... Boredom? die boredom! *stabs boredom with a spoon* WOW! i said boredom a lot :D
ooc: thankies don't know how to enter so sorry it is anything but subtle ^^" bic: Jess gazed up at the cathedral in front of her. A figure was crouching on the cross. Cocking her head, Jess walked hesitantly towards it. She felt her body begin to numb.
umm... other than my massive amounts of homework?
ooc: whoa... i missed alot... can i have an update please?
*glomp attack* ^^ yay!
I wonder where everyone is she thought looking around. Weird...
Hey! i want to glomp too! *tries to glomp you but you are too high*
awws... Did i scare you?
HI! my advice is to read the rules... they do help and most importantly... HAVE FUN!!!
*pets kitty* ello ^^
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!! i copied u >3
It is VERY pink... *cowers in corner* pink is scary... anyway... Yes the ear isn't proportioned correctly and something else I noticed was that the wrinkles near her stomach are a little off in size. Other than that it is very well done! I think its pretty! ^^
kitty! ^^ BOREDOM SUCKS!
okay :3 BIC: Jess shoved her hands in the pockets of her hoodie... she walked down the street her eyes averted to the ground. She wasn't supposed to be outside durring the day, due to her 'condition', but she couldn't help it... loving sunlight wasn't her fault. Jess sighed and looked up feeling the sun warm her face and her energy slowly begin to drain. What was the point of hiding out? She never had been able to understand that concept.
may i join? Played by: amythest Name: Jess Age: 19 Appearance: [w/ long pants on underneath the dress] Other appearance: N/A Gender: Female Race: Vampire Weapons: Hand to Hand, and a sword Powers/Abilities: all the normal abilities of a vampire and power over shadows Bio: N/A Side: Nuteral Personality: she is very playful and hyper... she prefers to be around other people and loves the moon (i wonder why) This is a weird combination for a vampire but hey, it works
hi! anyone know what we do in social groups?
silly all glomps are used here >3
old? le gasp! im old! T.T hi kitty! ^^
i agree with bareri-san it looks really good!
ha ha ha ha! your siggie makes me laugh >.<