Why like turn that system of ? if ps2 had it. I think more fans is getting mad on that.
in my opinion that's pretty stupid
but will they update it or something ?
so you can't play games like kingdom hearts 2 on it ?
it seems that it can't play ps2 games o_o is there a place somewere on the internet you can download like an addon or something help please anyway hi again long time ago i was here
Can i have a code when you are fighting Roxas Shadow but only the enemy not the place I whant Replace Donald and Goofy
i have been off for a while beacuse i got tierd on kingdom hearts but i whant to check out the forums more so hello again im on a litle bit more than before
hmm wind or fire , ice ????
a world i made upp non disney world : Wrath of darkness Locations: the dark realm , Cavern of Remembrance , the road to castle of oblivion group member : ven , Terra heartlesses: shadows , darksides , beohmote , defender , darkball , dusks boss 1nd visit : 2 darksides boss 2nd visist a guy like ansem but more powerful songs: dissapierd remix , Cavern of Remembrance , fate of the unkown ,anhoter side, Deep Anxiety Desteniy Island location : island , the city in the background, soras room , rikus house how many days : 2 Group member : alone Nobodys: Dusks , Ninjas boss : a hodded man Songs : Desteniy island . disqueting , hand in hand , face it dinsey world Fantasia film locations : mickeys appraintes group member : mickey in wizard outfit Heartless : shadows boss : the brows Time to defeate before the water comes haigher: 30 min boss 2 : a Dark wizard songs : from the film , face it agrabha location : same places from kh2 and new desert group members : ven i hope XD , aladdin heartless : bandit ,fat bandit ,the new bandit , shadow boss : that guy who controlls the dead with his hand mozarat or something hope it would be like that
can someone post Twilight thorn and sepiroth, scar and pete? . pal codes
timelessriver sora frezzes for me
plz post timelessriver sora looks awsome
can someone send timeless river sora and tron sora ????? pal
defenders and darkballs would be awsome and whyern
come and wach my fellows http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKQcyPcA0cY
do you think were able to face him ? and some dusks
hmm it dosen't work is it beacuse i have cloud and axel as group ?
can someone post castle of oblivion room and desteny island and explain the best places there they works and i whant the remove goof and donald code ^^ :D:D
oh srry but i have fixedd this now so someone can remove this :D
riku code works but it frezze in disney castle so you know that