"Oh, I know," Lestat chuckled happily, folding his arms over his chest and shaking back his hair. "You're on the right track now, little one; don't let those friends of yours tell you otherwise."
"Looks like one of your friends is on their way," Lestat murmured as they walked, sensing Jinx close by. "Before she gets here and disapproves of your actions, I must say I'm very proud of you for making the right decision."
"Well, come on, then," Lestat sighed happily, turning Beatrice and pushing her foward slightly into a fast walk. "You won't want to stay around here anymore, trust me."
"You could have done worse," Lestat smiled. "But I'm guessing, by your attitude, your finished for the evening, yes?"
"Aren't very secretive, are we, dear?" Lestat began happily, appearing behind Beatrice and laughing to himself when she jumped. "Come here," he muttered, and grabbed her wrist, pulling her into the shadows of the stables. "I understand wanting an audience," he added, jerking his head up at the window. "But this is not the best time to try that one out."
Lestat stretched his mind out to Beatrice, and then sighed as he stood up from the tavern girl's body. Shouldn't have left her alone, he thought to himself, and then shut his eyes, letting the world around him drift to black, reaching out to his form, almost asking him where he wanted to go on a whim. Don't move, love, he sent soothingly to Beatrice, feeling his body leave the room and drift down the outside of the tavern inside a shadow. Seems you need more help than I thought...
"Where is your room, sir?" the girl asked Lestat now. He smiled serenly as he led her up the flight of stairs. "Anywhere I want," he muttered under his breath, stopping at a random door, not hearing any noise behind it. He thought the word unlock, and the door opened easily under his hand. He led her inside, shutting the door and locking it again behind them. The girl turned, giggling, to kiss him but he grabbed her wrists, pinning them above her head on the door. She didn't seem to mind, and even tilted her head back when his lips touched the base of her throat. She tensed slightly when the tips of his teeth dug into her skin, but he held her still, whispering a small "hush" before he ripped her flesh out of his way, happily coating his mouth red with her hot blood. She pulled and fought now, thrashing against his hold, pulling her hands free of him, pounding her fists against his chest and shoulders, screaming despite his fingers over her mouth. Lestat swept her feet out from under her and knelt down on the floor, pinning her on the cold floor. Her arms were weaker now, drops of blood dripping onto the planks and her dress. Lestat let her go now, gathering the free drops onto his fingertips and licking them clean. He sat back on his knees carelessly, hunkered down next to the girl, small, gasping breaths still eminating from her pale, grey lips. "Put out the light," he whispered brightly, his dark red tongue running along his lips and teeth and the girl's eyes finally closed.
Lestat smiled inwardly at Beatrice as the tavern girl answered: "You must have a room here, sir." "Ah," Lestat chuckled, his voice low, deep, and enticing. "Of course I do. Shall we?" "I'd like to see those pockets," the girl insisted. Lestat shoved her hands away, however, and rose, his fingers tight around her corseted waist. He gave Beatrice another wink before leading the girl toward the back stairs.
OOC: yummy Bee user!!! Do something, then, Lestat encouraged, turning to the girl in his lap. "So, mon cherie," he began quietly, running his fingers along her cheek and throat. "Where do you sleep?"
Lestat caught Beatrice's eye and winked at her. Good, he sighed. It's not that difficult, dear. All you have to do is instinct; your powers will aid you in whatever you need, trust me; he probably won't feel a thing.
You're attractive, Lestat laughed at Beatrice. That's why... but the question is if you want him... it's up to you. If you say no, they're both enough for me.
Well, do you like him? Lestat began, nodding politely at the man as he sat down at their table, his face a little curious. He's obviously not a good person if he hangs out around here... do you want him? "A friend you know, mon cher?" Lestat crooned at the tavern girl now, pulling at her hair to tilt her head back and expose her neck. He bit the corner of his lip as she smiled. "Oh, yes," the girl replied. "Here all the time, working and... contributing..." Told you, Lestat added to Beatrice, and then waited for her reply, satisfied with himself.
