Oooooh meeee!
^ Borat. hahahahahaha
High school so far for me is pretty good unlike how some people have said before in the past. My grades are good, it's quite easy. The only class I have a problem with is Gym, which is like the military. I get along with a lot of people (unlike middle school). There's some people I'd like to smack but I tell myself "Their young, they're still maturing, they'll see the error of what they've done themselves". Plus I hate metal detectors, security guards and people from the other schools (my high school is one out of five high schools in the same building). Some of those people have anger issues.
I love it. Ryan is so cute. It made me cry though, so I'm a bit hesitant to watch it... I don't like crying!
Riku. He got taller and learned the most during the course of all three games.
My hometown would be a mixture of The World That Never Was, Hollow Bastion/ Radient Garden and Twilight Town. My hometown is a city, there's people everywhere(some who I don't like).
Hahahaha your reaction was funny and made of win, and then you put it on youtube for the whole world to see. Good stuff, good stuff...
XDDDD Once I told the teacher I had to take a shower, that's why I didn't do my homework.
Blue Jay Way- Beatles(Across the Universe version)
Testing, testing... please excuse my horrible Japanese. わたしのなまえはニコールです。14さいです。そしてテレービゲームがだいすきです。しゅくだいがすきじゃありません。
Hey I'm new here. You can call me Nikki. Nice to meet you all.
Cute! I like it a lot. The backround is a little too bright though, but otherwise it's very good.
Yay there's a topic for this movie in this forum! :) Anyways I love this movie; I can't wait until it comes out on DVD. I like the songs a lot. I'm getting the soundtrack for Christmas. I'm very excited.