Looks pretty good, Jack. One thing I might suggest though, try not to be overly descriptive and repetitive with words and paragraphs. I notice a lot of the same thing happening here and there. You kinda' write like you're Edgar Allen Poe, always using a lot of commas and dashes. Try to cut back on that a tad, will you bud? Thanks.
Well, what should I start with... My name is R3c0Nzi13. I sometimes go by the nickname of "Sgt. Recon", because that's what I'm best at in video games: Being sneaky. I can flip out like a ninja, and you would never know I did! Nah. I'm not THAT sneaky. Anyhow, I'm R3c0Nzi13, as I have said, and, obviously, I am new. If anybody here knows anybody by the alias of Xendane or 9th Genesis, then you'll be able to immediately link me with them. I wasn't referred here by either of them, I came off my own accord, they're just my two best friends. Both in reality and online, coincidentally. I came here for one of two reasons: 1. To see what Jason(Xendane) and Jack(9th Genesis) are up to here. I know Xen doesn't come on anymore, he ditched this place when he lost interest in Kingdom Hearts. I believe he's now addicted to Assassin's Creed... Anyhow, since Jason isn't ever on this site anymore, I can freely use his real name. He said he didn't care what I did either way, but still. And Jack gave himself away, so I can use his name as well. I'm not going to give out my name, for safety's sake, but I'm almost POSITIVE that Jack's going to come on and give it away stupidly by posting something to the effect of "You're a noob" or something like that. He ALWAYS does, and he ALWAYS will. It's just typical Jack. Woah, I'm rambling... Anyhow, hi, I'm R3c0Nzi13, blah blah blah, hope I enjoy it here, make new friends, all that fun jazz. That's gonna' be it for me. And I totally know that I gave too much information, for reference. -R3c0Nzi13. P.S.: Any questions can be asked/answered via my email, which can probably be viewed via my profile page. PMs and profile comments are accepted as well. Please note, however, that I am totally drunk and currently trying to fight Xemnas while half blind from alcohol and at the same time mumbling random stuff to myself while Jason(Xendane) laughs at me, so I will likely not be able to answer questions until after I sober up. Maybe Jason will come on and answer them for me? Xendane: Not on your life. At least say hi to your fans? Xendane: You're purposefully trying to make me laugh, aren't you?