Myou went to her dorm and laid on her bed her hands behind her head and her eyes closed in complete concentration. Her mind was wandering and she sat up unable to come up with something to do. her feet dangled over the side of her bed hovering inches over the glossy wood floor. Uncertainly she stood up and a shiver was sent down her spine as soon as her bare feet touched the cold ground. ppc: hey jap
um recap please :sweatdrop:
*eats a random cookie*
ooc: are we still at lunch? bic: myou poked her nasty excuse for a lunch and stared at it dully. why did i even get this? she wondered. Myou hated school lunches, no matter what they were. loosing intrest, she pushed it forward and sighed her head resting on the table, and her i-pod playing softly in the background creating a more depressing mood. "urg..." she whispered quickly changing the song to something more up beat so she wasn't so bored. once again she drifted off into space wondering what her next class was
ooc: i have no idea "umm... normal stuff?" she said what are we supposed to be doing in school? she wondered. tje question confused her
she shook her head but said nothing.
Myou looked at the people crowding around a slip of white paper hanging on the wall. she cocked her head and and blinked twice before changing the song on her i-pod. i wonder what they are doing she was however too lazy to go check it out
hehe one of my socks has monkeys on it and the other is rainbow... oooh! RAIN~BOW~!
well it a reuinion on the internet ^^ for probably after an hour to a day
*eats popcorn and watches the reuinion like it is a movie*
*is off being weird in my dreamland of cookie feilds*
"um sure?" the way she phrased the sentence made it sound more as if she were asking a question.
she raised an eyebrow skepticaly (sp) and then once she was aware of her expression quickly changed it back to a look of confusion. "is that why Grandpa Sezokya told me to come to this inn?" she asked herself thinking over the possibilities of why he wanted her to go to this precise innl.
bye bye *waves at Xephos* hi hi! *waves at debralizjr*
i agree with Saint... but then again im a weirdo so what the heck am i talking about? *goes off to act weird some more*
Myou let out a sigh of relief, at least he was okay and she ended up not having to do anything. She was greatful, but now the question at hand was what exactly was this organization people were talking about. this was most certainly not a normal inn. <-- she thinks its an inn :D
can you not see there is a cookie stealer loose! *shakes Xephos* we have to stop them! O_o