*resurects V* you can kill her now if you want jk >D (almost)
*gasp!* i didn't know you could draw!!! that is awesome and really cool that your mom can make the clothes you design... ooooo
the drawing isn't bad. it is actually pretty good. try to add texture to the hair and even out the shoulders. if you shaded it it would look really good! keep practicing! ^^
*collapses* AHHHH! i killed a person!!! *runs around in circles like a maniac* XP
*gasp gasp gasp* if anyone tries to hurt a cookie... they will DIE!!!
*now glomps anyone not in glomping range* >D i am bored now T.T
GLOMP ATTACK! *tackle glomps everyone in glomping range*
that sucks... i hate work..... i was really hyper last night coffee *twitch* all across the country and coast.... people always say what do you like most.... i don't wanna brag i don't wanna boast... i always tell them i like toast... YEAH TOAST!
it sounds like you have a good idea for a story going! i have some advice if you want some... it would make the story both longer and more interesting if you added more detail ^^
pillow fight? *cocks head shruggs and chucks a pillow at someone*
honestly... yes i am, actually about 7... :sweatdrop: i never really finish my books but i want to over the summer... that is my goal that i will most likely not accomplish ^^
Myou went to the snack machine to buy some chocolate.
*sits on the floor eating a cookie and watching the mahem*
welcome to kh-vids! spam in the spamzone, read the rules before you start <--- (trust me it helps), and most importantly... have fun! ^^
*ish pelted in the head with cookies* ahhh! cookies no you betrayed me T.T drinking coffee *laughs like a maniac* watz wrong? you don't seem happy...
i am claustrophobic... i hate it >.<
your turn! *glomps anwita*
ELLLOO!!!! cookie minions
Myou is bored and had no idea what to do so she returned to her dorm, sat on her bed her hair sprawled about her like a halo, and listened to music...
hee hee tickling is funny