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  1. R3c0Nzi13
    No no no, you misunderstood. You can still post replies talking about your favorite parts and what you found interesting, it's just, this wasn't meant for any critiques or compliments or anything else to make our egos go one direction or another.

    I should have explained that more, sorry.

    (Yeah, sperm missiles. Yet another reference to Starship Troopers.)
    (And if you think these guys are "interesting" now, wait till the story gets further in...)
    Post by: R3c0Nzi13, Jun 12, 2009 in forum: Archives
  2. R3c0Nzi13
    The Night
    Not even the thousand stars
    That light the deep night sky
    Could ever replace the bright light
    Of our own friendship.

    Not the sun in the day,
    Nor the moon in the eve'
    Can shine more than our smiles
    When we're together
    Under the thousand stars
    That light the deep night sky.

    The Man in the Moon looks
    Upon our friendship with curiosity.
    "This isn't real, how can it be
    That these young souls fit so perfectly
    Together as I see this night?"

    We know the answer,
    And nobody else
    Will ever find out about it,
    For it is locked away in the depths
    Of our minds,
    Access granted only to us,
    And nobody else.

    Let the dark skies cover the sun,
    Let the stars shine,
    Let the moon glow its ethereal glow,
    And more so,
    Let us be friends,
    Let us count the stars...

    Let us lose ourselves
    In each other's eyes,
    And let that first kiss
    Not be followed by sadness.

    "The Night" was written in tribute to me and my girlfriend, Katie Darren, and was written when we first met. Unlike Jason, who can find poems all over his floor, I have to actually SEARCH for mine to post them, so that's why it took so long for me to post this.
    Post by: R3c0Nzi13, Jun 12, 2009 in forum: Archives
  3. R3c0Nzi13
    Alright, Xen, I've edited chapter one for you. And, like you asked, I'm going to put it up for you, to save you the hassle of having to double-post.

    This chapter contains explicit content, such as violence, abusive behavior, gore, and foul language. You have been thoroughly warned.

    Also: Jason Haley takes part in this fictional story, and many others, because he wanted to see reader's reactions when the author's name appeared in-story. This is not a true story, but Jason is indeed a Marine Captain, for future reference.


    Well, you can probably guess this part fairly easily. They took my "corpse" and dumped it out with the trash, believing me dead, like the f*ckin' morons they are. For seven full hours, I lay there, in a heap of what I found to be mold meat loaf and sour milk, blood spilling out on a broken tray with dried pig grease on it, thinking to myself the many ways I would get revenge on that brat who shot me.

    What can I say? After years of failures in the military, this one wouldn't fly with me. I wonder what Captain Haley would have said about me? Probably something like, "You were one short of a tough guy status", being the logical f*ck he is. Just because he has a special little ability in his eye that allows him to see weak points...

    God, I would kill for that right about now. It stinks to high hell in this damn dump vessel, and I feel the need to hit a weak point in this ship, break it open, and get the hell out.

    By "dump vessel," I'm talking about T-SST 00987 Waste Transport Alpha. They're big, slow, and have a sh*t load of space. You could house a whole damn brigade of soldiers in these things. They're robot-operated, so as to save the pilots for the important stuff. Dumping cr*p on a random waste planet was about as important as slapping your boss in that monkey suit with the Tweedy Bird tie and telling his fat, balding *ss to kiss off. In other words, it was a useless task that only took away from the potential to be had by anybody forced to carry it out.

    ...Though it would be fun to b*tch-slap the boss in the Tweedy Bird tie and the monkey suit.

    Another thing about T-SST 00987s other than them being slow was that they had eight waste dumping chutes. And I just so happened to be in the chute that opened right about... hmm... now.

    With a loud groan and the hiss of hydraulics, the chute opened, slowly dumping all the trash out(including me). Trying to hold on to the edge, I was swept away as a piece of scrap metal caught my leg and dragged me down. You wouldn't believe what a drop it is from a waste vessel to the ground below. At that height, it probably should have killed me, but it didn't, considering that something(hard) cushioned my ass when I hit the ground.

