yup! well not at school, only around my friends am I REALLY hyper, either that or my family
yes, the one with the demyx shirt (only in my dreams) and the demyx plushie.
which jake and what?
well kinda, I kicked out, and I kicked a wall, barefoot, not even socks, and well it went through the wall.....I had to give my mom all my money to pay to get it fixed.....
no, you don't, its embarrassing....for me.....and my poor foot.....
good, sad that school is about to start tommorrow, oh and thanks for the holy kitchen knife armor......*sniff* my holy kitchen knife was confinscated......the police said it was "dangerous" and "illegal" phooey! it was harmless! welll kinda.........
wow.....I looked around and was about to start cleaning when I saw one of those horse heads on sticks so I galloped around my basement on it, then I ran into a wall...............now that wall's gonna have TWO holes, Larxel, you know what I'm talking about......
*sigh* I don't even know why I'm here *looks around* Demyx totally pwns Axel.....EEP! I'm gonna get killed now aren't I?
Well Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicle is the title of a manga I really like. And book 16 was really freaking and had a lot of plot twists so, I'm scarred................
I will be on and off, cause I'm really suppossed to be cleaning the basement right now......*sweatdrop*
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! FAI'S EYE FAI'S EYE!!!!!!!! *runs in circles screaming* *begins hypervenilating* sorry, I have been scarred for life by Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicle 16 Hi! Yup I'm Demyx, Larxel's crazy friend! And thanks! I'm a little hyper just to warn you.....*smile*
*creepy smile* I'm BAAAAAACCCCCKKKKkK!!!!! *horror music plays*