i have been thinking about this for a long time now when does it come to europe like sweden
cool the ds verision looks awsome :D
it is a hm fujitsu siemens was it that you woundering ?
i bought an awsome new comeputer today it have windows vista :P iam in love !!!
on this game should try to do a thing in photoshop where can i find some pics
yhea iknow it's xemnas but wich guy do you realy whanted to be the final boss in tthe game discuss i whant Axel or Marulixia
Heartless name: Weather Drone Description: it's like round ball with 3 eyes and some yellow glowing parts on it and it's flying the color is dark it has no clothes or something like that it's like a shadow Special abilitys: Thundra , Blizzard , Fira , twister , teleport Battle style: it can teleport and summon twisters so wach out and make som thunder in the skye and it's flying around very fast so you need too be quickly Attacks:it is flying around so its pretty hard to hit it use magic almost evry time pic : http://img292.imageshack.us/img292/3401/weatherdronfo0.jpg made a fast pic in paint XD
oh i forgot Bioshock it was the game of the year i guess
wow i love that film so the hell scary when the dog run into a dark room and there was some caind of monsters XD in a corner i like OMG
me with a sig and a cool avatar add my msn or something i realy need help iam so noob to make a sig XD
hmm that was a hard question .... hmmm what should i take Twilight Town sounds good :)
oh then it sounds mutch cooler thanks
mass effect , Call of duty 4 , hmm Gears off war , Halo3 , Maybe lost planet annd assasin creed i got bored of it preety fast
cutscenes in the game beacues in the other gameboy game was it only text if i can remeber it right
i can't get the link working to my sig how should it be this is the link thanks for helping me out http://img206.imageshack.us/my.php?image=iamsodaaj1.jpg
iam really sorry about that :P
hmm let me see Demyx stupif time
oh boy first thing i do is post on a wrong thread .......
oh can someone move it :/ sorry for the misstake then
i had alot of problem today to get to this site it haven't work for me today