    It took me a while to regain my bearings and set off again, but when I did, I shot a ferocious glare back at the piece of sh*t that dumped me here on this waste planet... I believe it's Planet Zelpha, where Captain Haley had his first experience of war(and nearly died after getting surrounded. I don't remember who it was that saved him, though, I had already ran my ass back to the pod). Either way, I don't think that enough blood was shed for this planet to be safe for people to dump their sh*t. I just know there's more of those bug freaks lurking around somewhere. Oddly enough, none of them decided to sperm-shoot that dump vessel out of the sky(Little known fact for you: Planet Zelpha's inhabitants use their sperm cells as a form of long-range reproduction and as a form of Anti-Aerial Assault battery. They shoot it out into space, where it may or may not hit some passing Fleet Armada and send everything into a chaotic mess from hell).

    Not my problem at the moment.

    I saw that there was a weapon in the mess that I was dropped in with. It looked to be a Jump Trooper's Photon Un-creator. Yeah, I know it's an incorrectly spelled name, but it apparently sounded too geeky to the big boys with the big toys(Jump Troopers) to say Photon Deconstructor or Ion Phaser or something like that. But I can see why, this thing is too god damn heavy to have a geeky name. It looks about capable to tear the living cr*p out of you, should you get hit with it, because of its two gigantic crescent blades on the front, and the Cerberus triple-barrels on top of those. You have to hold it like a minigun, because if you try to hold it like a rifle, you'd break your arms. It's hard enough for the Jump Troopers to fire its high velocity ion-charged photon laser without flying off their feet(and that, kiddies, is why they have to wear such heavy armor), and they nearly lose their forearms when they use their jump paks(another incorrect word, yes, but it doesn't matter) to cross dangerous terrain. For me? I can barely pick the damn thing up. It should be an experience indeed to fire one of these puppies.

    So, I set off, my rifle on my back(don't know why they didn't take it when they dumped me), P.U.C. in my hands(P.U.C. = Photon Un-Creator), and my sights firmly set on an odd city-shaped object in the distance. Is it possible that there's life here on (waste)planet Zelpha? In my mind, whoever lives here has to be some ex-Jump Trooper, or maybe a marooned Armada Sniper, otherwise, why the hell would they be here?


    Montgomery Brinks watched the whole thing following O'Brian's defeat by his hands.

    He saw O'Brian's body get dumped into a waste disposal vessel uncaringly by his fellow mobile infantrymen.

    He saw the vessel take off ever-so-slowly into the dark abyss of space.

    He even saw a piece of said vessel chip off and fall into the ocean below.

    This was the "ritual burial" of training zone "Typherious - X", noted by many to be the most brutal training grounds, and any survivors were walking tanks for the rest of their lives.

    Brinks was rather glad he had chosen the more... feral form... of training, out in the heavily-wooded and frozen areas of the northern St. Binah, where he was forced to, while wearing no armor and carrying no weapons, slaughter a wild beast and bring it back to his trainers to complete the initiation process. They tattooed what he had killed on his arm - a wolf head.

    Montgomery Brinks had faced down a rabid wolf about his size, twice his speed, and three times his strength, with no protection whatsoever, and no weapons to defend himself. And he had won, the only cost being an almost-fatal bite that nearly hit the carotid artery, where he would have surely died. He, himself was surprised that he managed to evade getting rabies.

    It was always difficult for him to explain how brutal the fight had been. He especially disliked having to fight any form of animal, friendly or otherwise. It went against his code of honor, and it only made one look like a fool, especially in front of trained killers who have seen worse.

    What had happened went like this: The wolf lunged, got thrown on its back, and proceeded to have its face pummeled by a wild Montgomery Brinks, wearing no shirt, pants or shoes, carrying no weapons, and showing no signs of fear... or any other emotion. Montgomery had felt its infected blood dripping down his shoulders and chest as he carried the dead beast, in a fireman's carry, all the twelve miles back to his training camp, where he proceeded to throw the corpse in the fire and let it be cremated. It was the least he could do for a beast that had suffered such a terrifying disease.

    "There," he had said, venomously, to his trainers, "I've completed your damn test. Now, train me, or I'll throw you in the fire."

    It was hard to say no to a threat like that.

    And so, Montgomery Brinks, son of former spy Jeremiah Brinks and mercenary Katarina Brinks, adopted by world's most deadly man, Terra "Brinks", who was an impostor to the Brinks family name, became a mercenary. And when he did, he swore revenge on Terra Brinks, the man who had killed his father, sister and mother so ruthlessly, and with little more than an unimpressed look on his face. Montgomery had only been ten years old on that day, when Terra "The Assassin" Brinks, former St. Binah Black Ops., walked into his family's house and shot down his sister, then proceeded to take out his father, then his mother, while little Montgomery watched in fear, hiding behind a nearby chair. He could still remember Terra's words as the gun was leveled at him next:

    "Come with me, boy. Maybe, there's something you're useful for, other than hiding like a little pathetic coward that I should just blow to sh*t now."

