ehm this is WMM.....u cant take it off T.T (if u can tell me nao D:>)
o yeah i ifrgt meh myspace :/
lol he looked everywher. total bs xD
um maybe at the button right next to forum saying "cutscene archive" u didnt really look everywhere xD
orly? i didnt know people would get mad when i steal their property. xD i didnt even know you could actually ASK people to steal. well if u ask i guess its "borrowing" in a sense =P but still i always thought taking was bad no matter what and u would never eber eber eber get it. i will maek sure ot ask in futurrz. thanks... rawr.
if theres anybody who even knows me here (which I doubt xP outcast) i would like to say..... um, bye. i wil lbe going to england actually in about 5 minutes for some soccer tryouts for the junior Manchester united team (^^) and a camp. its just "limited access" (meaning 1-2 hours a day xD) so peace....sorta.... not rly.
sorry, i feel like making my own work for my first vid. may i cheat another time maybe? xD
ah ok sorry,....wait r u lyke hazzlie? cuz if so i didnt copy urs.....I KNOW IT SEEMS LIKE I COPIED IT but i honestly havent even seen your clip xD not lyke im trying to make myself sound better, right? ;D anyways sorry. i will definetly make my own part and edit out the part that i copied (if only she didnt catch me D:< jkjk xD)
i copied a little xD i copied about lets see.... *looks at time* i copied from 0.03-0.05 but i added effects and i plan on adding more thats the only part im copying and i copied it because i didnt have time that night to do that much....i make take it out and put in my stuff i dont know...using a new compy and have to download alll the files T.T but nothing else O_O im serious but i do remember seeing one of those roxas and sora flashing things so i guess people could think i copied that.
thanks for....telling me you dont know how to do it o.o lol jk thanks xD
*random person walks in8 sorry for screwing up conversation (kekekeke >=D) but how do u put urself for adoption o.O im interested in being in teh family. xD
im making my first video and im wondering if people think its good so far...ill give a 12 second preview of it. made ith WMM (need to get new compy to use vegas) hope its good ^^ Ummmm hi? all my interests and etc. can be read on meh youtube page....too lazy to copy and paste xD i am looking for people to join me in making a production studio called Heartless Productions.....just PM me and I will give you more information.... i have already made a preview of an upcoming AMV but its like only 50 seconds.....and now that Im not interested in it anymore and pushing it aside for now, I am continuing on a project with the song We're all to Blame by Sum 41. It will be my first FULL video ever. I am using WMM for now but I already know how to use Sony Vegas...i just need to get a new computer soon because this computer cant afford installing it. i can promise you my videos MAY (and i mean may because i always say they suck and people say they deserve seizure warnings O_O) be good... my upcoming video withh definetly be good i think ^^ if u wanna be friends or whatever i dont care.... i like meating new people so its cool... MSN: Email: so....yeah. bb. :D o and if you want a little of my next upcoming video ill attach it. have fun =P