Search Results

  1. ~.Only.Twilight.~
    I dunno if they have one! :shocked:
    I mean, Japan has a really polite culture so... :huh: umm, you could use one of the honorifics like -sama or -dono (eg. name-dono). Usually those two examples are used to show upmost respect but if person hasn't done anything to you to earn that respect or they are your ememy then it can be really insulting. Use those in a sarcastic tone and it could pass! A sarcastic sempai could also work.
    Post by: ~.Only.Twilight.~, Jul 21, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. ~.Only.Twilight.~
    1. Kairi (KH2)
    2. Olette (KH2)
    3. Namine (KH2 (though her oufits doesn't change from CoM lol)
    1. Sora (KH2)
    2. Roxas (KH2)
    3. And I dunno, Goofy? :lol:
    Post by: ~.Only.Twilight.~, Jul 21, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. ~.Only.Twilight.~
    I prefer Aeris over Aerith but I also like Aerith. :) I think they both sound pretty and suit her well. :luv:
    Post by: ~.Only.Twilight.~, Jul 1, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  4. ~.Only.Twilight.~
    Large bodies annoy me too! :censor: Although once you discover the right technique to use then they aren't so bad.
    Post by: ~.Only.Twilight.~, Jul 1, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. ~.Only.Twilight.~
    My guilty pleasures... hmm,
    • Most of Britney Spears stuff (Blackout is just... :inlove:)
    • Hilary Duff ~ 'What Dreams are made of' and 'Come Clean'
    • Linsay Lohan ~ Rumors
    • And Evanescence! (Betcha didn't expect that one!)
    Post by: ~.Only.Twilight.~, Jun 30, 2008 in forum: Music
  6. ~.Only.Twilight.~
    I don't really watch much T.V. I only really watch Doctor Who and House.

    But that's because it a big family thing to watch those shows in my house!
    Post by: ~.Only.Twilight.~, Jun 30, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  7. ~.Only.Twilight.~


    Oh, whoops, guess I didn't spot that! :sweat: And I don't mean to sound like a n00b but do you know how to close threads? :sweat: 'Cause their not much point in being two of the same thing!
    Post by: ~.Only.Twilight.~, Jun 30, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  8. ~.Only.Twilight.~

    Darn it! So close! If I had only remembered the shift key for the captial 'T'... -_-
    Post by: ~.Only.Twilight.~, Jun 30, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. ~.Only.Twilight.~
    The weirdest thing I have ever ate was a bar of soap. ​


    It was vile! :xp:​
    Post by: ~.Only.Twilight.~, Jun 30, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. ~.Only.Twilight.~
    I have to agree with SeaSaltIcecream21 here. Demyx was just someone who ended up at the wrong place at the wrong time! So I'd pick Demyx!

    Although preferably most of Org. XIII since they were mostly just looking for their hearts again. 'Side from Xemnas. He was the only one who just wanted to control the whole universe rather than find his heart.​
    Post by: ~.Only.Twilight.~, Jun 30, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  11. ~.Only.Twilight.~


    Hey, has anyone read the D.N.Angel manga? If so, what did they think of it?

    Personally, I really like this manga! The story is interesting and I think the artwork is amazing!:D
    Thread by: ~.Only.Twilight.~, Jun 30, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  12. ~.Only.Twilight.~
    I didn't find the LOTR books really hard to read, although I had to read one paragraph like 4 times to understand it, :lol3:. But that was most because I was at my aunt’s house at the time and that family is crazy!

    However I'm finding The Children of Húrin by J.R.R. Tolkien near impossible to read! It's just so... depressing and... dull. Not to mention super confusing :confused:.

    Pride and Prejudice was a bummer to read as well. The school librarian gave it me to read since she said I was reading too many Fantasy books for a girl at the time and thought that most of the girly books would be too easy for me (not true but more on that later). It was really confusing :confused: and I had no idea what was happening at all! However I recently saw the movie and really enjoyed it so I may try reading the book again...

    I know this is supposed to be a good book but I couldn't read Eragon! I don't know why, but I just keep falling asleep while reading it! :sleepy: It was kinda boring, :lol:.

    The teen-girl romance kinda books are also usually difficult for me to read but that's because I get so mad at them! :mad: The characters are so dim and only care about being popular and make-up and boys and I feel like chucking the book at the wall! :ranting:
    Post by: ~.Only.Twilight.~, Jun 30, 2008 in forum: Literature
  13. ~.Only.Twilight.~
    Here's my desktop!


    Because I have a little obsession with Birth by Sleep!
    Post by: ~.Only.Twilight.~, Jun 30, 2008 in forum: The Playground
  14. ~.Only.Twilight.~
    I think that he came from the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' world. I dunno, he seemed to kinda suit that world and he knew the pirates slang as others have said.
    Post by: ~.Only.Twilight.~, Jun 29, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. ~.Only.Twilight.~
    Hiya Jorden! :action-smiley-030: Don't worry, you will have tons of fun here! :D
    Everyone that I have met so far is really nice so don't worry about meeting a ton of meanies either! :)
    Do you wanna be friends? PM if you do!
    Post by: ~.Only.Twilight.~, Jun 29, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  16. ~.Only.Twilight.~
    Although I prefer KH2 Kairi over KH Kairi, I still like both. :)
    I like the fact that Kairi was a little immature when she was younger and became more mature as she got older. Good character development! :rockdover:
    Also, is it only me who likes Kairi's giggles? :huh: I think thay are kinda cute! :poketoungeb:
    Post by: ~.Only.Twilight.~, Jun 29, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. ~.Only.Twilight.~
    I have about two weeks to go. :( It so boring at school and it's hot and stuffy too. :( Oh well! *Lets think postive* I've only got two weeks to go!

    *EDIT* I feel sorry for everyone who has got more than two weeks to go. Just hold on everyone!
    Post by: ~.Only.Twilight.~, Jun 14, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. ~.Only.Twilight.~
    I'm listening to 'Freakshow' by Britney Spears!
    Post by: ~.Only.Twilight.~, Jun 14, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. ~.Only.Twilight.~
    Hmm... I was stuck between Kairi and Namine but I picked Kairi because she's a gorgeous red-head! She's also a princess and has a really pretty keyblade, although I wouldn't mind having the Oblivion keyblade or the Bonds of Flame (Well, I think thats the name - it's the one you get after Axel dies) so I guess I would also like to be Sora 'cause he has those two keyblades!
    Post by: ~.Only.Twilight.~, Jun 11, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. ~.Only.Twilight.~
    That's a nice theory! I dunno, me and my sister had a giggle about it meaning Xaldin-Zexion-Axel/Xigber... stupidness aside we thought it could that those charcters were important in the game as well as Roxas since it's suppose be said 3-5-8 rather than 358. But your thoery better.
    Post by: ~.Only.Twilight.~, Jun 11, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX