? um no i dont drink
ok i was just wondering
i think i think it is riku and i also think you can dual wield
33038 a few more months we will be done also for who ever finishs it wil they recieve good rep from everyone to make this go faster
i am right now listining to Rihanna Dont Stop the music
why did almost every one pick names from the Kh series its kindof confusing when you try to look for a specific person i also realize this is a kh site but still why didnt you use your real names
i agree she does have a lot of time of is really good at doing it
I Think people do that to be entertained and if you are talking about on this site i guess so they have more post
just make sure that you are doing everything right
Oh yeah im not sure if this is the right place please move it or let me know here is some of the set up Magical items- abilty light jewel - move quickly dark jewel -summons demons ice jewel - freezes objects water jewel - has healing properties fire jewel - u get the idea wind jewel - gives ability to levatate earth jewel - can control plants thunder - shoots lightning out of the weapon there is gonna be more Please reply any way i need at least 12 main characters other than myself if u are interested let me know and we can decide on which jewel you are gonna get Rules no same sex relationships no intimacy between charaters you can cuss but you have to sensor them assuming you know how no killing off main charters killing demons that the main characters summon are alright other than that there are none have fun post alot if you like it give good karma please
where would i start a story on this website please dont lie thanks
u r crazy why would you put that on a Kh website
ok dont post anymore on this tread im bout to make a new one
yeah i kinda wanted to be a pirate
ok got that. i pretty much know the rules Riku08 told me
my name is probaly gonna be GeXorge or Georgex
hey every body im new up here. got up here yesterday