairly soon...But i'll never make it twenty-one while i'm in here..." Rek sighed and stretched.
"Hm.....Have you heard the guards refer to any number between one and twenty?" Then he thought for a seond. "But you probably don't know numbers either......How can we find out how old you are...?" He asked no one in particular.
"How many years have you been you?" He asked instead.
"Stop being you? I suppose if you don't believe in religion, that'd be true. That's why we have to escape." He chuckled lightly at the odd way Larz spoke. "We have to escape very soon......How old are you? If you know that is."