Lestat smiled at Beatrice as the tavern girl looked her up and down. "How much does she have?" the girl asked. "She's looking for someone else," Lestat laughed. "Do you have anyone in mind?" "Hmm," the girl glanced around, and her eyes fell on a man by the bar. Wasn't he looking at you? Lestat sent to Beatrice as the tavern girl waved the man over.
"I'm interested," Lestat began to the girl as Beatrice walked over, lowering his voice and smiling when she shivered under his hands, "in what you may be doing later this evening..." "That depends what it's your pockets," the girl replied, her hand wandering down to his pant pockets. "Don't do that," Lestat snapped a little harshly, pushing her hand away. He smiled when Beatrice got to the table. "Sit, love," he said, gesturing to one of the free chairs. "I want you to meet a friend of mine," he added to the tavern girl.
Lestat looked over the girl's shoulder, winking when he caught Beatrice's eye. You see how easily they are ensnared? he began to her. They do not even know us, what we are, what we can do... come over here and I can find you a friend of your own. "Your tavern is lively, miss," Lestat crooned aloud at the girl. "I'm interested in why so many folk are drawn to this particular building..." "It's the wine," the girl laughed as trailed a finger along her throat. "And the company, of course," she added in a low voice. "Oh, I shan't disagree," Lestat smiled, running his tongue along his teeth.
It didn't take long for one of the tavern girls to wander over to Lestat's table, carrying a large empty tray to pick up all the empty glasses. "Good evening, sir," she began politely to Lestat, and he couldn't stifle his grin when she leaned low over the table, the v-neck of her dress making him want to look away like a gentleman; he did not. "The same, mon cherie," he replied smoothly. "A Frechman!" the tavern girl exclaimed, pausing as she placed the last of the empty glasses on her tray. "All the way out here!" "I travel," Lestat began, his voice sweet and soft as he reached over to touch her wrist. "Traveling the world to find... interesting places... and people." "Have you found any yet, sir?" the girl asked, intruiged by his seductive voice. "Oh," Lestat began in a small sigh, and the girl giggled when he pulled her down into his lap. He twisted her long, blonde hair in his fingers, playing with the strings at the back of her dress. "Sometimes I do..." he finished in a whisper.
"Well, I'll just have to give you a choice, won't I?" Lestat laughed as they reached the small bar. "Just keep an eye on me and stay out of trouble. I'll let you know when you can join me again." With a small wink, he yanked opened the bar door and stepped inside. The small room was full of dozens of tables, all crammed in and lining each of the walls, filled with noisy patrons. The back corner led up a staircase, where the owner must live, along with rooms that could be rented out to visitors. The right was was covererd by the car, the counter lined with dozens of people, all shouting in various degrees of volume. Lestat stepped through the mass of tables carefully, grinning at several women, letting his hair fall in his eyes. He came to a table toward the back of the room that had four chairs, two of which were occupied by two men. "Excuse me," Lestat began, gesturing at the table. "May I?" The men both scowled and laughed at him, at least a dozen empty beer mugs in front of them. "I've company coming," Lestat began, leaning on the table, his eyes flashing red as he bared his teeth. "Move along." The mens' eyes both widened as they rose quickly from their chairs, stumbling from all the alcohol in the their bodies, and rushed toward the back door. Lestat chuckled to himself and sat in the nearest chair, propping one of his feet up on the chair next to him.
Lestat smiled. "Shall we?" he asked, and started forward, draping Beatrice's hand over his forearm and walking forward. "The nearest building," he said, inclining his head to a noisy, brick edifice in front of them. "When we go in, head in your own direction. I can find some interesting... people for us. A boy or a girl?" he asked suddenly, looking down at her.
"Oh, yes," Lestat crooned happily. "The bars," he continued, pointing over her shoulder. "Those well-lit, bigger buildings there... see? All the good people are in bed by now, since the sun has gone down. There are many people in those awful places that we can find and not feel bad about. That is... if you're ready to live, to feel alive like you never have before. It's up to you, little Bee."
Do not worry, Lestat soothed, stepping up behind Beatrice. "You see that town?" he began aloud, putting his hands on her shoulders and nodding his head out where her eyes gazed. "There are plenty people there that would not be missed if you found them tonight."