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  1. ~.Only.Twilight.~
    Oh, I love sweeties! :) And yes, I do like the site so far, everyone is so nice here! :inlove: If I need help PM someone with a colourful name, gotcha! Thank you so much! ^^

    Hi! Okay, I will do many posts and keep moving up, up, up my reputation points!
    Post by: ~.Only.Twilight.~, Jun 11, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. ~.Only.Twilight.~
    I have to wear my glasses all the time, otherwise I see double! Like, I see two of everything, which is reallly ironic since my sister is my identical twin! :laughing-smiley-004
    Post by: ~.Only.Twilight.~, Jun 11, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  3. ~.Only.Twilight.~

    Well... hiya!

    Hi, I'm OnlyTwilight and I'm pretty new around here (actually, this is the first time I've posted in a forum! :sweatdrop:). But, having read some of the rules and stuff (I'll read the rest after posting this) I'm sure I'll understand it better and also 'practice makes perfect'! :D
    About myself, I'm fifthteen years old, have short brown hair that's kinda like Demyx’s' when I spike it up - only my hair is darker, brown eyes and I wear brown glasses too :P! My interests are making tributes to Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy, I also like drawing, reading, writing fanfic, playing games (or watching my sister play them whenever I get to a really hard boss - well at least to me, and I'm a pretty rubbish player!) and listening to music. I generally like most music although I don't really like jazz or blues and I don't tend to listen to rock much since it depresses me :cold:. I'm also learning to play the violin and piano, although I'm only Grade 2 violin and zilch grade piano :lol:. I'm Scottish and... I've forgotten what I was going to say! :unsure: That's very bad of me... oh well.
    My personality on the internet is very different to my personality normally. Normally I'm ver shy and quiet - I can go though a whole day without speaking a word, but on the internet... well, apparently I'm a big blabber mouth, :lol:
    Anyway, I think that's a long enough intro, now I'll read the rest of the rules and then going and make some videos! Oh! I just found the Sora smilie! :ff10sora: How cute is that!
    Okay, :stupid:
    So, umm this is the end of my intro, and I hope that I'll enjoy my time here!
    P.S: I've use far too many smilies, haven't I?
    Thread by: ~.Only.Twilight.~, Jun 10, 2008, 26 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures