--_-- why am i not suprised he's doing something stupid
why is he fighting over you
hey hows it going
hi nice to meetcha im rhaxama's cousin
whoa nice blade
hello nice to meet you
so he was right damn why do i get caught in his mess
umm exactly whats going on
not really he said you had a plan or something i guess and i could probably help i guess but says your fun to talk to
yeah it's good he acts a little weird sometimes his self
rhaxama said i should help in the gods of kh
he said you were weird but in a cool way and very funny
great my cousin told me to talk to you
on here goes by rhaxama
umm thx my cousin told me about you
hello everyone how are you
how about the god of earth
it's ok to tell the truth he's over my house he wanted me to spy on you
well thats because i'm rhaxama's cousin he doesn't talk about me much does he