myou looked up from the ground and saw kyuuki. she smiled sweetly and waved back. "hi!"
i don't know if that is entirely possible... i mean i guess it could happen but then again everything could happen... but our world is so advanced in technology that if that ever did happen to the united states i think we would probably use what has already been discovered in other countries... i don't know probably like taking information or something like that... my logic is hard to comprehend i know that but my main point is that if the united states did fall then...( that can happen easily) they would just get back up again.... probably not as good as before but i still think they would be one of the stongest countries in the world... if that makes sense...
that sounds painful! T.T i hope it doesn't hurt.. D=
ooc:: okay then please don't mind my last post :sweatdrop:
hi people of the cookie world... i wonder if there even is a cookie world... *ponders whether or not a cookie world exists* would everthing be made of cookies? and would the people be gingerbread people????
ooc: i have no idea whats going on and who is with who... so im just going to put my character somewhere...okay? bic: myou walked in the rain her hood pulled over her head and her hands submerged deep within the cream colored pockets. she watched the ground while she walked humming along slightly to the song stuck in her head.
cookies are yummy *eats a cookie*.... hey you like green too? green rules!
ooc: then my person just transfered to valley park school... does that work? or do i have to stay put?
what is your favorite color and cookie??????? >> << well the first question isn't random but i think the second one is XP welll that is my oppinion me: green anycookie but if i had to choose probably chocolate chip....
i wonder.... i doubt the only thing that will pop up is the stone amethyst.... but maybe not cuz i spelled it weird.... *goes to google username*
i love pizza! and i always order pizza and anything random on the menu >3 im weird...< i just figured that out >> << im being stalked! eats some pizza
ooc: im stuck!!! how exactly am i supposed to get in the plot?! T.T bic: jess turned around suddenly at the sound of a scream and someone being digested by a heartless. "What the heck?" she said and looked at the swarm of heartless. her eyes grew wide.and those are???
i want a cookie!
aww! so cute! i like the expressions A LOT!... and i have a quick question... do the volcaloids have an anime or not and if they do whats it called... sorry for my moments weakness anyway... the body preportions on the first one are a little off not much though so its hard to tell... the colors could be improved but other than that it looks basically perfect! my favorite would probalbly be the second one awesomest XP i am entirely jealous of the ones on the left... my left... whatever left shows up on the computer screen! overall GREAT JOB ^^
shadows! they r adorable! like mini versions of neoshadows :3
*trying to stay awake* curse the effects of nyquill!
my only problems with the picture is that the hair looks a little electricuted and the proportions are off a little (like the legs). other than that i think it looks reallygood i especially like the expression! keep it up ^^
wow! *jaw drops* i love the eyes! if i had to choose i think my favorite would be the sad one
so true so true *shakes head sadly*
once again im bored... its like a habbit