    Brinks shook his head. There was no time for memories. He set off, back up the worn trail that led to Typherious - X.


    End of Chapter 1.

    Fun Facts:

    1. Montgomery Brinks' initiation into Mercenary Training is almost like a Spartan's initiation into manhood, if you've ever seen "300", you'd know what I'm talking about.

    2. Jason got the idea of waste disposal planets and space crafts from that really old movie, SOLDIER.

    3. Jump Troopers are vaguely reminiscent of Zone Troopers from "Command And Conquer: Tiberium Wars".

    4. Jason enjoys using movies as reference points for important plot details or areas. Planet Zelpha is like Planet P from "Starship Troopers".

    5. Jason mentions himself in this chapter, but nobody else in his squad, save for O'Brian, is ever heard from in the entire story.

    6. Ironically, Jason was the leader of "Zodiac Squad", where he got the idea for several of his stories, comedic or otherwise.

    7. Many of Jason's stories are written about warfare because he reads WAY TOO MUCH Tom Clancy and plays too many war games. If we had doped him up on children's books and games like Boom Blox, we'd see stories about talking flowers and bumblebees wearing top hats. Aren't you glad he plays too many war games?

    8. Jason takes describing weaponry to the extreme. If he has to, he'll look up weapons and gather all the information about them before making a weapon of his own, so that he'll have a reference as to what said weapon should do. He forgot, however, to mention that the Photon Un-Creator is like a Gauss Cannon, in a sense, as it shoots one supercharged round of lasers before chambering another round in a split second.

    9. Marooned Armada Snipers come from a story I wrote where a band of former Naval snipers turn into terrorists and begin wrecking hell on all the major staging areas during a massive war, all the while hoping that the war ends soon so that their leader can just stop his craziness, because their operations were put into play to try and end the war. In this case, however, Marooned Armada Snipers refers to mutinous snipers being dropped unceremoniously on the nearest abandoned planet the Armada can find.

    10. Jason has me post chapters of his story a lot, especially when his computer crashes, as it has unfortunately done today. XD

    This story is being written for your enjoyment, and nothing more. We do not wish to receive any critiques, comments, or profile posts containing information regarding how good the story is being written. If you send us any of these, we will delete them or find somebody else to delete them.

    You have been thoroughly warned.
    Post by: R3c0Nzi13, Jun 10, 2009 in forum: Archives
  4. R3c0Nzi13
    OOC: I just got off.
    Post by: R3c0Nzi13, Jun 9, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. R3c0Nzi13
    Sireo dismounted from the edge of the boat, unaware that a young girl was slowly following him and the treasure hunter from a distance. I wonder if this guy's after the Chronicles of Chaos as well? he pondered in his mind as he swam towards the shore, watching the treasure hunter-clad-in-diving-suit do the same.
    Post by: R3c0Nzi13, Jun 9, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. R3c0Nzi13
    Pretty good, I'd say.
    Post by: R3c0Nzi13, Jun 9, 2009 in forum: Archives
  7. R3c0Nzi13
    Blissful skies and light-blue eyes...

    Jason(Xendane) started complaining that I should be posting more poems, since he wasn't a poet, and I was.

    (I'm actually a part time mechanic who works a job of Editor from his own house. My inbox has over 1000 emails of stories in it, or requests from friends to put artwork into story form)

    So, to shut him up, I decided to put up a poem of mine from... like, a year ago.

    Blissful Skies
    Blissful skies and light blue eyes,
    Something few men can despise,
    Or put on their fake disguise,
    And act as if they own the skies,
    Forgetting that we all have eyes,
    And that we see realize
    Their foolish plans, their hopeless lies,
    Their pointless, hopeless, desperate tries,
    To live a lie, a horrid lie,
    And think they can calmly sigh,
    And speak their blackened words of lies,
    And watch us all just sit and cry,
    But I will never just comply,
    Believing that they can not die,
    While they are only human too,
    So what, then, are you going to do?
    Just let them take our freedom?
    Not stand up, not see them?
    These wretched little heathens?
    Who leave us torn and beaten?
    Who let us lie,
    And slowly die,
    As if we're swine in a lowly pigsty?
    Stand up! Rebel!
    Give these fools a taste of hell!
    Show them how their kingdom fell!
    Again, once more, I say, rebel!
    Let them run, let them tell,
    Let them drink the poison from the well!

