Search Results

  1. demyx_luver_dwd338
    Hi. This sounds interesting. I write Fanfics and have roleplayed on a different website. I will admit, I'm kind of a noob on this site, so I don't really know how to do everything yet. Am I allowed to join?

    Oh.........I guess no one's here right now........
    Post by: demyx_luver_dwd338, Sep 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. demyx_luver_dwd338
    Hey family! Sorry I haven't been on in a while! *sweat drop* So just stopping in and saying HI!!!!!!! so HI!!!!!!!
    Post by: demyx_luver_dwd338, Nov 18, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  3. demyx_luver_dwd338
    ((Larxel with Demyx on her account))

    Well school's busy... I haven't really had much time... I took a picture of my hand (Demyx drew on it...) and as soon as I get it on the computer I'm going to put it on deviantART (shhh demyx dosen't know! She thought I was jokeing!!)
    and I don't really like school too
    AND OMG YOURE FIRST DAY OF MIDDLE SCHOOL!!! *gets lost in thought* I remember MY first day of middle school!!
    Post by: demyx_luver_dwd338, Aug 27, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  4. demyx_luver_dwd338
    sorry guys, quick change of my characters. Yuffie and Sora. I can't do Zexy..... *sweatdrop*

    Sora climbed out of the reckage of the gummi ship. He rubbed his head and watched as many people climbed out of the gummi ship complaining. (just playing Donald for a moment sorry) "Nice going Sora," Donald muttered, but of course it was in a strange quacking voice. "Hey! It wasn't my fault! I couldn't sworn Sephiroth was trying to get me to crash by doing the hula! I mean, can you blame me for looking, and laughing, at that?!"

    ooc: *glomps Kadaj*
    Post by: demyx_luver_dwd338, Aug 19, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. demyx_luver_dwd338
    Hello peoples! any ideas for the first show? *sweat drop* I'm braindead...

    so now we have more peoples!

    I gotta go but first I'll add you guys names.
    Post by: demyx_luver_dwd338, Aug 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. demyx_luver_dwd338
    We should wait for some more people before we start. Hmmmmmmmm..........*begins brainstorming first show*

    I just want to see Zexion in pink.......oh and Shelke in a pink frilly dress......
    Post by: demyx_luver_dwd338, Aug 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. demyx_luver_dwd338
    Hey everyone, not staying on just came to say that Larxel and I have created a random Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts role playing board thing. What is it exactly? Well search Square Enix Goes Broadway and find the one by me. Read the description and if you likey join! It is now up and running. Oh, and A Touch Of Destiny is thereth tooeth. So...........Join! ETH!
    Post by: demyx_luver_dwd338, Aug 18, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  8. demyx_luver_dwd338
    THIS IS BEING MOVED TO LARXEL_LOVER'S THINGIE!!! I'm too busy and too confuzled!! Sorryz!! Larxel will have it up soon!!!

    Sorry again!!!
    Thread by: demyx_luver_dwd338, Aug 18, 2007, 11 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  9. demyx_luver_dwd338
    he's not stupid! He's just different! Very different! And innocent. Wow, there's a pic of Ariel kissing Demyx, and he's like what the heck?! Then there's one with Cheese from Foster's home (no I don't watch it) and he joined orgy 13.
    Post by: demyx_luver_dwd338, Aug 15, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  10. demyx_luver_dwd338
    I think its funny. Demyx wasn't in the game very much, but he's a really popular character.
    Post by: demyx_luver_dwd338, Aug 15, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  11. demyx_luver_dwd338
    *twitch* LARXEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *strangles*
    Post by: demyx_luver_dwd338, Aug 15, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  12. demyx_luver_dwd338
    Larxel, *twitch*, you, *twitch* have issues............
    Post by: demyx_luver_dwd338, Aug 15, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  13. demyx_luver_dwd338
    AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! PEOPLE ARE PAIRING DEMYX AND KAIRI TOGETHER!! Actually not that bad of a couple.......there are alot worse, definatly ALOT worse

    HOLY COW!! giant green letters!
    Post by: demyx_luver_dwd338, Aug 15, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  14. demyx_luver_dwd338
    this is random but funny. Basically there was this comic of Demyx and Axel in a sauna and Axel was making fire, and Demyx was putting it out. This was the last few lines, I like Demyx's last line:

    Axel: It was all Demyx's fault, he kept dropping all the water.
    Demyx: You're the one who heated it up!
    Axel: I was keeping the fire alive!
    Demyx: And raising the temperature!
    Axel: The sauna was hot because of the W-A-T-E-R! Got it memorized?
    Demyx: I-T-W-A-S-A-L-L-Y-O-U-R-F-A-U-L-T! Got it memorized!?
    Post by: demyx_luver_dwd338, Aug 15, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  15. demyx_luver_dwd338
    YUP!! oh, I just joined because Larxel forced me to. We had been talking on the phone for an hour and my mom told me she needed to make a call, so Larxel told me to join so we could keep talking.....
    Post by: demyx_luver_dwd338, Aug 15, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  16. demyx_luver_dwd338
    if I don't reply, its cause I am now searching Demyx pictures on Deviantart. there are some real cute ones!
    Post by: demyx_luver_dwd338, Aug 15, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  17. demyx_luver_dwd338
    so not fair......*sniffle*
    Post by: demyx_luver_dwd338, Aug 15, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  18. demyx_luver_dwd338
    NO!!!!!! *bashed larxel* YOU WILL WATCH LION KING!!!!!

    sorry bout that, first movie I ever saw and I always would watch it with my dad. It's like my favorite disney movie now.

    It was an accident! *smile* kinda, no really it was. And I only said chalk would make it feel better because there was some chalk lying around at the moment.
    Post by: demyx_luver_dwd338, Aug 15, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  19. demyx_luver_dwd338
    I think it was a strong kick, because I actually do have a strong kick. THe only strong part about me, *goes off to be depressed*
    Post by: demyx_luver_dwd338, Aug 15, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  20. demyx_luver_dwd338
    yup! for everyone who doesn't know, one of my best friend's name is jake, and my little brother's name is jake. The two were in my basement one on each end, and they both were armed with hockey sticks. My brother threw a tennis ball and my friend hit it back baseball style, and broke one of the lights in the ceiling. it was kinda funny cause I was watching. I was on the computer
    Post by: demyx_luver_dwd338, Aug 15, 2007 in forum: Forum Families