i say riku
can someone help me with a sig ....
i think it would be on ds i dont have a psp
you know the letter q i dont have it on my Action replay C7M1-BQW3-BTC7T C191-8M74-D0R9V
i can't use Q on mine ar -_-
hmm not now i turned it off beacuse i need to go out with the dog ..... in the freezzy cold snow cansomeone help me with the M code ? for AR onlly
ehh the screen on the tv only turns black for me after that i wrote codes on my action replay AR and that after i change game i wrote the thing above the codes beacuse i dont think the m code is working nnneeeeeeeeeedddddd help me goes crasy whant to cheat
how do i know if the code works
oh thanks should try it out later
is this for action replat ar only
what is the m code then
is this europe codes
what the heck is happening it's like Will whaiting for Will but it is the same guy what is going on here
Nobodies name:nobbish Description:always use his hand and butt Special abilitys: fall on the groung and cry Battle style: hmm whatt Attacks:slowly Picture(optional):
hmm do you have a code when you can be roxas ?
your'e favorite Boss in the all games evar mine is Axel , Marulixia never meet , Xemnas , Pete thats all i guess
yes it is pretty hard too get rid of the hud and that on GOW
here is the trailer i am working on the episode 1 right now http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifnRs-5fxHo its about a guy who is running from his bad dreams ! yes a unsusal locust is trying to kill him in the dream magic power muahah not kidding hehe but i will post episode 1 soon here
yes i have
iit says that i alerady used it the cd key can it be beacuse i have it installed on anhoter computer or what i innstalled it on the new one todday and it dosent work need soo mucth help