    Shall we let them take our blissful skies,
    Remove them from our eyes?

    Yeah, I don't remember what I wrote this for. It might have been in my free time, or as a request from a viewer...

    (Xendane's note: It was a request from a particularly rebellious reader who wanted to "Stick it to the man", but in a way that wouldn't get him arrested.)
    Post by: R3c0Nzi13, Jun 9, 2009 in forum: Archives
  8. R3c0Nzi13

    The Game

    Mazar Ruins:

    Sam limped through the remains of Mazar. His leg had been hit by flying shrapnel, and he was bleeding badly. He needed to find medical attention. Now.

    He had lost enough blood that it was too difficult to hold his guns. If he lost anymore, he'd be dead.

    As bad as it already was, however, Sam was confident that he'd find some form of medical attention before his life became obsolete.
    Post by: R3c0Nzi13, Jun 7, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. R3c0Nzi13
    You're writing ANOTHER story?!?!?!

    My god, you write stories as fast as you change subjects!
    Post by: R3c0Nzi13, Jun 7, 2009 in forum: Archives
  10. R3c0Nzi13
    He was playing P.U.R.E. like the junkie he is.
    Post by: R3c0Nzi13, Jun 5, 2009 in forum: Archives
  11. R3c0Nzi13

    The Game

    ... Which I shall do.

    User name: R3c0Nzi13
    Name: Sam Heatherow
    Appearance: was a doctor before the incident. The End
    Post by: R3c0Nzi13, Jun 4, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. R3c0Nzi13

    The Game

    Quick question, can we possibly use weapons from historical times? Like, say, a Maori Taiaha or Shaolin Chain Whip?
    Post by: R3c0Nzi13, Jun 3, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. R3c0Nzi13
    Yeah, it sorted itself out for YOU. I'm still all weird.

    By the way, Jase, nice poem. I bet Marina has it pinned up somewhere when you two get mad so she can look at it and immediately feel better.
    Post by: R3c0Nzi13, Jun 3, 2009 in forum: Archives
  14. R3c0Nzi13
    Back to poems, shall we?
    Post by: R3c0Nzi13, Jun 3, 2009 in forum: Archives
  15. R3c0Nzi13
    random reply

    Okay, cool, I was worried because my profile's being weird.
    Post by: R3c0Nzi13, Jun 2, 2009 in forum: Archives
  16. R3c0Nzi13

    Let's see... This should be fun.

    Name: Kira Myubuka
    Age(Human years): 16
    Gender: Female
    Race: Spirelio
    Height: 5' 4"
    Appearance:, I know she has cat ears, shut up.)
    Ability: Enhanced jumping skill
    Bio: In her brother's footsteps, Kira silently disobeyed commands to remain at home and followed Sireo on his journey. She now is hiding in the same boat Sireo is hiding on.

    (NOTE: This is not the first time I've RPed as a girl to substitue for an actual girl. I'm rather used to it.)
    Post by: R3c0Nzi13, Jun 2, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. R3c0Nzi13
    Jack, I'd better not catch you hanging around the shop, I'ma pay Heatherow to roundhouse kick you in the face, then I'ma beat you to death with a wrench.

    Post by: R3c0Nzi13, Jun 2, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. R3c0Nzi13
    I've got no issues being a girl. I play a girl in Skate 2.
    Post by: R3c0Nzi13, Jun 2, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. R3c0Nzi13
    *Suave voice* This is my lovely OC of death! *Not suave voice* ...Whatever.

    Name: Sireo Maryabasa
    Age(Human years): 18-ish
    Gender: Male
    Race: Spirelio
    Height: 6' 7"
    Ability: enhanced hearing(Noted by the ears on his head)
    Bio: Sireo was the ugly duckling of the group, not as muscular as the rest, and having cat ears on his head, but this thought was soon banished when he proved how effective his hearing could be, and that he was indeed just as strong and as fast as the rest. Sireo soon became interested in treasure hunting and went off in search of the fabled Chronicles of Chaos, not knowing who else was after it...

    (There, you happy now? I got off my butt and did something.)
    Post by: R3c0Nzi13, Jun 1, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. R3c0Nzi13
    Hey, thanks for writing Retreat for sis. I'm sure she'll enjoy it.
    Post by: R3c0Nzi13, Jun 1, 2009 in forum: Archives