its about time someone other than me is in here xD
road to ruin is a little mini series posted by sum 41 that shows them doing REALLY stupid stuff xD
thats why u pull her cheeks xP
*places the spotlights on LC*
this is quite flagging this xD
if thats so, everyone is exactly the saem ^^
when i was bored once i watched sum 41 road to ruin episodes 1-7.....VERY FUNNY ^_^....i recommend episode 2 and 6.
summer can get boring.....mny trick is to either watch smosh or just make a gmv...
copied what i was going to say. real friends wouldnt make you do anything that stupid... but my friends call me a pussy sometimes but its a joke. we call each other names after some things <_< if this was a one time thing then it would be okay, but if it happens again in a relatively close time, then just tell them to screw themselves. theres a difference between a onetime thing and making fun of a person while doing it multiple times.
idea borrower. and plus im latino... <_<
addicts.... <_< *goes back to ps2 for 15 hours in a row* xD jkjk
Agreed. Death Note FTW maeks it even bettar x3 encontrarte con una fiesta, si si ^^
Lol i think thats going a little too far :/ I would think that would sorta be invasive saying "GIRL U R LYKE SO HOTTT", but hey, thats just me <_<
.....nothing (puts on innocent kira look) >=D
i call pulling her cheeks >:D this is an old pic of me when i was ehm 11 i think? and i stayed up the night before for a huge school "gathering" (party lyke hellz =P) so my hair is messed up xO NOTE: do NOT, i repeat, do NOT look at the dog's "curiosity" on the bottom left picture hanging on the wall. i do not know how my parents think that is a good picture to put in a smalled, cramped guest bathroom <_< viva the mexican colombian ecuadorian sorta type thingy....race. xP
hi. welcome. follow the rules. goodbye. xD
you can always use torrents and keygens u know :-D
this makes me believe even more in ghosts and spirit and stuffz.
this is a result of ******ed *******s and americans desire to become a supreme race. (whites)