dude i think nas isn't ok
dude thats not good you should lay down and take it easy
uhhh -_- yeah sure no prob either
*giant rock vines attack you from all directions* not even close
whats the matter giving up
oh man i hope you feel better best blessings
oh no prob are you ok
hmph this is in the bag
alright *creates a fist out of earth punching you to the ground*
in the group
so ax ehat are you upto
what do you mean think so
to bad im with rhaxama following kohaku thats his name right
alright WERE OFF
why want me to fight you
looks like ax and CR both have plans
so how do we save kim
oh well how about we try to save kim
i was on my cousins page and saw
so whats project R i know it stands for rhaxama but what is it