Stay calm, little one, Lestat soothed to Beatrice lightly, his feet barely touching the ground now as he flotaed easily through the forest. The light of the sun was just over the treeline now, the dark, amber glow reflecting off his bronze hair. Let the mortals do what they must; you'll be better once I see you tonight, I promise.
Good Lord, Edward, you want my attention a lot! Lestat laughed when he heard the werewolf. She'll be fine, don't worry! Even if those two weren't helping her the vampire venom in her body would regect the bullets and push them out without the help of a blade. My children are much stronger than you think, trust me. And don't bother yourself with thoughts about John. I'll have him soon enough.
Get up, little Bee, Lestat murmured slowly, pushing a treebranch out of his way that drifted into his face as he floated along. Get up so your friends can help you... show them your strength.
I made her unconscious, Lestat replied smoothly. She is getting better thanks to my persuasion. You just focus on John.
Lestat walked slowly, not paying too much attention to Edward's or John's mind. He let his feet drift slowly off the ground, the polished tips of his boots just brushing the grass that was lit by the afternoon sun. He reached out carefully to Beatrice, feeling her pain despite her lack of consciousness. Little one, he began quietly. You can get better quickly, even without scars, if you focus on what I've given you. The blood in your body; the human blood of that man from last night... use it to your advantage. With some distance, of course, you still have the blood of the Mother inside your veins. Do you feel it? Focus just a little... and it will take affect. If you are not up by nightfall, I will come to you. That should be enough... incentive... for revival, yes?
OOC: i rock at getting the good posts.
Lestat flinched on the edge of the town, clenching his hands into fists. He could feel Beatrice's pain and reached out to her mind softly, touching it light enough with a warm, soft tone. Rest, my little Bee, he whispered. Let the dark take you... you are in good hands... He sighed to himself, running a hand through his hair as small bits of anger began to pelt his mind. That hunter is going to die if I ever decide to waste an ounce of my energy on his damned soul... I'll make sure of that.
Taking care of it, my friend, Lestat muttered absentmindedly at Edward, and then shut him out once more.
OOC: yummytime!!! wait... damn... she got it... im gonna go cry now...:crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:
Lestat walked slowly on the edge of the town, remembering a dull, painful conversation he had with Louis. Have you suffered in my absence? he had asked when he returned to the house. It was pure hell, Louis had answered dramatically, his blinding green eyes brimming with sad tears. Each risk you take hurts me. But that is my concern and fault... Why do you love me? Lestat had prompted immediately, a random but necesarry question he always wanted to ask. You know, Louis had replied with a depressed smile. You've always known. I wish I could be you. I wish I could know the joy you know all the time. And that pain, you want that as well? Lestat had snapped back, slamming his fist on a table angrily. Your pain? Certainly. I'll take your brand of pain anytime, as they say... God, Louis' awful repsonses! The things he said. You smug, cynical lying b.astard! Lestat and cried back, stalking from the room to take out his fustration on some waterfront whore. He sighed to himself now, crossing his arms across his chest under his cloak as he walked.
"I shall see you later this evening," Lestat replied with an unnecessarily low bow, and turned to leave.
"It won't matter what your plans are by the end of the night," Lestat muttered under his breath. "Sounds wonderful," he continued a little louder. "I will be there... in the meantime, I think I'm still hungry... despite just finding some interesting people in that town." He laughed to himself. "I need some... sport."
"Oh, I know!" Lestat cackled, shaking back his blonde hair and grinning widely. "May I ask what your ideas are for the moonlit hours?"
"Ah," Lestat murmured, grinning and catching John's eye. "It sounds as if someone has their own agenda for the evening hours. Am I right?"
"Oh, it can't be that hard," Lestat chuckled. "But tonight... things will change, trust me."
"Just curious where you were," Lestat shrugged with a small smile. "If you were still following your girl, letting her lie in bed with other men... the usual."
"Ah, looking better, I see," Lestat smiled, mocking a small bow at John and gazing at his healed injuries. "Like I said, though," he continued in answer to the other vampire's question, "we must wait till the sun goes down to talk in any detail."
All the same, Lestat shrugged in reply. You won't want to miss this, my friend... trust me.
I told you that it would be important and you'll be intrigued, Lestat laughed at John. Doesn't that make you the least bit interested in speaking with me? OOC: WHO WANTS TO SEE MAH SEXINESS??
OOC: im such a sexy beast i get 1800... wow im hot. BIC: Oh, John, Lestat began randomly, bored now. If you're near, I've something of great importance and intrigue I wish to speak with you about once the damned sun goes down again. You know where to find me, I trust, yes?