they aren't doing too much
hello how are you
hey whats up hows it going
hey whats up how are you
Yo sup i'm gonna hit you tag
Hey hows it goin
Hi whats up hows it goin
Go nuts threaten people but not seriously and curse like heck and get banned for the pleasuring hell of it
Hmph life is cheap especially mine
your gf and ive seen your battle conversation dont believe him or it'll be your last mistake uh-oh here he comes GTG
You still didn't answer de other question
very artistickle heh they should start a renaissance online
Hmm who would that be also i see you know rhaxama and did u create that keyblade
um thanks so what are u doing
You just got kidnapped
i've commented mission complete
nothing much just hanging with my brother rhaxama
fine mission accepted
hi my name is heero